SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! I forgot to finish it yesterday and I forgot about it today until just now! where was i? Oh yeah!
The populars went silent."Fine, you can little miss hero for now. but if the teachers ask WE were the ones that saved her. You got that?" They say, threatening me with rocks to throw at me. "Fine, whatever. You could be FAMOUS for what you did for all i care! Just don't get me angry. My friend Ruby, who sadly couldn't make it here, told me a lot of different ways to kill someone with just fruit." I say, looking at some bananas thoughtfully.
We walk on, me carrying Crystal because I couldn't find the right materials to make a cast. After a while it became dark, and I stop.(btw i was walking in the front of the group) "We will make camp here. Boys, I want you to divide into 2 groups. one will collect fire wood, the other will help me make shelters." I say firmly, as if I was a teacher. "Girls, since there are more of you, split into 3 groups, one will go with the boys to help with the wood. the 2nd will collect water. just don't drink it because it isn't filtered. the remaining group will go collect food. Know meat because it could attract some... unwanted visitors." I nearly shout as the groups form and go do there chosen tasks. I look at Crystal and say" Do you need anything?" She looks at me and smiles"No, but you make a great leader." I grab a short branch and rip part of my shirt off. then I slowly straighten Crystal's leg and put the branch under it. then I wrap the scrap cloth and tie it firmly around her leg. "There, you should be able to hobble in a few days" I say, dusting my hands off.
The groups that went to get the fire wood came back. "Good. I want Joey to watch Crystal while I go get some vines." I say, taking out a pocket knife I had in my pocket. I walk a few feet into the forest and chop a bunch of vines down.
I carry them back and see that the other groups returned. "OKAY PEOPLE LISTEN UP!" I yell over the panic that suddenly rose over the group. They look at me and point. I follow where they are pointing and see a person staring at me. I realize with a shock that it's Kakashi! "Kakashi?! How, what, huh?!" I say, thinking this is just some trick. "Jordan, I thought I sensed you!" He says, running at me and hugging me. "Kakashi! how did you get here? aren't you on a mission?" I ask, still confused. I was just returning! Are you hurt? Why don't I see any adult here? and why is your shirt torn?" He asks, pain in his eyes.
After an explanation, he summons pakun and rights a letter. "PAKUN! good to see you again! I think Kakashi wants you to take that note to the Hokage." I say after hugging him. "good to see you too. Well I better get a move on then!" Pakun says while running.
After the shelters are made, one for each group and two others; one is the leader's quarters where me and Kakashi stay because Kakashi is more experienced at this stuff then I am, and the medical tent where I put Crystal in. I then had my friends come to the last fire that was still burning.
"Okay people, I chose you to be my special helpers. If I am gone to do something then I want you to be in charge. Luckily I brought a book that can help us while we are stuck here. It has all the plants you can and CAN'T eat, how to make stuff like tents and beds with the things around you, and a recipes to cook the provided food properly." I say, looking at my friends; Naomi, Zoey, Cayla, Bailey, Kyle, a sorta friend Darius who I liked kicking hello with Ruby during recess, and Crystal, who I helped out of the medical tent. "Why do we stay here? why not continue on the trail toward the village?" Naomi says. "Crystal is injured and can hardly walk by herself right now. once she heals more then we will move on." I reply simply.
TO BE CONTINUED (again -.-)