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View User's Journal

my journal
the cronicles of zen
Chapter: one

“The warrior griped the hilt of his sword harder until the tips of his knuckles turned to a bright white. He could feel another wave of pain sweep over his head where he been hit only moments before. Just one more moment and he knew that he had one. The one he was to forced to kill by the goblins lay before him on the ground. It had been three days since they had let him eat. Now he had earned his next meal.
The man who been sprawled out in front of the warrior had just been his cellmate for the last week. Now it is time for him to be laid to rest permanently.”
An elderly man finished speaking to the crowd around him and took a deep breath. Most of the kids in the group let out another moan, as they were lead home for the night. No more than a few stragglers stuck around to help clean up what was left of the bazaar that the merchants brought with them. The only thing that stuck out in the group was a young scrappy looking boy and his father. The boy was short with dirty golden hair and dark brown eyes. He looked up at his ageing father who was about to send him off to be an apprentice to a merchant within the group. This would be the last time the boy would see his father alive, for tomorrow he would be shipped off to start his life as the traveling merchant with the bazaar.
The salt in the air was heavy as the boat crashed through another wave. It had just been a storm recently so all of the men on the boat had still been working and cleaning up. That particular scruffy boy who had much time training wiped the sweat on his forehead and looked up at the bright orange sun high above them in the air. Then he gave another heave in an attempt to tie the rope down to a metal hook on the boat. A white cloth blows gently in the wind as the clouds skitter across the bright blue sky. “Land Ho!” A sailor yelled breaking out over the crashing of small waves against the hull of the ship. All the men upon this ship turned to look in the direction that the man pointed at the mixture of green and brown that peaked out at them from over in the distance. This snapped me out of the daydream of my past; it had been almost fifteen years since that young boy had been home. Fifteen long years ago, I had left my family and traveled with this band of merchants training to become one myself. During that time I, the scrappy young kid with blonde hair and sad eyes had learned much, perhaps even a way to save my own family farm and make sure that we would never go hungry again.
Among with five other men, I began working hard to get the ship into the harbor. Several other boats of different assortments were already there and many sailors doing several different tasks at once. It would take another two hours for the men to get their chores done completed before I was allowed to go were we pleased or more precisely, to go to the farm where I had once lived.
I traveled down several cobbled stone streets until I arrived at a small brick shack that I believed to be my old home. I took one more deep breath before knocking on the door. A small click and screech a young female opened the wooden door and looked up at the traveling merchant who stood there.
“Can I help you?” She spoke in a small voice.
“Yes,” I spoke with as much confidence as I could manage “I am looking for your Father. Is he home?”
She gave a slight nod then turned to a darkened room and spoke in a squeak “Pa- pa a man is here to see you. I think he is here to sell us something.” I heard what was believed to be a crunch from a wooden rocking chair and a bang against a wall. A few seconds later revealed an old-fashioned looking man walking over to the door where I waited.
“Can I help you young man?” He spoke with an elderly croak.
It was not the person I had been looking for. “I’m sorry I was looking for my father. Mr. Fiden?”
A knot tied up in my stomach and the breath of my lungs escaped me as I prepared myself for the worst. The older man looked sorrowfully at me as he seemly stared past me into the deep blue sky. We stood in silence as I studied the wrinkles in his face; it had been clear by the scars and aging lines that the elderly man that stood before me had seen much in his life and dealt with many hardships. “I am sorry young man. My family and I have lived here for ten years. I believe that the family that had lived here before us had passed away. They could not get the crops to grow and lost most of their livestock during the fire that plagued the town years back. Both neither man nor woman could have survived and passed away by starvation, I believe.” The Old man looked emotionally distressed for me but it was not clear weather I had fully understood what he had said about I family. I just nodded his head and looked away in disbelief. It was inconceivable. The strongest man I have ever known had just given up while I was gone. I believed that my dad of all people would not let anyone down including me.
“Thank you.” Was all that was said. I turned and left the property for the last time. I could not stay anymore I had to just leave the area. I moved away from the farm and headed towards the edge of the town.
That nightfall I thought it was best to rent a room over at the town’s inn. It was a small cozy room with a bed in the corner and fresh red tinted sheets. I came into the dimly candle lit room and sat down on the bed. I then proceeded to pull out random items from my pack that I had been carrying on my hip that day until I came to a small leather bound book. I flipped in a few pages until I ascended on the next blank page. Quickly scribbling I begin writing down my thoughts in the journal. It was just a small leather bound book given to me on the day of my journey away from home. Every evening I would write what my thoughts of the day were. I had plenty to write about after what transpired during the last twenty-four hours.
“Today I have finally returned to my village, upon returning to my old farm land I seen that my parents have passed. Who knows what had happened to my one sibling…” There was a loud crack outside the door and I took a quick glance up from my book. Probably just a drunkard at the wrong room. I thought to myself as the rasping continued on the door. I closed my book quickly because I did not have much of a feeling to be writing in it anyway. I stood to my feet as the wooden door was knocked in by a very large creature. A freakishly large dark skinned monster almost as if the skin was green but charred black wrapped in a dark blood stained metal stepped into the room with huge bowlegs, and only came in with a grunt. I attempted to study the creature, fascinated with its burnt spotted skin, flat nose, wide mouth, and devil like pointed ears. It reminded me of the stories my father would tell me of the Elves who betrayed their own race and mutated over many years in the forest just a few miles to the north of this town. The other elves called them “urks” or dead vines. I thought they were just that, stories.
In a crackling voice, the orc looked down at me “I’ve got another one.” His bottom teeth clattered together like tusks as it turned around to another just as muscular orc who was entering the room behind him.
Before I could react to the situation, a backcloth was thrown over me and I could feel a rope tighten around me. The two green-skinned creatures let out a monstrous laugh as I was dragged out of the room sadistically.
I was loosing breath quickly by the rotten smelling cloth and the bloody rope that has constricted me down. As much as I tried to struggle, I could not break free from my bonds. After what seemed to be an eternity of minutes, I lost consonance from the lack of air and drifted into an unmerciful sleep.
During that time, I flashed back to when I was younger, a simple time for me, working on the ship as a merchant. At the age of thirteen, I had been schooled in the way of mercantile until I had enough knowledge to operate on my own terms. I stayed with my master who taught me many secrets in life. Through this man, I became who I am today and for that grateful.
I was woken up by a smell of dampness and realized that I had been tied down to a wooden post with my arms pinned down behind me. The sun had set over the horizon and stars began to settle over the night sky. My head throbbed badly as I attempted to move it from side to side. I made my eyes slowly adjust to the dim lighting, and then I could tell that he had been moved to an area away from the village. Where, I was not certain. All I could see around me was what looked like a wooden cabin. Much life was tied down around me all attempting to get rest and only a few breathed heavily from beatings they received. Every one was dirty and worn ragged.
A haggard cough made me look to my right side where I could see a large muscled man getting up into a sitting position. He hackled a few more times into his dark skinned hand then looked up in my direction. “Your new here aren’t you?” He said in a rough but proud voice.
“I guess so, but where are we?” I attempted to say. I tried to struggle free from my ropes but with no success. Therefore, I decided to bring my attention back to the man who was now standing right at my feet.
All he had crossed his body was a worn down leather drape. “We are slaves to one who calls himself Lord Dofo. He makes us stay here and work in his tunnels until we die. The Orcs here are his minions controlled by some magic and they make sure of that.” The man turned away from me and started coughing roughly again. When he finished he looked at me with tired eyes “My name is Bruno, What’s yours son?”
“Haru” I wheezed through the ropes.
“Well attempt to get some sleep Haru, Tomorrow you have to start your work. It won’t be easy and it won’t be fun.” There was no hint of fear in Bruno’s voice just pride.
When morning came, I was chained by the feet and hands to at least a hundred people. Bruno was right; I had not worked so hard before in my life. From mining my muscles and attitude grew. I kept close to Bruno for some reason the two of us took care of each other like brothers. I understood that we were not really that of the same blood but without the presence of Bruno, I might have given up and died along time ago. It soon became that I had forgotten what it was like out in the sunlight and wind in my dirty hair. During the many months of slavery, every man who had tried to fight the Orcs have failed and met their demise.
During another day of heavy labor a riot broke out that I had not actually expected an older man to the right of me fell to his knees, a whip cracked through the air and ripped through the flesh of the man. The green creature laughed in an evil crackle as he lifted his wrist and brought the whip down upon the old man. Bruno could not understand why I stepped in front of the whip as it lashed out again for the tenth time. The orc did not stop his onslaught instead turning his attention to me. The night came slowly for me and the wounds I endured for that man had crossed my body would become scars that I will never forget.
I received many more whippings since that day. At the end of each day I would get back to the rest area with new slices a crossed my broken body. It was believed to be the rise of the sun on the third day when I could not take this wrongful punishment anymore by the brutish creatures. Bruno and I set out a plan to make an escape from here once and for all. One mistake meant death but it was something both of us would risk seeing our freedom once more. We planed secretly among the men in the chain devising a way to free us all.
Three days pass before we had the tools and the proper manpower needed to break free from this wrenched tomb.
“You ready?” Bruno said to his younger companion.
“Let’s do it.” I spoke with little confidence. I moved my shoulder to rub the irritated skin on my back from the many whippings that had received for being lazy. That rekindled my reason to get out of this hole.
An orc passed by Bruno and kept walking around the corner. When the malevolent jailer was out of sight both Bruno and I acted by snapping our chains using our picks. The loud clank of metal on metal echoed around the bend and brought the green monster to attention and it turned to face us, the two escapees. The Orc let out a horrible roar of a yell and charged right to Bruno who was closer to its location. A quick heave over the shoulder brought the huge monster to its knees then the pike busted its head from the slave. Both people turned to each other and nodded then proceeded to free the other slaves.
I could not exactly remember what had happened next. The riot was unbelievable both man and orc fighting and killing each other. It was not as planed liked this and now the men were paying for it. After several minutes in the fray, I managed to escape out the mouth of the dreaded cave followed by Bruno. Then a blood-curdling scream brought me back to my senses.
I turned around to see where it came from to discover a shimmering blade piercing through Bruno. Behind my slain friend stood an orc roaring in both frustration and joy of the hunt. Every thing seemed to be moving in slow motion for me. I remember the bloody blade sliding out of Bruno chest and being pointed directly at me. I drawing my own sword and charging recklessly towards the monster. The Red liquid was thrown into the air as I brought down the orc with repeated blows from my pick.
“Haru, my friend, come here.” Bruno coughed violently. Blood started flowing on the ground around him.
I rushed over to Bruno. “No, No you cannot be dieing.”
“Haru. I took care of you like a younger brother. But now,” Bruno wheezed, “you have to take care of yourself…” Bruno could not talk anymore as his sprit had left his body.
During that fateful day, many good men lost their lives in the mine. I gradually walked up a lush green field and stopped at the row of graves. I had been searching looking for a few people in particular. First, I found where Bruno had been laid to rest. I would miss my dear friend but this was not the only stop in this solemn graveyard. I dwelled on the memories that we had endured together then bent down and placed some flowers. I then stood to my feet and turned to find some more names. I only had to wobble a few feet before I reached my objective. “Here” I spoke softly under my breath, “mother, and father.” I then repeated my gesture again toward the parents because I could not find the right words to say. Tears ran down the side of my face when I finally gained my composure I managed to get back up to my feet again. “I must go now. I cannot stay here.” I spoke to the grave before me.

Chapter: two

Later into the next day, I gathered myself to leave the town by sea. I accepted a job as a sailor on the ship named Tailwind, where I would work on the ship to trade merchandise overseas. The sun rose higher into the morning sky that made the morning dew on the grass shimmer as I continued down the street. I was still upset from the loss of the discovery of my family and best friend. I attempted to hold my head high as possible and glanced around at the cobbled streets before me. Being a merchant is what my father had sent me away to do so it seemed like an appropriate thing to do for me even though what has happened to me in the pits under those wrenched creatures, the Orcs. I turned around to face the small town one last time and adjusted the pack around my shoulder. With the last glance at hand, I went aboard the wooden ship.
It was a beautiful boat, Ship; I had learned the hard way never tell the captain that. The faded white sail stretched high into the sky reaching towards the far off heavens. Many people worked on the ship either bringing supplies for the voyage aboard or making sure that it was safe enough to set sail. All of them looked like they came from all over the planet but each of them wore the same plain uniform. As I placed my feet on board, I was greeted by the captain of the ship and was immediately put to work.
Several days pass out at sea and my feeling toward my homeland does not change. I try my best to continue to work but memories of my loved ones continue to haunt me, even to this day. I would keep to myself on the ship as much as possible and only speak when I spoken to. It became apparent to the other sailors and they pretty much left me alone. That is all I wished for, it felt that everyone around me would end up dieing or getting hurt. Each night I would continue writing in the journal each a sad tale of the day. To me, my life had become meaningless but my will to live for those I lost is what made me move forward.
Early in the morning on the sixth day of the week, the crew and I came upon an island. From what I could make out of the land was a beach with beautiful white sand that was hidden off from a cliff side. Beyond the cliff, edge stood a broad green forest with clear life of fauna. Birds could be heard chirping and the sounds of waves where the only thing that broke the silence of this peaceful bay. Why the captain chooses to come this was ludicrous to me, even though it was indeed beautiful it seemed unlikely that the men would find anything valuable on this side of the island. It would just make more sense to head around right to the city. It was not until we were in the little boat bringing in the Tailwind did I notice the many caves on the ridged cliff wall. The Tailwind pulled up to the beach and the crew came upon the wall. I could not help but stare in awe at the wonder that stood before me. Each hole in the cliff wall seems to be inhabited at one time by a living creature.
Only the howling wind was audible to me as I entered a cave on a second story. It was a tidy little room. Standing in the doorway, I could make a clear view of the horizon. The sun shone brilliantly into the cave during the day hours that made it perfect for some one to inhabit. I entered the room and seen in the corner a small bedroll bound neatly next to an assortment of little odds in ends. I bent down and took a look at a small book that had been lying on the floor in the room. It was worn and clearly over used. Most pages I could not even read, they seemed to be in a language that I have not witnessed before and written in a strange ink that was not from a quill. A scream over the wind from outside broke my concentration and brought me around to face the entrance of the cavern. Outside I could clearly make out the men of the crew running about with weapons drawn. It meant only one thing to me; it was an ambush from someone.
I unsheathed my new steel sword and took a look at it. It was a beautiful blade that fascinated me in the sunlight. Now it was not the time for me to play with this blade however but a time for a fight. I thought knew how to use the weapon well so I held it tight in my right hand as I rushed forward to confront a creature.
It was massive serpent that was, a hideous creature, and standing over at least seven of the cave levels high. Its Green-brown scales slithered half on the beach and reached down into the ocean where the wreckage of the tailwind floated out to sea. It appeared to have no eyes yet it was clear it could handle all the men by shear size alone. A few men were sent sailing through the air as the thunderous fin like tail whipped down on the white sand. I lunged forward and stabbed with what might I could muster against the dark brown-scaled monster. The sea reptile let out a screech as the blade shimmer pierced deep into the skin it then proceeded to retaliate against me. I ended up meeting the same fate as the other men and was sent sailing. If not for the sand, it could have been my last breath but was just left with a few bruises from the beach soft surface. The creature roared again and slithered to me then stopped right in its tracks. It stopped just a few feet from where I was laid.
“Don’t ye be messing with my friends.” A voice spoke from over the sea cliff wall.
I took a second glance to reveal an arrow piercing the throat of the creature. Then I turned onto my shoulder to face were voice originated. Before me stood short youthful humanoid creature wearing worn down leather armor, its ears protruded up ward to the sky it the shape of what could be described as leaves, the small thing stood there with its bow drawn.
I stood their in awe before the elf when I managed to regain my footing in the sand. I have heard of them before but this was the first time I had ever witnessed one. The elf unsheathed his sword and lifted it up in to the air. It allowed itself to glow a shivery blue as he summoned up a magical flame. He took a quick leap from the cliff wall and landed nimbly on top of the serpent.
The creature whipped its head around wildly trying to free itself from the warrior. The elf held on tight and whirled his saber around in a circular motion above his head then down into the skull of the mighty beast. The blue creature let out a horrible screech as it came tumbling down to the beach.
“Well I have myself some dinner.” He took a look up at me and cocked his head slightly to the side. “My name is Zen,” he spoke with a squeak “who are you?”
“Um. Haru.” I said still watching the elf.
“Well Haru if you want some, come give me a hand.” Zen said waving his hand towards me awkwardly.
I took a few steps forward and took a few looks around at all of my fallen men. All but a few survived the onslaught yet this elf took it down by itself. I took a few more steps towards Zen then stopped as the creature slithered back up to its full height and gave a defining roar. It bent back down with fierce speed and swallowed the elf whole.
I could not believe it, things just turned greatly for the worst. The creature bent down its head and bared its crimson incrusted teeth. Then another screech brought me down to his knees. I never believed this is how I would end up dieing. Then it imploded in a fiery burst leaving parts flying everywhere. There stood Zen covered in parts and blood.
“Ewww,” he said wiping off some slop on his arm. “There goes dinner.”
I just nodded he was in shock. Subsequently I turned away from the mess and began walking. The tailwind destroyed so the only way to land would be walking further into shore. Zen began to follow slowly at first then caught up with me as we both picked up speed.
“Where you going.” Zen said.
“I have to get inland so I can make it to Elcrastra by a week.” I spoke to my feet as I shuffled along. I looked up at the cliff wall as I headed towards it. It conveniently covered in random foliage of trees and vines.
I could hear the breathing of Zen as the youthful elf kept following right behind me. “You will never make it in time. Especially passed the large river that passes through here and there.” The elf said.
“I’ll figure something out.” I spoke as I continued walking. I kicked a stone out of the way, as I continued my solitary trot towards the natural stonewall.
The cliff wall grew larger as I finally came to a suitable spot. I then took a quick look around at that time then turned left to head towards a visible path to get above the sea level. We reached a few feet up the open ravine when Zen made one more comment.
“I would not mind coming. I could help get you across and I need some time away from my home.”
I turned to face the elf. I was upset with the words Zen had chosen. “Hell, you should not wish that. You might never get to see your family again.”
“I don’t have any family,” Zen said sorrowfully. “They were all slaughtered when I was still a youngling.”
I was hurt for yelling at Zen. I had no idea that the elf had been alone here for quite some time. I did not want to push the subject further for fear of putting salt in wounds. I understood there was no way to convince Zen of staying here other wise and not consider myself a hypocrite. The two of us decided to travel inland to head to the city.

Chapter: three

Zen and I traveled together over the plains and woods of Sacramento for many days and nights. Even thought what supplies I had on me ran scarce I did not need to worry for I came to know how live off the land. I forced to come to terms that I would not make the deadline for the next Bazaar in Elcrastra and would have to catch them at the next one. During the traveling however I learned much from my new companion. Zen spoke little of his life but He taught me how to look forward to the good things in life. I could not understand how Zen could live this way by himself for so long and was upset with the fact that I attempted to do it myself. Both of us would take turns every night hunting for food. I learned much on how to use a bow from Zen even though I still had much more training to go to match him on both the bow and the sword.
We came to the edge of a forest and follow the trim of it for a few days before reaching the river that I must cross to get to the big city of Elcrastra and set up camp. From the other side of the river, the city stood tall into the sky. Both of us faced our camp to this welcome sight. From a distance of the hill we rested, I could see many people still wandered the streets at this hour. I slid a little further closer when one person on the outer wall appeared around the corner. He bent down, pulled out a small candle, and placed up against the wall.
“Did you see that?” Zen said
“Yeah strange.” I spoke
The man continued forward among the wall and turned a corner out of sight. We just looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. After another hour or so, we had both laid down to sleep for the night.
Morning rose early or so it seemed. I rolled over on the ground and stirred when the light brought me too. I lifted my head and wiped some dirt in my scalp then sat up and looked over at the glowing city. I rubbed his eyes before I realized what the light was I just stared at it in amazement.
"Wha?" I spoke to him as he got to his feet. I did not know much about magic but it was clear that a spell had been active around the wall of the city. I reached down to my over used leather armor and took a survey of the area. On the far side of the city where the large gate pierced, the sky stood a small troop of men. No more then twelve men stood at the outskirts of the city when I began to focus in on them. Each of the people stood in a formation bearing crimson armor and oddly shaped horned helmets. They each lowered their pikes on command and took a full frontal assault on the field surrounding the city.
I would have laughed at the sight of what happened next but my elven companion beat him to it. Zen must have been awaken similar to me by the glow and seen everything. The force field stood brilliantly around and above the city encasing it in a large dome. Then there was the men each one valiantly attacking the field and sent flying through the air like a small kid would toss his ball.
Zen and I took our time packing up their camp. We were both curious as to see what the commotion was with this barrier. We approached the outer rim of the city within one rising of the sun. Upon entering the outer station where the men had stopped to rest after futilely, trying to get into the city Zen was the first to notice the large man who was still banging away at the wall with this giant axe. The man motioned them over but did not stop in attempting to break down an opening.
"Who are you?" He spoke through a hoarse voice.
"We are but travelers looking for a place to stay" the elf spoke.
The man stopped for a second and turned to face us, the nomads. His age did not appear to be beyond that of mid twenties. Brown curled facial hair staggered out from his helm that gave his bony muscular features a rugged look but his green-gemmed eyes revealed that it was not his intention to hurt innocent people. He stood at least two heads above me and another extra one over Zen. Sweat rolled down his brow as he heaved the axe over his shoulder. It was a massive weapon only carried by him among the group. Both sides of the double axe glimmered in the moonlight and the metal symbol placed in the center among them stuck out with the symbol of a horned creature.
"My name is Warshall, the leader of the red horned guard. We are in service to the queen here in Elcrastra. But unfortunately none of us can enter our own city." He lifted off his helm and brushed his forearm across his head to wipe off sweat. I noted the Brown hair cropped to the side from the metal hat before the silence was broke.
"It must be the work of a sorcerer." Zen said as he gently placed his hand on the wall. It wavered a little like giant jello and gathered sparks around the elf’s hand. “I studied some magic when I was alone in the caves.” He said matter of fact.
After another hour passed all three of us caught up on the situation and begin helping Warshall to enter his domain. Warshall welcomed the help of the two of us as travelers as the three of us tried with our might to get through.
Courageously we, the three heroes tried but unsuccessfully entered the citadel. Warshall exhausted calls every one back into a group.
“Ok, we are not getting anywhere.” He pants to his men. “I have an idea but you all are going to have to back me up.”
I was confused at what the leader of the militia was talking about but Zen stood solemnly his head lowered understanding everything. At a break similar to that of a foot ball game, the group separates up with Warshall in the lead. He closes his eyes and slows his breath. The lead unsheathes his heavy axe from his shoulder strap; an eye still closed, and lifts it high into the air. With a mighty swing, he brings the axe crashing down into the earth. I had to lift my hands in front of my face to block the bright light that was erupting from the ground. A roar breaks the silence as a large bull rampages its way through the broken fissure.
It lifts is large head in another beastly roar. Large muscular hands rip through the ground and lift up high to pull its self completely out of the hole. As the bovine monster stands to its full three stories, height it turns to face Warshall.
“Mighty beast of the Earth, I command you as the sprit Minotaur, We need your assistance to take down this wall.”
The creature nods its head in agreement then turns its attention to the force field. It begins to follow Warshall’s instructions by charging towards Elcrastra. A loud crash forces the mighty beast back a few feet only to launch itself forward into the wall again. I greatly admired the Minotaur. It seems like I continuously see new things in this world. I had heard stories of people who given noble births or rituals to be able to summon mythical creatures to help in times of need.
Warshall lifts his weapon into the air and shouts, “He needs help men, and Lets give it to him.” All men shout including me, as we once again charge the wall. As the group of us had been sent into the air, again I was struck with an idea. I had remembered the man with the candle earlier that night. My head rams into the earth hard and it rattled something inside me. My legs were weak as I stood again to his feet. “Warshall,” I panted “there was a person earlier who did something to the wall.”
“And you now tell me this?” Warshall grunted and he swung his heavy axe against the light orb.
Us two looked at each other then left the troops and the Minotaur behind and headed in the direction of where I first seen the man with the light. Around the wall, the night sky removed the glare of the light around the city. Just up against the wall a small candle shimmers as Warshall and I walk up to it.
“Over there.” I pointed.
Warshall bent down and inspected the wall. “It’s magic obviously. I wish we would have known this sooner. It looks like a barrier spell set up through the candles interior. All we have to do it put out the candle.” Warshall explains while he removes his helmets and gloves he reaches up and licks two of his fingers then reaches down and snuffs out the life of the fame. The light around the city flickers then lowers. Warshall lifts himself to his feet then places his hand against the wall of the city. “There.”

Chapter: four

Both Zen and I were granted access to the city after the barrier fell. The city looked just as magnificent as it did from the outer structure. I have been in cities before and this is Zen’s first time in civilization but we both were equal in the vastness of the city. Elcrastra was established over three hundred years ago but with those living in the walls it had been fixed and modified continuously. It had building built in bricks similar to that of my old town but each building was easily twice as big as the largest building in that little town.
In the city, they were known worldwide for the legacy of the Minotaur. I could not believe that Warshall was a descendant in the bloodline who could summon its sprit. Sprits that would take on the legendary creature was known as a summon beast. Only those of noble heritage were able to summon one of the creatures and the power was passed down the bloodline. It was incredibly rare to be a direct bloodline to one of those mystics.
Warshall happily gave us a tour of the town and where we could replenish our supplies. I felt a little out of my element in this city, I mean it was nice to see other people for change but I think I had become accustomed to that of a wide-open area. Zen was even worse off considering he has been alone for most of his life. He would continuously get lost in the open street mazes so it was better when we just decided to stick together.
Night fell quickly this day when we arrived back at the inn’s room that was so graciously given to us for the day. Zen entered behind me in the room.
“I am worn out.” he spoke with a puff.
“I know. You have been saying that for a while now,” I was just as tired and I did not attempt to hide my crankiness.
Zen wandered over to the nearest bed and placed his belongings onto the blue sheets. That night was the first in a long time that I could rest soundly. I could remember the vivid dream.
Nighttime fell over a forest. I was standing alone staring up into the darkening sky as the stars began to blip into existence. All around me animals made there chatter as they headed off into there dens. The forest gave a small breeze and the trees surrounding me let out a small whistle. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Then a flash in the sky made my spin in place. In the sky, a flaming ball flew over my head and crashed into the ground a few feet ahead of me. Everything was obliterated immediately except for me. I just stood still as a creature immerged from the flames and stretched to a full height. I fell down to my knees as heat rose into the air taking my breath away. It let out a deafening roar as its wings snapped open and flashing even more heat in my direction. Its dark shadow took a form of a dragon before turning its attention to me. Its eyes glowed to a dark shade of red. I knew this could not be real but I could bring myself to get back to my feet.
I woke in a cold sweat and looked over at Zen who was sleeping peacefully half off the bed. I was surprised at the amount of people that were still awake when I left the inn and entered the street. I shifted my coat tighter around me as the night chill blew through my hair. I just walked around the city mimicking the motions of many who were window-shopping in no particular direction when I heard a familiar voice from around my shoulder.
“A little late to be out don’t you think?” I turned around to see the end of the sentence escape Warshall’s mouth. I gave a smile but did not speak. Warshall walked beside me in an equal slow placed trot.
“I have never really been far away from this city.” He continued reminiscing to himself. “If given a chance I would not mind escorting you and Zen to the next city to catch your caravan.”
“But your needed here to protect the city.” I began.
“Not anymore, I was demoted when I went to report to the queen. I made an embarrassment of my team, and including myself.” He spoke nonchalantly “I need some time away from here”
I was shocked at the offer given to me. I did not realize the kind of jeopardy Warshall experienced on the outer perimeter. “It would be an honor.”
Hours passed and we talked about almost everything. Ways to maintain armor and weaponry. The easiest tactics on taking down hordes of enemies. Light begin to creep up over the horizon when I went to wake Zen so we may continue our journey inland. The three of us met at the entrance of the stone citadel where we would begin our journey to the next city. Zen was surprised when Warshall came to the entrance when we arrived. It seemed like a weird troop, the three of us, as we entered the wilderness.

Chapter: five

We headed southwest to take time off our travel so that I may hopefully catch up to the caravan. By mid afternoon, we entered a forest when the traveling became a little harder to voyage on foot. The entire day light, hours were spent traveling with my companions. Each of us talked spreading stories and tips that we had gained though out our lifetime. By nightfall, we found a clearing in the woodland and thought it wise to set up camp. Many accidents would happen in an unknown area when we could not see where we were going.
We set up our first camp sight in silence. I thought it was weird I light of that we had been talking all day today.
“I have been lying to you both.” Warshall broke the silence in a real solemn tone of voice.
“What do you mean?” I said surprised. Zen just stared into the eyes of Warshall as if he were trying to read the expressions in his face.
“I was not really demoted from the elites, the queen sent me with the two of you because of him.” He pointed at Zen. “We need your help.”
I was baffled, I did not understand any of what he was talking. “You mean my phoenix?” Zen spoke.
“Yeah. You see, our city of Elcrastra is under siege continuously. We know who it is. Malzak. An evil sorcerer who has slowly been taking land over the entire planet. No one has yet to see this man but it is legend that he is a dragon born who is trying to claim what he believes is rightfully his. If that is, the case then we are all are going to be forced to live under his tyranny. The only way we can defeat him is by assembling the summon beasts again to defeat him.”
“Again?” I said still not catching on.
“Fine but I do not want Haru involved in this.” The elf spoke as the two of them shook hands.
“We will travel to the city together then leave him with the merchants where we will begin our quest.”
“I am standing right here.” I said “and some one needs to tell me what the hell you are both talking about.”
Attention was finally brought to me. Zen explained that when he was young that he was granted with the ability to summon the phoenix. He only calls it forth when it is dire like when he was swallowed by the serpent. He tells me about how is family was slaughtered when a band of mercenaries under Malzak and that it was clear his survival would be required to defeat him. It took several more hours for both of them to explain it to me. How could I have been left out this entire time and I could not believe all this time I had been traveling with a summoner and was not aware of it.
Night continued on and Warshall laid down to sleep for the evening. Zen decided that he would take first shift in watch and even though I was tired and sore from all the traveling, I had way too much on my mind to sleep.
“I am sorry I did not tell you sooner.” Zen kept apologizing to me though out the night until a stone came flying into our camp and bounced right into the fire. I got to my feet and took a look around the darkened scenery. Nothing could really be seen a few feet from the camp. Zen stood to his feet as well. “It must be just a squirrel.” He walks in the direction that he believed the stone came from. I could only see his silhouette in the night before he came running back with stones sent soaring all around him. “ I think the squirrel is Mad.” he squeaked
“That can’t be any squirrel.” I said. “I see a person out there.”
By this time, a rouge stone flew past me and smacked Warshall in the head. For a man of his size he moved quickly to his feet. “Who goes there.” He tried to say as another pebble bounces off of his shoulder.
Zen began to laugh in a comic sort of way when Warshall began to dance around when he realized he stood right in the flame pit. I let out a giggle myself until a dark drape doused my vision and knocked me unconscious.
I was getting tired of not knowing were I was at. I thought of my hapless situation. We were in a cabin some where in the middle of this forest. All three of us are here without injuries but they took our weapons and equipment. I paced around the room nervously. Warshall continued to bang on the door screaming at the guards in the door way outside to give us the time of day. Zen however just sat patently on the floor in the corner of the room acting as if nothing bad had even occurred.
Hours passed while we sat in the cabin my attitude did not help our dire situation. I continued to pace back and forth occasionally banging into things with my hand or body on purpose just to make some noise. Not until like my one millionth time walking around did some one open the door.
Before us stood an older looking man with long white hair. He wore a long brown coat that hid away all of his body. His hood did not hide his receding hair line. He continued to smile from ear to ear as he slowly closed the door behind him.
“So its true then. We have new visitors.” He spoke with an weirdly youthful voice.
“were are we?” Warshall demanded.
“well, this is called treeborn village..” He continued to squeak. “ and unfortunately you are trespassing.”
“How can we be trespassing? We were brought here.” Zen spoke as he shuffled to his feet.
“No.” the elderly man spoke. “ever since you entered the forest you can onto our land. Regrettably that means that you must survive the arena if you wish to live.” He looked down at himself. “whoops I am still in costume.” He snaps his fingers together and a puff of smoke reveals a young child where the old man once stood.
Both Warshall and I jumped at the appearance, Zen however stood his ground. “Pretty good huh? I have been working on that for over a month.” He smiled at us. He wore a black robe shirt and dark long pants. He ruffled his black hair out of his eyes and looked up at us. Loud thumps outside the door made the little boy turn around in his tracks.
The door flies open revealing a large muscular man about the size of Warshall but looking similar to the young child. Both of the guards were spread out on the floor out cold for unknown reasons. “Hitsutau!” he screamed in a loud whisper “You know it is forbidden to be in here with them.”
“I know big brother.” the one called Hitsutau said sheepishly. “I was trying out my tro tru, transfusion potion, I managed to become Magister Cronos. And I think they deserve to know what they are up against.”
“That may be true but it is against the law.” He spoke. As if on cue more guards forced the large man into the room and marched in behind him. A puny short built man stood in the rear of the band. He proceeded to pull out a parchment that was tucked in his sleeve.
“listen up!” His voice was high and cracked as he attempted to yell above the crowded room. “youngling Hitsutau, And Gregory you both are charged for continuous treason against the Magister. You and the trespassers will be put to the test in all aspects in your lives. If you survive you will gain access to our cities. You fail, death.”
Neither the little man nor the guards wait for any one to speak before they filed out of the room. After all the clanking of metal grieves leave the room the door could be heard as a large lock sealed us in.
“great again.” Gregory shouted. “how many times do I have to enter the arena for you..” He turns his attention on his younger brother as Hitsutau climbs onto a bunk and spreads himself out nonchalantly.
“You have done this before?” Warshall says
“Yup.” Hitsutau answered. “this will be the fourth time.” He takes a glance up at Zen. “your different aren’t you? You seen who I really was despite the potion.”
“yeah, I’m elven.”
“lets get back to what is going on here.” Warshall barked as his voice continued to raise.
“just be patent.” Gregory attempted to be calm despite his anger for the carelessness showed for Hitsutau. “we will rest now, and all will be explained tomorrow.”

Early that next morning that captives that consist of Me, Zen, warshal, hitsuatu, and gregory stood side by side in what seemed to be a large coloseum that was almost entirely made up of tree bark.

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