Two minds and two faces,
You've seen nothing akin to me.
My form may be rather inefficient,
But it is sure to lead to a laugh, song, and dance or two.
Answer - Pushmi-pullyu
Guesses from 9442 - 9470
It is not an instrument.
It's one word, but I guess you could spell it as four.
It's nobody's mother.
The riddle has nothing to do with parents.
Fantasy, history or real? Fantasy, I suppose.
0 - 9 - 8-track cartridge,
A - Abbott and Costello, Alcohol, Angelic Case, Armonica, Atoli, Auloi
B - Bagpipe, Balance, Ball, Banjo, Bass guitar Bassoon (Contra-Bassoon), Beat, Bloul, Boombox, Book, Building
C - CD, Car, CatDog, Chalumeau, Circuis performer, Clam, Clock, Clown, Coin, Computer, Constellation, Cookie, Cornus, Counting,
D - Danbooru, Dance (Some form of, Dancing), Didgeridoo, Drama, Duo (musical, comedy)
E - Eggman, Emotions, English Horn, EWaltz
F - Face, Film reel, Fire, Floor, Flute, Foot
G - Gemini (constellation), Glass, Gogeta, Gotenks, Guitar, Gullett
H - Halendijah (Dr.), Hand, Harmonica, Harmonium, Harmony, Harp, Haseo, Home, Heckelphone, Hermaphrodite, Hippo, Huckleberry Hound, Human body, Hydra
I - Inside joke
J - Jack-in-the-box, Jackalope, Janus, Jew's Harp, Jing (Big Fish), Jukebox, Justice,
K - Keyboard, Kira, Kiss, Kittens, Knuckles, Kraelis, Kuhn, Kumbing
L - LP, Letters, Lips, Lobster, Love, Lungs, Lupine, Lutecamera,
M - Marriage, Mask, Melody, Mijwiz, Mime, Mirror, Monkeys (Flying), Moon, Music
N - Ninja, Nose, Numbers,
O - Oboe (Oboe d'amore, Bass O.), Ocarina, Octopus
P - Painting, Pan-Pipes, Paper, Parents, Phonograph, Pi, Piano, Ping (Big Fish), Portal, Presidents of the United States' modified Bass guitar
Q -
R - Rag-Dung, Rhythm, Ring, Ringtail, Rock and roll, Roof
S - Sherlock, Shoes, Shofar, Shvi, Siamese twins, Sileark, Sistrums, Sitar, Smoke, Song, Sonic, Soul, Stereo system, Sun, Superheist
T - Tail, Tails, Tango, Tape (Reel to reel), Tapedeck, Tar, Teneji's father, Thief, Throat, Turntables, Twanger, Two-face
U -
V - Vegito, Vinyl record, Voice, Vulpine
W - Wall (revolving), Waltz (Last), Watch, Water, Water Music, Watson, Well, Wheezy (Dragontales), Wind, Window, Words
X - Xomuz
Y - Yang, Yatta, Yin
Z - Zak (Dragontales)
Uncategorised -
Mirror Has Two Faces.
Two faced people.
Two-headed flamingo.
Two-headed dragon
Two-headed snake.
Double-headed eagle.
Two clocks/watches.
The sun and moon, both as heavenly bodies and entities.
Any of the fused characters off of DBZ.
Any genre of music.
A double-neck musical instrument.
Comedy/Tragedy Happy/sad masks that make the drama icon/symbol.
Mom of a hydra-headed worm.
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The Drama Llama doesn't just follow her home, she's tamed it and
MADE IT HER STEED[/size:ed6267ec0c].
MADE IT HER STEED[/size:ed6267ec0c].