Cooking skill
I love cooking, its an amazing hobby, i love to do it. You either get to inprove, learn from a mistake, or make something new. Since its summer Star and I have been cooking non-stop, i actually learned how to make amazing pancakes, they used to look really crappy ><". But they taste not only better but look hellz of a lot better. Star learned how to remake her omlete took lots of eggs and tons of throwing away but she got it, and it was delicious. But hey i got it on my first try, beat that xD lol jk, but i did get it on my first try, I'm proud of myself. Let's see, oh we've been making pastries, star actually made some peanut-butter cookies yesterday with some friends, confused i dont like peanut-butter cookies never appealed to me. Lol i want to make food all day tomorrow! i cant wait.....hmmm effert...maybe later.