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- I am Swell Sundae, but...
My real name is Myduyen Dang, and I am a swell minishopper. And lover. And friend. c:
(Note, this profile is Firefox only mostly, but might be slightly alright in other browsers. Also, it has HIDDEN SCROLLS. So now you know, the more you know/failure of pun joke thingy. I'm not a very comical person T_T)
One day I know ]will be a film producer/director/editor/camera operator and co-owner of a 'split-bakery' called The AM/PM Bakery. The AM being me and my friend's first name initials, the second being the 'Pretty Men'. :B
As for who I am, talk and you shall know idea that is the best approach. Or read this list right here:
- I like alot of things. Friends' would be surprised what exactly.
- I look extremely bad on camera, so no signs for anyone.
- etc etc etc
And, for ways to contact me aside from Gaia:
MSN: illogicaltheory@live.com
AIM: Lord Sundae or HarukoHaruhara19
tokbox: http://www.tokbox.com/MaLiDee
And you can look up my facebook and myspace if necessary. c;Jitaroo; Heather Fluffy, sometimes I want to eat you. 8D
akioni jae; you're one of my greatest friends and inspirations. <3
Sweet Jaie; Jenn, I wish I could draw and make pretty profiles like you too xD
`Devon; Tabrik, you. has. awesome. skills. 8)
Brink Kale; Cid! Your name! It is el awesome! 8U
cezix; my favorite coffee addict. ;P
The Darkened One II; you'll always be number one (#1). Not two.
radiocarbon; Trish, you es terrific C:
brightContinuum; Giovanii, working the scenes and lines. ;U
TextBomb; Aaron, you're amazing ;)
Ninja Momma; lovely as always.
miimic; lol.
Miilkchuu; Kawaii-ly cute in her own way. whee
About the profile (and why)
Some friends and nenemies might think I've left Gaia and given up on the profiling ordeal, but there's more to it than that. I still have alot of ideas, and I've figured out my problem- I can only have one profile at a time. And as much as I love making a new profile, there's always the ehhh feeling to it, which is why I rarely make any new ones. But enough about that for now.
In real life I had my twin Marti-Hiiku make me a necklace and matching bracelet based on the colors of hanami dango, and from there half-assed making a dango of some sort to match up the colors inspired for the profile and a focal point. That and a needed change from bears was in order, and I began to finally think smaller was better via a friend named akioni jae. <3 I've noticed that each and every one of my 'profiling now-true to the blue friends' have each left their mark on me and where I should go when it comes to design. From them and certain artists and collaborations around the world like TADO, meomi, and bukubuku, I've grown to want simple over large and complicatedly stuffs. Of course I still love complicated stuffs, but as much as I do I know it has to be controlled to an edge, so I don't wow too much and make myself into a boring yawn. =0
Later I'll post pics of the necklace and bracelet I had my twin make me that inspired this profile in the first place. And who knows, I might also make an updated profile pic to put up as well to match! Here are the pics now! :0! The first image is the color inspiration, the second is the thought of food from this tiny small but cute tomiko eraser of shrimp tempura, and the third is the thought of love, thus adding the song HONEY♂PUNCH by Riyu Kosaka to give it abit of an upbeat small but loud flavor.
Oh, and Jitaroo also helped in the decision on making this profile or not. I need to work on light sources when it comes to art still, but I'm trying xDDDSong: HONEY♂PUNCH
By: Riyu Kosaka