I walk to the area that Pakun will most-likly return to after he returned from the task he was assigned. "He won't be back until tomorrow morning at the very least." Kakashi says behind me, making me turn around. "I know that, I was just hoping that I could send a shadow clone to the village, or to meet him half way so he won't have to run all the way back here." I say, already building up chakra. "I don't think that's a good idea." he says. "we have a spy" he whispers in my ear as I pull out a kunai knife. "I know that" I whisper back, then I throw my kunai at our little guest and pick her up.
"ALORA! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I yell, furious she was spying on us. "now now Jordan, Don't need to be so rough" Kakashi says, pulling me away from Alora with difficulty." LET ME AT HER! LET ME AT HER!" I scream, dragging Kakashi as I approach Alora. "P-please don't hurt me! I was j-just coming to ask you w-what we were going to eat f-for lunch!" Alora squeeked, obviously afraid of me, now knowing my true strength. I calm down. "Oh! well I was planning on cooking all of us some bananas and maybe covering it with these chocolate bars I brought with me. good thing I brought 10 of these huh?" I ask, holding out 10 king sized hershey's milk chocolate bars. She starts drooling at the sight of chocolate. "But don't tell the others. tell them then I will only cook bananas." smiling evilly, I tell her to go collect some more flat rocks from the riverbank. "You ok Kakashi?" I ask him while I help him up off the ground. "Yes, except for the fact that you dragged me across the floor which was covered by mostly rock!" he responded, dusting himself off.
We walk back to the campsite and see that al the kids are huddled around the medical tent!"I better go check out what the prob. is," I tell Kakashi before running to the medical tent. I walk in and see that Alora was laying on the bed covered in deep cuts and bruises! "What happened?" I say louder then I intended."Alora got attacked by a bear while collecting rock-plates!" Tavita says, frantic. "EVERYONE OUT! NOW! KAKASHI! GET IN HERE AND BRING YOUR WEAPON POUCH!" I yell, shooing everyone out of the tent, even Crystal. "Oh my! I think you will need this" Kakashi says when he walks in the tent. He takes out a bottle of pills and takes one out, giving it to me. "Thanks," I say before swallowing it. the pills is a food pill which increases my chakra level. I perform medical ninjutsu on Alora's worst wounds first, then heal her bruises. "Her left arm is fractured,and it looks like she might have a concution. I will need her watched at all times." I observe.
"Tavita! Joey! Amanda! Come in here!" I call. After they come in, I say, she needs to be watched and observed around the clock. Tavita, you will start now. Right now it is 9 am, so at 1 pm you will switch with Joey. don't worry I'll bring you lunch. Joey, you're shift will start at 1 pm, and end at 5 pm. u will switch with Amanda. Amanda, you're shift starts at 5 pm, ends at 9 pm. I will start at 9:15 after the night meeting and have Crystal watch her the 15 minutes. I will end my shift at 1 am and have Kakashi watch her until breakfast at 6 am. then we will start the actual shift times. ok? "Yes Jordan." They reply. Okay, Tavita, your shift starts now. have fun!" I say as Amanda, Joey, Kakashi and I walk out of the tent.
"She's fine, just needs to rest a bit. no visitors yet.sorry. that is all," I say, walking over to the nearest fireplace and I start cooking the bananas. I see that everyone is watching me and I realize they don't have anything to do.
"Group B: boys go and collect the rock-pates from the riverbed. Groups A, B, and C: girls go and collect the extra bowls and get some grapes. The grapes are growing right over there." I say to them, pointing at the grape vines growing against some trees. " Group A:boys, I want you to go and get more water. I am sending the boys because I don't want to risk another person getting hurt like Alora did." I tell them, noticing the faces of the boys that need to go to the river.
To be continued, YES AGAIN!