OMG i just had the weirdest dream last night! I was dreaming that I was in 6th grade again and there was a flood! then 2 seconds later the flood is gone and we are going on a hiking trip to a village in a different country! I blink and we are already at the hiking path, and my eyesight is horrible! my left eye is blurry and makes things look all glowy and my right eye is half ok half not. My friend Crystal is next to me and we start talking. She said "You slept the entire plane flight here and wouldn't wake up, so we carried you to the path which is where you woke up". We start walking on the path. A while later Crystal trips and I fall beside her, and Crystal is near tears! Her glasses broke(She wears glasses) and her right leg was bent in a way that made me want to puke. I helped her up and called out to a teacher. "The teachers ABANDONED US!" I yelled, after I called 3 more times. The other students panicked, but then my eye sight cleared and i took control. "Okay people, in situations like this we must stay calm," I say suthingly. "We will continue on the path toward the village and hope that the teachers are there or just fell behind." "What made YOU leader?" Alora, a popular says, " I think we should be leader" she said, looking at the other populars, Alana, Amanda, and the others. "Why? so we can die? do you know any survival technics? do you know how to take care of people when they get hurt?" I point out. TO BE CONTINUED LATER.