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Nick's fingers twitched a little as he set his guns aside and looked over at Ellis. They were finally at a safe spot... Sure they'd lost two members of their team along the way, but... They were alive... And that had to count for something... Ellis stripped off his blood soaked shirt tossing it aside. He set them aside and examined the scuffs and cuts on his torso, but Nick was too busy admiring how toned and muscular the mechanic was. His cool teal eyes were fixated on the younger man, a small smirk stretching over his lips. Ellis was oblivious to the eyes on him, his mind still on how the Tank had just crushed their friends only a few minutes ago. Nick, however, was a strictly, people come and people go, that's life kinda guy.

Ellis was shaken, and his body scuffed, bruised, and cut up in places. Nick picked up a med kit and walked over to the younger man, gently inspecting the wounds, his gentle and uncalloused fingers brushing his skin. Ellis shivered and looked at Nick nervously.

"How do I look?" he asked, his thick southern drawl having sounded thicker when laced with fear. Nick was able to fight back the many answers on the tip of his tongue and begin to clean up the cuts and scuffs and then proceed to bandage them.

"You'll be fine once I get you all patched up. It's not bad." he said with a softly laugh. "Ellis, you need to stop shakin'... I know... We just screwed our odds and that now, we're long shots without Coach and Ro'... But..."

Ellis frowned deeply, interrupting the older man.

"You're gunna let me die out there! You hate me man!" Ellis blurted out in fear. Nick was surprised out how much these words stung to hear. Nick leaned back against a wall, his brows furrowed as the words sank in. Hate...? No... That wasn't how he felt at all. He pushed himself away from the wall and crossed the room. He picked up a med kit again, and continued his careful cleaning and bandaging. Ellis seemed stunned and unsure of how to react to this behavior. He closed his eyes and sighed softly as Nick worked diligently. When he was finished wrapping up Ellis' wounds, he gave him some pain pills to help ease the pain.

"Here. Just take these..." he said softly, his dark husky voice showing a bit of sadness. Ellis took them almost reluctantly and swallowed as many down as he knew he could handle. There was a long awkward pause between them before Nick took Ellis by the wrist and made him look at him once more, their eyes meeting in a very intense gaze. Ellis opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out so he closed it again. Nick reached up, cupped Ellis' face in his hand.

"Ellis... You know all that s**t I was sayin'...? I was just jokin' okay?" Nick said softly, watching as Ellis seemed to melt at the contact and sweetness. Nick smiled weakly as Ellis nodded, smiling back at him. There was another, equally awkward moment between them, before in a sudden movement, Ellis' hands were tightly gripping the front of Nick's shirt and Nick was yanked inward.

Ellis' hat landed on the floor softly, knocked from his head as his mouth collided with Nick's. Suddenly Nick felt he was losing grip on reality. His world was slipping away and becoming Ellis... Ellis' lips on his. So soft, tasting of blood and surprisingly when Ellis parted his lips and pushed his tongue into the older man's mouth, it tasted so sweet... So natural and unique. It was purely Ellis... If he it was possible, Nick would have bottled the moment forever. It was so sudden and so passionate he was swept into it. Their tongues roving over one another in a perfect feeling of slick and silky carnality. And it was just like that, that Nick became addicted. He grabbed Ellis' shoulders rather quickly, his fingers tightly gripping the incredibly strong muscles. Ellis was so toned, so much like satin draped over a perfect statue... So soft, sculpted...

Nick carefully ran his fingers over every inch of exposed skin, not pressing hard for fear of reopening any wounds, their lips never parting. It felt incredible to be this close to the younger man. He gasped as he felt Ellis' fingers slide up his clothed torso and pinch his nipples through the silky fabric of his shirt. Ellis grinned into their kiss at this and pinched again, rolling them just a little bit. It sent tremors of pleasure shooting through Nick's body. Nick broke away from Ellis' lips, looking down at the young man who was grinning cockily, wondering to himself just how long this kid had wanted to touch him, and more importantly, how much experience he had... Ellis was too busy just feeling to think, that was the big difference between the two of them...

Ellis was all heart, and Nick was all head. The two of them were pressed together, their lips moving against one another again, Nick kept his hands on the younger man's shoulder's but Ellis' hands were already unfastening the buttons of Nick's shirt. Nick moaned as Ellis' tongue suddenly left his mouth, only to resume it's work down on Nick's now exposed nipples, beginning to suck and tug them with his teeth, making the once soft little patches become taut and sensitive to the touch. Nick's hands gripped those beautiful bare shoulder's tighter. Sure he was letting Ellis take charge now, but if this kept up, Nick would be too aroused to do anything except lay there and enjoy the young man. And he was highly tempted to do so...

Ellis was molding him like clay in his strong and very skilled hands. He was after all, a mechanic.

Nick arched into those skilled hands, letting himself be pushed back and down. He found himself pressed with his back against the wall, sitting on the ground, Ellis straddling his lap as his lips eagerly sought out Nick's once more. Nick welcomed the over zealous young man's tongue once more, the almost teenage awkwardness of the situation settled in as he realized he was half way to forty and had a twenty something in his lap, rutting against him like a dog in heat. And it felt amazing.

Ellis was so eager, Nick found it hard not to just let him do as he pleased. On top of the fact that the kid had been so upset, he was damn good at what he was doing. You just couldn't get something so pure as this without waiting your whole damn life. As Ellis' hands moved to his belt he quickly reached down and grabbed them. He broke from his lips and smiled softly.

"Wait for me." Nick said softly.

Ellis blushed and his lips curved into a goofy smile.

Snow... It fell so lightly down onto the ground in front of them as they stepped off the plane and onto solid ground once more. Ellis had never seen snow before, and with a child like fascination looked up at the sky. Nick smiled softly, glad to see he could find something beautiful in all this mess. Here they were to start life anew in Canada. The disease hadn't come this far up north yet, and after so much pain, and loss, they were free. Free of everything. The disease, the world they left behind. And it was Christmas...

What a beautiful Christmas gift this was, to be safe and sound for the first time in so very long. Ellis shivered, not having a coat, and his body not used to the cold. He was from far too down south to have experienced such cold. Nick slipped off his suit jacket and dropped it lightly onto Ellis' shoulders, letting the younger man pull it around his shoulders.

"Here. Don't want you catching cold now. Not after everything else..." he said softly. He took Ellis by the hand and smiled warmly.

"Come on... Let's get the hell outta this god forsaken air port and get a hotel room somewhere..." Nick suggested with a soft smile. Ellis nodded, blushing at the feeling of Nick's fingers lacing with his. He followed the man out to the streets outside, excited to see people out and about, walking around, shopping, talking, conversing. It was as if the world had started over again anew just for them. Hand in hand they walked, going to a near by phone. Nick made a few calls and then, before Ellis knew what was going on, there was a cab there waiting to pick them up. Ellis had never ridden in cab before. Never been to such a cold and big city as ushered him into the vehicle and the pair of them drove to a near by hotel. Ellis felt so small in comparison to the large and lavish building.

"Woah Nick... How d'you afford all this fancy stuff?" he asked in rapture as they got out of the car and Nick guided him up into the hotel. Nick simply smiled as he walked to the desk, getting their key and then lead the way towards the elevator.

"Well Ellis, it's all about connections. I have money. And I have connections. And in life, that's all you really need." he explained. Ellis was so in awe of the immense and lavish building he could hardly comprehend what Nick meant by stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button for the twelfth floor. Ellis hugged Nick's jacket closer to his body, excitement lighting his beautiful eyes. Nick couldn't help but smile.

It had been so long since he'd desired the company of another human being and he'd forgotten how wonderful it felt to be around someone who just made you... Happy. Nick couldn't help but be endeared to the childlike zealousness of his young companion. He let the younger man grab onto his hand again as they exited the elevator, and walked down the cream colored halls on the golden carpets, so plush beneath their aching feet.

Nick slid the key into the reader of the door handle and pushed the door open, chuckling softly as Ellis tugged him into the room. Nick watched as Ellis discarded the jacket onto the bed as he entered the bed room and looked around with bright and curious eyes. He seemed utterly awestruck by this single room. And as he looked around further, into the other rooms in the small but roomy suite, he let out little gasps of excitement. Nick couldn't help himself and laughed at the fascination that over took the handsome young man. He walked up to Ellis slowly, smiling a little brighter and more naturally than he had in days.

"This place is so big Nick! I ain' never seen nothin' so big an' purdy in my whole life, I reckon this is one of the nicest places I ever done set foot in. It's just beautiful Nick!" Ellis rambled, looking around animatedly. Nick laughed a little, raising his finger and pressing it to those fully and soft lips he'd become acquainted with only a few nights ago.

"Ellis. Ellis. We don't have time for this right now. I'm going to go down the street and buy some clothes for us. You shower up while I'm gone. I should be back soon. All right?" Nick explained softly. Ellis smiled and nodded.

"Okay Nick." he said, quickly swerving his head around Nick's hand and catching the mans' lips with his own in a brief kiss, winking a little and then he headed off to the shower without another word. Nick shook his head and smiled, a feeling in his chest welling up, overwhelming and tight. He swallowed hard. This feeling... He knew it well. Attraction. Affection. Lust... It was amazing... He felt so dangerous at that moment. Like he could take on the world. And really, they just had. He headed out, hailing a cab, going to pick up some t-shirts and jeans for the two of them. He'd never thought he'd buy or wear these clothes again. But suddenly, expensive suits just didn't seem very important anymore...

He was done in only maybe twenty minutes, and paid, driving back to the hotel and heading up, bags in hand. He was surprised to hear a soft noise coming from inside the bathroom, and upon closer listening, Nick realized that Ellis was singing in the shower. Somehow, while normally some obnoxious habit like this would irk him, he found it... Cute. Nick set the bags down on one of the beds and sighed softly, needing a shower himself. Nick sat down in a chair and slowly began to take off his belt, shoes, and untuck his shirt. He was ready to crash after suck a long and hectic few weeks.

Nick closed his eyes and took a few peaceful moments to gather his thoughts. He hardly realized the singing and water had stopped, and moments later, Ellis had entered the room, only a towel around his waist, dripping wet. His hair stuck to his slightly pink face and his muscles were shimmering in the light from all the tiny droplets of water. Nick opened his eyes when Ellis cleared his throat.

"Uh Nick... Sorry t' bother ya but... Kin I have some clothes now?" he asked sheepishly. Nick's eyes widened as for a moment he just stared at Ellis. Ellis began to fidget a little under the intense gaze and rubbed the back of his neck. "Nick? You okay?"

Nick snapped out of his daze and smiled a little.

"There's some jeans and shirts and underwear and s**t in that bag. Take what you want. I got a little of everything. I wasn't sure what you want or like." Nick said softly, still gazing at Ellis' beautiful body, lust evident in his eyes. It was a feeling he wasn't unfamiliar with. Ellis walked over to the bags and dug through, pulling out some clothes before he stepped back into the bathroom. He came back out, dressed in a white t-shirt and blue jeans, and they hung low on his hips, revealing to Nick that the younger man wasn't wearing underwear. Nick biefly wondered if he preferred not to wear any... But his thoughts were quickly shut down as the over whelming need to scrub himself clean set in and he got up, grabbing clean clothes from the bag. He headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He was more than glad to be out of those uncomfortable, dirty, blood soaked clothes and getting into a nice hot shower. It had been so damn long since he'd had one. He stepped into the spray and let the warmth soothe his tired muscles. He watched as the water running off his body changed from red and brown to clear while he cleaned himself, his skin feeling soft and clean once more. He scrubbed his hair, moaning softly at the feeling of being clean. It was refreshing. He'd never been so happy to shower in his life. It was soon after he finished washing his hair that the image of Ellis washing himself crept up into Nick's mind.

He bit his lower lip and squashed the image as quickly as possible and got out of the shower, towelling dry and putting on a t-shirt, plain navy blue, and a pair of black jeans. He looked himself over, not caring that his hair was damp and messily framing his face, sticking here and there. He straightened his shirt and picked some invisible lint from the jeans out of habit before he exited the bathroom and headed back into the bedroom. Ellis had been laying out on one of the beds watching wrestling of all things, grinning like a kid in a candy store when Nick entered. Ellis looked over at the older man and his eyes widened.

"Nick..." he said, almost enraptured by the other man's looked over at his young companion with a weak smile.

"Yeah...? What is it? These jeans make my a** look fat or somethin' kid?" Nick asked in a sarcastic sort of tone, completely unique to Nick and his general cynicism. Ellis shook his head emphatically.

"No I just... Never realized how..." Ellis trailed off as Nick walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed beside him. Ellis' tongue darted out and wet his lips. His eyes fell to half mast and darkened a little with the teenage sort of hunger. He smiled in that goofy way so unique to the young man. "How goddamn hot you are... You was always wearin' that fancy suit and had yer hair all slicked back but... Ya look so... Differn' like this..."

Nick blushed lightly and shook his head.

"You're funny overalls. Real funny." Nick replied, chuckling softly. Ellis shook his head as well, reaching up, pacing his hand on the back of Nick's neck, pulling him in, wanting to kiss him again, but Nick turned his head at the last second, Ellis' lips pressing to his cheek instead. Ellis pouted at this and Nick couldn't refrain from laughing a little.

"You look cute when you pout like that." Nick commented, his eyebrows quirked up and his lips curling into a playful smirk. Ellis folded his arms across his chest.

"I've been waitin' a while now Nick. When can I... Y'know... Touch you again... I really wanna..." Ellis complained. Nick grinned at this admittance, the words inflating his ego some.

"Sorry Ellis, but a couple weeks isn't long enough... Just a while longer... I promise... But I don't let just anyone into my life so easily..." Nick explained softly, a certain sadness in his eyes as he spoke. "I don't just trust people, and I've spent most of my life alone. Give it time..."

Ellis nodded, sighing a little.

"Okay Nick..." he responded, hanging his head some. Nick reached out, tilting his chin up with one finger so Ellis was looking him in the eyes. Nick smiled warmly, leaning in and kissing his lips softly, their noses touching and lips meeting in the most gentle and tender kiss Nick could ever remember being a part of... Ellis' eyes fluttered closed and he reached up, resting his hands on Nick's shoulders, indulging in the soft contact. After a minute that felt like so much longer, they broke apart and Ellis' cheeks were bright red. Nick caressed the younger man's cheek softly.

"Merry Christmas Ellis..." he said softly. Ellis smiled brightly and nodded.

"Merry Christmas Nick.

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