Contest Entries 46 through to 60

The conversation:
Charles: Well hello there Ivan old chap, care for a spot of tea?
Ivan: No, no thank you, just checking in.
Charles: Very well sir.
Ivan: You’re looking very well.
Charles: Very kind of you to notice! See, I use a tonic of …*starts spouting nonsense about toiletries*
(5 minutes later)
Ivan: Say… there are an awful lot of books in here.
Charles: Yes, indeed, I enjoy expanding my knowledge you see, with fine imported texts…
Ivan: mmmhmmm *writes a few things down*
(10 minutes later)
Charles: *continues talking* fine tea…exotic….deoxyribonucleic acid…..intellectual…aesthetics…
Ivan: Look, let’s cut to the chase. Tell me, when’s the last time you paid your taxes?
Charles: *coughs*
Ivan: …
(another 5 minutes later)
Charles: Care for a spot of tea? You see, this tea….
Ivan:… (to self) “I should not have come to work today…”
(30 minutes later)
Charles: *still talking* even though Ivan left 30 minutes ago
Wikipedia = A dandy[1] (also known as a beau, or gallant[2]) is a man who places particular importance upon physical appearance, refined language, and leisurely hobbies, pursued with the appearance of nonchalance in a cult of Self.[3] Historically, especially in late 18th- and early 19th-century Britain, a dandy, who was self-made, often strove to imitate an aristocratic style of life despite coming from a middle-class background.
Entry Forty Eight: SZ-4
Entry Fifty One: Jayce Reinhardt (third entry)
Entry Fifty Nine: Kuchis Wizardly Business

Entry Sixty: AsterKurayami

The conversation:
Charles: Well hello there Ivan old chap, care for a spot of tea?
Ivan: No, no thank you, just checking in.
Charles: Very well sir.
Ivan: You’re looking very well.
Charles: Very kind of you to notice! See, I use a tonic of …*starts spouting nonsense about toiletries*
(5 minutes later)
Ivan: Say… there are an awful lot of books in here.
Charles: Yes, indeed, I enjoy expanding my knowledge you see, with fine imported texts…
Ivan: mmmhmmm *writes a few things down*
(10 minutes later)
Charles: *continues talking* fine tea…exotic….deoxyribonucleic acid…..intellectual…aesthetics…
Ivan: Look, let’s cut to the chase. Tell me, when’s the last time you paid your taxes?
Charles: *coughs*
Ivan: …
(another 5 minutes later)
Charles: Care for a spot of tea? You see, this tea….
Ivan:… (to self) “I should not have come to work today…”
(30 minutes later)
Charles: *still talking* even though Ivan left 30 minutes ago
Wikipedia = A dandy[1] (also known as a beau, or gallant[2]) is a man who places particular importance upon physical appearance, refined language, and leisurely hobbies, pursued with the appearance of nonchalance in a cult of Self.[3] Historically, especially in late 18th- and early 19th-century Britain, a dandy, who was self-made, often strove to imitate an aristocratic style of life despite coming from a middle-class background.