The good: She said yes, I now have a girl friend that I absolutly can't get enough of. I think about her all the time and I love every little thing about her. Heck, I get butterflys in my stomach when I get a text because I think it may be her. I feel soooo lucky to have her as my girl friend.
The bad: turns out my mom is racist. She doesn't want me to date her because my mom can't seem to dig deeper than the skin. I'm outraged by this. I have always been taught, by her, that what matters is on the inside. I live by that rule and I found someone I like ALOT. She can't get over the fact she's mixed with black, thus I'm not to date her. haha, ya right like that's going to happen.
The ugly: Talked to my girls best friend today cause my girl is out of town. turns out my girls might be cheating on me. The best friend is also my friend and thus doesn't want to see me hurt. She tells me that my girls has had a rep for being very **** around other guys. I learned that she may have been sexting another guy when we were still going out. I like my girl alot, but I'm not going to be a second hand man... I'm so confused as to what to do. It's time to talk, to alot of different people. Wow I hope things work out.