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The Journal of Risu the Troll
Bringing you riddles from the Riddle Room since page 6148 . . .
Val's Riddle
We know nothing about me.
Alive, dead. Nothing.
We can only assume I exist,
From the evidence given.
That evidence being
Our one who some presume
Models theirself after Ischi.
I contributed half
Of the aforementioned one.
The one half,
We can safely assume,
The one identifies most with.

Answer: Random's Mum.

Guesses from 9371 - 9433

Clues: It's not scientific. Or at least I assume it's not. But it's definitely not a theory, particle, mechanism, field, etc.

Paul Ischi, Sébastien Ischi, Takeo Ischi, or Urs Ischi - Third one.

Is it some type of Gee? Not any sort of Gee at all.

Is it an Anti-Riddler? No Anti-'s either.

The answer is indeed a person. It is not a person in the RR.


0 - 9 - 1 hand clapping

A - Abbott-Farhi models, Abdus Salam, Acceleration, Acid, Adam, Aerts, Afterlife, Agriculture, Air, Alchemy, Alice, Aliens, Alpaca, Alpentrio Tirol, Alpine yodeler, Angular momentum, Ani, Anigee, Anning (Mary), Antiparticle, Arbitrary, Archimedes, Art, Asinine, Asleep, Assassin, Asthmatic Avenger (mysterious, chap who interviewed him), Atom (s), Atomic bomb, Atomistic (coatomistic) lattices, Automorphisms, Autry (Gene), Axino, Axion, Axel,

B - Balance, Barden-Band, Barium, Baryon, Base, Batman, Beatles (the), Beatman (Reverand), Big Bang, Bimorphisms, Bingo night, Black Hole, Bob the Builder, Bond (like between people, James), Bone, Boner, Boogeyman, Bow ties, Boson, Boson scalaire, Bradyon, Brain, Brainwaves, Branon, Breast, Britt (Elton), Bus (getting hit by a., Brothers), Bush (George, George W.), Butterflies ,

C - C. R. Hagen, CDF, CERN, CP-even, Cadavers, Cake, Ca-lattices, Car, Carter (Wilf), Catwoman, Chair, Chaos, Character, Charged boson, Chargino, Chewbacca, Childbirth, Children, Christ, Christensen (Kerry), Chronon, Chu construction, Clank, Clark (Yodelin' Slim), Clinton (Bill), Cloud, Cold Coatoms, Cobalt, Complete atomistic lattice, Compound system, Conrad (Joseph), Co-operating, Co-operation, Cosed subspaces, Counterweight, Covering property, Cows, Creativity, Creator, Crotch (Yours, Mine, Gorn's), Cuddles, Cyrus (Miley)

D - D0, Dan, Danielsson (Kikki), Dark energy, Darkhalmet, Dark matter, Dark Side, Darwinism, Death (Star), Demnyx, Denver (Karl), Destroyer, Devil, Die Scaefer, Dinosaurs, Dirac's superposition principle, Disorder, Disposition, DNA, Doom, Door stop (figurine), Double Slit Experiment, Dreams, Driver's license, Duality Paradox, Dyon,

E - Economy, Einstein, Elections, Electron, Electroweak guage symmetry, Electroweak parameters, Electroweak symmetry breaking, Electroweak theory, Electroweak unification, Elements, Emotion (s), Emporer Maximillian, Emptiness, Englert (Francois), English, Equator, Eragon, Event-Horizon, Everything, Evil, Evolution, Exciton,

F - FLCL, Family, Fanfiction, Farm animals, Farmer, Fate, Father (absent), Fermi constant, Fermilab, Fermion, Fermion, Fields, Fission, Flesh, Fluffy, Force (the), French taunting, Friction, Fritz Lang, Frogs, Furry stopper, Fusion

G - GZK cutoff, Galago (adorable), GeV-scale, GeV, Graviphoton, Genes, Genetics, Geon, Glueball, Gluino, Gluon, God (s, particle), Goldstino, Goldstone bosons, Good, Gorn, Gorn's crotch, Gosling, Governor, Graetzer, Graviscalar, Gravitino, Graviton, Gravity, Greed, Grizzly Man, Grylls (Bear), Guage boson, Guage theories, Guralnik (Gerald),

H - Hadron, Hartl (Marianne), Haru Haruko, He, Health, Heat, Hellsite, Hellwig (Maria), Hepburn (James Curtis), Hereditary traits, Hertel (Stefanie), Higgs-Bosun, Higgs field, Higgs loops, Higgs mechanism, Higgs particle, Higgs, Higgsino, Hilbert space (description), Hobbes (Thomas), Holy Ghost, Holy Grail, Horsburgh (Wayne), Horse and buggy, Hot, Hot lap, Huber (Lydia), Human, Humanity, Hybrid, Hydrogen bomb, Hyperon,

I - I, I forgotz mah sweater, Identity, Idiom, Ifield (Frank), Ilium, Illuminati (Fellow in charge of I.), Imagination, Individuality, Inflaton, Insanity, Instanton, Intellect, Intelligence, Ischi (Boris, Paul, Sébastien, Takeo (Illegitimate children thereof, shadow thereof, student, teacher), Urs), Ischium, Isomorphic, It

J - Jackson (Michael, Wanda), Jeasus, Jesus, Jimmy Hoffa, Joe Farmer, Joe the farmer, Joe Plumber, Joe the plumber, Julie

K - Kaiser, Kaluza-Klein tower, Kanti, Kar-shen Tree, Kenai Peninsula Racing Lions, Kilik, King (A, The, of the Molepeople, of the World), Kingdom Hearts 2, Kittens, Knowledge, Kogee, Kool-aid, Kumar (Kishore)

L - LEP collider, LEPC, LHC (Large Hadron Collider), Lang (Franzl), Language, Large, Lattice tensor product, Lauxene, Lenin, Lepton, Life, Light, Llama, Location, Love, Lust, Luxon,

M - Macrocosm, Madness, Magnetic monopole, Magnetic photon, Magnon, Majoron, Margot, Marluxia, Marucho, Marx, Mass, Master yodeler of Japan, Maxi, Medicine, Meson, Metamacanica, Microcosm, Miller (Emmett), Mind, Mirror particle, Molecules, Momentum, Monorail, Montana (Patsy, Hannah), Monty Python (and the Holy Grail), Moped, Mother (Yours, mine, Gorn's Random's any RRRer's), Motorcycle, Music, Musical instruments, Musicians, Mutants, My

N - N00bs, Natto, Natural selection, Neutral boson, Neutralino, Neutrino, Neutron, Newbies, Newbs, Nightmare, Ninja, Nintendo, Noise, Nothing

O - Obama (Barack), Orange (furry death), Order, Orthocomplementation, Orthocompletion, Orthogonality, Orthomodularity, Orville, Osoma, Our, Oxygen

P - Paine, Parallel Universe, Parents, Parity symmetry, Particle, Pelvis, Personality, Pencils, Pentaquark, Pete, Peter Higgs, Philip Anderson, Philosophy, Phisiphorosophy, Phonon, Photino, Photon, Pigs, Pion field, Piron's axioms, Pit (other side thereof), Planck scale, Planetary orbits, Plasmon, Plato, Polariton, Polaron, Pomeron, Pointed sets, Preon, Presidents, Pressure, Profirio Diaz, Proton, Psyche, Pubis, Puppy love, Puppy want in,

Q - QCD, Quantum Physics, Quark(s)

R - Racing, Railroad operator, Rainbow, Ramen, Ratchet, Reality, Regge poles, Reit im Winkl, Relationship, Revenge, Risu's brother, RNA, Robert Brout, Rodgers (Jimmie), Rogers (Roy),Romances, Rouge, Roxas, Rudolph (Kevin), Runo,

S - Saix, Salinger, Sangee, Saxion, Scalar field, Schneider (Mary), School, Schoepen (Bobbejaan), Schroedinger, Schulman (Tom), Schürzenjäger, Sega, Selina, Semilinear maps, Sen, Separated product, Separated quantum systems, Sephiroph, Sephiroth, Sessler (Adam), Shadow (Mine, Yours, Mr. Ischi's), Sharp claws, She, Sheep, Shun, Siamese Twins, Siegfreid, Silence, Sin, Singleton, Skyrmion, Slepton, Smash product, Smith, Sonya, Soul, Soulcalibur, Souledge, Sound, Space (empty), Speed, Spirit, Sprint car, Spurion, Square (A.), Squark, Standard Model, Stalin, State Invitational at Twin Cities Raceway, Steiner (Gerda), Steven Weinberg, Stillness, Stone Masons, String theory, Studying, Supersymmetry, Supreme alpine yodeler, Switzerland, Symbiotic relationships, Synergy

T - T (Mr), Tachyon, Tai, Tai chi, Taki, Takun, Tardyon, Team (A. the), TeV-scale, Technicolor models, Technology, Temperature, Tensor product, Terabite, Tetraquark, Tevatron, Them, They, Thoreau, Thoughts, Time, Toads, Tom Kibble, Topp Twins, Top quark condensate, Total system, Track, Train, Treehouse labs, Trophy Dash, Truck (semi), Truth

U - UHECR, Unexplained births, Unitarity, Universal property, Universe (edge thereof), Ununbium, Ursprung Buam, Us

V - Vacuum, Vacuum expectation value, Val, Valgee, Vector, Vector bosons, Velocity, Virus, Volume

W - W boson, W mass, W' boson, W+ boson, W- boson, WIMP, Waffles, Walden, Walser (Don), Ware, Taylor), Warmth, Wave, Wave-particle duality, Wayne (Bruce), We, Wehrung, Weight, West (Adam), Whitman (Slim), Wino, World, Word (definition, element, meaning, origin), Wormhole (s), Writing The Century: 1946-1948 - Out Of The Ashes, Wrong

X - X boson, Xavier (Professor), Xemnas, Xigbar

Y - Y boson, Yang, Yin, Yin and Yang, Yankovich (Weird Al, Father thereof), Yodelling, Yodeller (Japanese), You, Yuna

Z - Z boson, Z mass, Z' boson, Zexion, Zino

Uncategorised -

Someone clapping in the woods.

Something that Random made.

Thay guy who did that thing that time.

Thay guy who killed that other guy.

What she said.

The lady at the front desk.

Lists -

RR Inhabitants
Dancingkid, Dark,
Eirikr, Eve,
Feared, Fishy
Geek, Gem,
Kid, Kocho, Koji,
L and Fred's child
Mammoths (the), Mikerry, Mina, Mincicles, Minifernos, Minion
Panda, Pere ,Plume and Vlaze's child
Random, Risu, Rein, Rose
Sandy, Sandyess, Sar, Sen, Sen's tons of children, Shaalal (Illegitimate children thereof), Shorty, Skaal, Sth
Zeno (alternate versions thereof), Zoey,

Anti RR Members
Anti-Kocho, Anti-Koji
Anti-Random, Anti-Risu
Anti-San, Anti-Sen

Axlgee, Axelgee
GeeCeeDee, Gorngee
Haragee, Hiogee
LLgee, Lillgee
Randogee, Reingee, Risugee, Rockgee
Sengee, Shaalgee, Shinygee, Sthgee
Vernegee, Vlazegee
Zenogee, Zephgee

Anti-Axgee, Anti-Axlgee
Anti-Haragee, Anti-Hiogee, Anti-HiV
Anti-Lillgee, Anti-LLgee
Anti-Randogee, Anti-Reingee, Anti-Risugee, Anti-Rockgee
Anti-Sangee, Anti-Sengee, Anti-Shaalgee, Anti-Shinygee, Anti-Sthgee,
Anti-Vernegee, Anti-Vlazegee
Anti-Zenogee, Anti-Zephgee

HiV, Insane Valgee, Normal Valgee, Random Valgee

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