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~Cheesedoodles in Paradise~
Dresden Files Board Game
I'm making a board game for my favorite book because I can. =D Right now I'm just putting the Plot Complications here.

Thomas- If on a White Court mission, slow movement to a max of three spaces while he insists on going back for Justine. Otherwise, add an extra number to your dice at any time for when he comes in and saves your a**.

Murphy- A 'get out of trouble free' card.

Ebenezar- Ebenezar dispenses wisdom onto you. Take an extra turn. If you are on a Red Court Mission, Ebenezar drops a retired Russian Sattelite on them. You instantly win the mission.

Susan- Susan calls and distracts you. Lose a turn while you control your teenage boy urges.

Elaine- Elaine turns up and the plot thickens. This card doesn't do anything, but hang onto it anyway.

Morgan- Morgan comes and tries to find a reason to kill you. Roll the dice to see how it turns out.
1,2- Morgan finds you guilty of treason and the only reason he doesn't kill you is because Murphy comes in and saves your a**. Nice work. Lose a turn while you heal your bruised ego.
3,4- You fight each other to a draw and eventually he gives it off as a lost cause and leaves, but you're so tired that you can only move a maximum of three spaces next turn or you'll fall over dead.
5,6- You tell him your situation and get him on your side. Take an extra turn.




Knights of the Cross-


Etc, etc, etc.


Red Court mission- Crash the masquerade.

Red Court MIssion II- Duel Ortega.

White Court Mission- Chase down the White Court members who are murdering people in the city.

Denarian Mission- Stop the Denarians from spreading the plague.

Denarian Mission II- Stop them from hurting little Ivy.

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