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"Anyone else out there, Virgil?"

"Ain't heard a peep yet, boys. If I git any news, I'll be givin' you a holler."


Nick left the older man to sailing the boat, heading back down into the cabin, where Ellis was waiting to hear what was going on.


"Nope. Just the zombies out there. As usual."

It was several months after their initial rescue off the bridge on that hot, smothering New Orleans day. The military had organized a safe zone in a little town in Delaware -- an actual, effective safe zone this time -- and the citizens of America that weren't shambling, moaning cretins were gathered there. Other countries were quick to provide aid; at least, as best they could, considering the zombie apocalypse dealt a low blow to the economy. It was a good thing that, at least, the infection had been successfully confined to the Americas; otherwise who knows what might have happened.

A few volunteers, such as Virgil, continued to carefully trawl what had once been their United States, looking for signs of life. They always took with them a few good-hearted souls that were willing to head ashore to help the refugees back to the boat; within reason, of course. They never ventured far enough that they were in danger of losing the boat, and they were always very strict on who they rescued; only the immune. As far as they were concerned, anyone Infected, zombie or not, was classed as one.

The rules might have been strict, but it was the only way to keep their safe zone safe.

Nick hadn't really expected to become one of those good-hearted souls. But Ellis, Coach and Rochelle all showed great interest in helping out; they had battled through it themselves alone, after all, or at least, mostly alone. They knew how tough it was. So, in Ellis words, they had to 'be good Samar'tins.'. The four of them agreed between themselves that they'd go out in pairs every so often; sometimes as a foursome. At the moment, it was just Nick and Ellis. And, of course, Virgil, but he usually kept himself to himself.

"That's a darn shame." Ellis frowned. "I was hopin' we could maybe pick up some folks...when Ro 'n I went, we brought back the Harpers. Their lil' girl, Daisy, she was real quiet, you remember? And then when she got back she was the biggest lil' chatterbox you ever did see. Y'know, I had a friend kinda like that once, and we used to hang out with Keith a lot--"

The conman rolled his eyes. Ellis was probably the 'biggest lil' chatterbox', if he had to be honest. It was becoming something of a running joke.

"You're running your mouth again."
Once the young mechanic realized this fact, he promptly shut aforementioned mouth.
"Ah, sorry, sorry. But you know how it is, Nick. Once I get started, I ain't gonna st---"

And he promptly contradicted himself.

For possibly the first time since Nick had met the young man, Ellis was silent for more than a few moments. So much so that it was beginning to irk him.

"What? What's got your tongue, Ellis?"

Ellis was silent for a few more moments before he said, more to himself than to Nick, "I'll be damned. It ain't more'n a week to Christmas."

Naturally doubtful of this fact, Nick attempted to do a quick calculation in his head. The more he thought it through, the more he realized; damn, the kid was right. They'd been so caught up in simply...surviving that everyone had completely forgotten about the upcoming holiday. Of course, people had more important things on their minds, and Nick had never really celebrated Christmas anyway, but...there was something about the idea that lifted his spirits just thinking about it (it sounded sickeningly cheesy and the conman had half a mind to brush away the thought there and then).

"...Maybe it is. What, are you expecting presents and a tree?"

"Hey, might be nice." Ellis countered, leaning forward from his perch on one of the seats. "Might cheer up some folks as well. Lord knows there's a gloomy air back East."

Although Nick hated to admit it, the kid was right. Even though everyone was happy to be safe, there was always the constant reminder that doom was just a few miles outside of their little, man-made Eden, especially when a Tank decided to show up near the borders. They were always quickly brought down, but....still. It injected an uneasiness, an uneasiness that possibly spread even quicker than the Infection itself.

Maybe some Christmas cheer really would brighten the place up.

"...You might have something there." Nick admitted. "But if I'm honest, it's never going to be Christmas without snow...I don't know if it snows in Delaware."

"I ain't never seen snow." Ellis mused. "I mean, I seen it in movies and stuff, but it ain't snowed in Savannah for years. I think maybe three times in the last century, man...mind you, it's chilly nowadays, so y'never know, it might."

Nick smiled a little.

"...Keep on hoping, Ellis. The day it snows in Georgia, what with all that global warming s**t, will be the day I come clean to Coach about you and me."

A laugh rose in the young mechanic's throat.

"I don't think you'll be tellin' Coach even if it does snow. So long as Ro keeps 'er trap shut, we'll be fine."

Rochelle had found out about their relationship when she caught them in the middle of...to put it frankly, 'exchange' in Nick's room in the safe zone. A few awkward days had followed before they mutually agreed not to speak of it. (Ellis couldn't look Rochelle in the eye for several weeks, considering she had walked in right at the moment when he was begging the older man to talk dirty to him; there was something about his voice saying things like that that pushed all his buttons, but he sure as hell didn't want Ro knowing that.)

But Rochelle wasn't here. Coach wasn't here. The only person here was Virgil and he spent practically all of his time on-deck, and the two of them hardly ever saw the man in person.

In retrospect, they had all the time in the world to spend on themselves.

And Nick realized this.

Ellis should have been able to tell something was wrong when that grin rose on Nick's face; that handsome, devilish, seductive grin that usually meant one of two things; either something good was about to happen, or something was about to be set on fire.

"...You got that look again, Nick." Ellis observed, unconsciously backing up in his chair as the conman advanced on him. But it seemed like all too soon the older man was upon him, at least, almost. Their faces were close; close enough that Ellis couldn't look anywhere else but Nick's irritatingly alluring green eyes. "I know that look; what're ya planning?"

Nick's expression was growing increasingly dangerous. With one hand he reached up and gently removed Ellis' hat from his head, sifting his fingers through those adorable curls.
"I was just thinking...we're basically alone. And I haven't seen you without a shirt on in forever...I kind of miss it. So I figured since we're not likely to be interrupted--"

As he spoke, his fingers were slowly, sneakily undoing the buttons of Ellis' shirt, starting from the bottom so he wouldn't notice til the last possible minute. Completely oblivious, Ellis attempted to protest (despite the fact he really wouldn't mind; it just had to be done...for decency's sake).
"Nick...! W-what if Virgil..comes down 'n sees us?"

Nick rolled his eyes and, rather roughly, undid the rest of the buttons, causing Ellis' eyes to flick down, only realizing just there what Nick was doing. And then the buttons were undone, the material was out of the way and Nick's hands were all over Ellis' chest, his lips pressed to his neck, dotting kisses here and there, up his jawline, even playfully nipping at his ear before he murmurs into it "Then let him see."

That, and a hard, decisive kiss to the lips was all the persuasion the young mechanic needed. With a heavy sigh, Ellis relaxed into Nick's touches, his body twitching and shifting under his hands, particularly when his fingers rub over the sensitive buds on his chest and the conman's lips ravage his neck once more, kissing, licking, sucking at random spots, even giving the soft skin an occasional teasing n**. Ellis always did have a sensitivity for having his neck kissed, and since Nick loved to do it it worked out just fine. His shaky hands reached round to tug up Nick's shirt, trailing quivering fingers up and down his back.

It felt like a blur...just a few small moments having passed before Ellis was backed against the wall of the cabin and in grave danger of losing his pants, since Nick was working so fervently on undoing the belt that held them up. When he finally got the pesky thing undone he wasted no time in pushing them off Ellis' hips.

"Better prepare yourself, kid..." he murmured, hooking his fingers into the material of Ellis' underwear as the young, now slightly desperate mechanic's breath fanned over his skin, hot, needy.
"...You ain't getting any rest for at least half an hour."

And then the boxers were off as well and Ellis was trying, trying to get the button and zipper of Nick's pants undone as well, but it was so hard because Nick's hand was on him and it was getting hard to divide his attention between the two tasks at hand; the first was to get Nick out of his pants. The second was to try and keep himself quiet because oh did Nick ever know how to get him off. He would probably have been perfectly happy to allow the older man to continue the way he was, just stroking him like that until release...but it seemed like Nick had other ideas, as soon there was pressure on Ellis' lips, and when he opened his eyes to see what it was, he could see Nick's fingers; he could tell by the glinting gold rings.

He knew all too well what this meant. And while it was risky, what with Virgil on deck and all...they hadn't been really, properly intimate with each other in so long and the opportunity is just too good to pass up. With that thought in mind, Ellis parted his lips, welcoming the fingers into his mouth, sucking on them, tongue caressing them, all the while still giving little, muffled noises into them, since Nick's other hand is still hard at work...stroking teasingly, slowly, agonisingly, but never quite enough to get Ellis off completely.

And then all too soon those fingers are withdrawn, and the hand that's not occupied with pleasuring Ellis is moving round, lower.

"We haven't done much in a while, so...this is probably gonna sting. Hang on tight, Overalls." Nick murmured, pressing those two fingers against the young Southern man's entrance. Ellis had but a split second to relax before Nick pushed them in, the movement pulling a sharp gasp from Ellis' throat.
"...Jeez, Ellis. You're tight..." Nick observed, pushing farther inside and smirking a little as he observed Ellis shudder. "Can't imagine what it's gonna be like when I put it in you for real."
Ellis could barely even respond; all he could manage was a weak, trembling "S-shut up" before those skilled fingers brush against that spot inside of him, that spot that makes him arch his back and cling to Nick, biting into his shoulder in order to suppress a loud, desperate moan that came from deep inside.

This seemed to please Nick, since that grin was permanently plastered to his face. "You know I love it when you make that sound..." he purred, finally letting go of Ellis' length and pulling his fingers out of him, allowing the boy a brief moment of respite while he gets his own pants off, pushing both them and his underwear off of his hips with one skilled movement.
"You ready, Overalls?" he breathed, with a certain intonation that implied he was going to go through with this whether he was ready or not.

And what could Ellis do but nod?

Very pleased, Nick stood back, making a twirling motion with his finger.
"Around. We're doin' this against the wall."

Ellis might have argued otherwise, but right now he was too desperate to care. Without complaint, he turned, rested against the wall of the cabin, and instantly Nick was behind him, reaching round with one hand to take hold of Ellis' c**k once more; with the other hand he took hold of his own, pressed himself against the other's entrance...then with one thrust he was inside, and God did he forget how good it felt.

"********, you're...s-so ******** tight... you...nn.." That was all that the conman could manage before any semblance of self control he had disappears and he simply shuts up, preferring to start moving his hips back and forth, starting slowly at first just to get the younger male used to it. But this pace wouldn't last long; oh, not one bit.

There was a distinct lack of anything on the wall for Ellis to grip at when Nick pushed in, and the most he could manage to do was dragging his nails down it, loud noises that he barely managed to scale back to choked moans and whines spilling from his throat. It hurts...of course it hurts, but Nick's hand stroking his throbbing arousal does a very good job of distracting him from that. And when the other's thrusting gets deep enough it hits that spot inside of him and oh, it's ten times better than his fingers. Again and again he pounds against that spot, and every time Ellis' noises threaten to get louder, whines and gasps mixed in with murmurs of Nick's name and begging, pleading for 'Faster, harder, ******** me please.' And every word only turned Nick on even more, prompting him to do exactly as Ellis asked.

It wasn't long before Nick could feel himself getting close, and he could tell that Ellis was the same way, judging by the tension in his body, the way he was tensing up...everything. Just to be an a**, he leaned in, close to Ellis' ear, pressing a final kiss to his neck before murmuring, in a voice thick with arousal, "Come on, Ellis--" and he punctuated his sentence by giving Ellis' c**k a little squeeze, "....Come for me~"

The mechanic didn't need any more encouragement, letting out a few more mangled groans and then one, slightly louder one, only muffled by biting harder into his lip, and Ellis' body is tightening around him and there's a hot, thick substance coating his hand. Combined, that's enough to send him over the edge; with a final few, hard thrusts, he releases deep into the younger man's body, managing with extreme difficulty to keep his own noises to himself.
"....H-hm...~". Nick was practically purring. Reaching round, he offered his hand, sticky with the white liquid, to Ellis.
"...Why dont'cha clean me up some, Ellis..?"

Gasping for breath and barely coherant, Ellis complied, accepting those fingers into his mouth once again and willingly cleaning off what he himself released; Nick seemed to like the image.
"Good boy." he purred. "Let's head to bed. We can get up if Virgil calls us..sound like a plan?"

No reply from Ellis. He just pulled himself from Nick's arms and tottered off to the bedroom. Amused, Nick forced himself to collect their clothes, then headed after him, climbing into bed and putting his arms around the younger man, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

As they lay in each others' arms, exhausted, spent and relieved, it gently began to snow outside.
"...Hey, Nick...?"
"...Mm, Ellis?"
"...Merry Christmas."

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