Firefox only, sadly. Could do it with other browsers, but I'm not in the mood, frankly*/
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-----------------------------------------------------Hi! Name's Myduyen. What's yours? heart Ah! And you may StealThisCode wink
For general things about me, I guess there's a few things to be said.
On Gaia, I am a minishopper, and am mostly on here to speak to friends (and play zOMG sometimes).Here is a link to my toybox, for those intrigued c: (all in a guild, the journal entry got too long.) Real-life wise, I'm a film amateur in high school as we speak. Also, I am a wannabe art whore. If you'd like to make artsu for me for free (and I'll create a complete customized profile for you, your choice of Old School/v2 and all) click this link.
And for ways to contact me aside from Gaia:
AIM: Lord Sundae or HarukoHaruhara19
Revamprevamprevamp here. Look and enjoy so far. Still alot in progress. Not easy to condense info.
- • More days over at my boyfriend's house heart
• Get to college eventually. Choices based on my SAT scores and traits (such as my love for film) are here
• Live a pretty-darn good successful life, despite the s**t my family's going through as of now, family court and all.
• Get more hairsticks over the summer
• Buy more cute jewelries in general
• One day dye my hair Yoko Littner/Ritona dark-red
• And arts please of any of the avatars shown here ;P