So today I got my first scam PM :O that was... entertaining x3 Honestly. If you could /actually/ make 80,000 gold in towns (not that I can go on towns ANYWAY with dial-up) in one day, would the person who sent me that be wearing newb clothes? I think not. I really, really hope more people are aware of these things and that they ARE just scams. It's sad to think something that should be so obviously wrong, might actually catch people off guard :/ I reported it anyway, first time reporting anything on the site I believe. I was all freaked out >< Because I'm weird that way.
Weeeeeelll I'll probably do another entry later. Gold and all razz But no worries, it won't be spam o.O I'll probably talk about Vampyre Varsity smile
synchronicityy · Wed Aug 05, 2009 @ 04:47pm · 0 Comments |