Awakening the Dragons, 1"What gets me," Nate said as they moved through the underwater castle, "is why all but Xink and Varda were frozen. I understand about Xink due to his human side--but Shalimar and Wynn would be in the same boat with their neko side."
< I already explained Xink is underestimated due to his human side, > Flan replied.
< As for Varda, she hasn't reached full power. >"Sis won't reach her full power until she's Xink's age," Varden said.
"I told you that already, brother," Ette said. "But, as normal, you were freaking out due to you inheriting mum's claustrophobia."
< Mosquito, > Flan said as the human twins began to argue,
< Are you able to track the others? >Looking over her shoulder at Flan, n** nodded her big black and white head. Looking forward again, n** led them around guards and to the main hall. Scattered through the hall in gigantic ice blocks in their dragon forms were
Shalimar, and
Larkin [1]"So now what?" n** asked, transforming to her human form. "Who do we wake first?"
< Just a thought, > Flan said.
< How about we wake up just ONE at first--preferably one who won't be going bezerk when they realized their kids have been kidnapped AND won't attempt to kill one of the others? >"Broden," the others all replied at once.
< He is the most logical, > Flan agreed.
< Xink, throw the useless android at Broden's ice cage. > "How is that going to break through the ice?" Xink asked.
< She's rebooting, > Flan replied,
< and is going to go so highly radioactive that you and Varda are going to have the equivalent of a human having a bad sunburn while the rest of us vaporize. Throw her now please? > "Throwing," Xink agreed instantly.
Don't Piss off the Mermaid, 7"The whole time," Triton said, swimming further in. "My father never had a thing for you other than a fleeting interest."
"That hurts more than you frying my tail,Triton," Alachia said. "Which, exactly, WHY did you do that?"
"Because I cannot have anyone know that I obtained the help of a lowly mermaid," Triton said. Seeing that Alachia was about to speak, he raised a hand. "Yes, I know of your newfound status due to marrying a dragon god, but that is in the dragon world, not here. Without your fin, I'm more pow--"
A giant explosion rocked the castle.
"What in Hades was that?!" Triton demanded, looking about.
Alachia grinned. "You didn't think it was going to be easy screwing with my family, did you?"
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