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길을 잃었어요, 도와 주세요
Kil-eul ireosseoyo towa chuseyo, I want you to help me find my way.
Thanksgiving was great.
I was able to visit my father's side of my family. It was cool to see them all and spend time with them. A lot of them I do not have very much in common with, but it was still cool to spend time with them. I was able to see one of my cousins who has been in rehabilitation. He seems to be doing very well, that makes me happy to know.

Monday I started a new job. I am working at Sears in the same mall that I had been working before. Since I had experience with electronics they've put me in that department as a sales representative. It seems like it will be pretty cool, it was really busy today. I can only imagine how busy it is going to be during the weekends right now because of Christmas. lol.

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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 10, 2008 @ 11:02pm
xD!!!!! 4laugh Awwww, little sale's boy Kana and the evil Christmas Shoppers. I could make one hell of a cute Christmas special based on that idea. rofl rofl rofl Not to forget the Fur trimmed school girl skirt draped across your waist. rofl rofl rofl Jesus, I'm sorry. ILU?! >_<;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; sweatdrop I'm going to get knocked off your friends list one of these days aren't I?! >_>;; *gives candies*

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 18, 2008 @ 06:15am
you should have tried to be the mall santa. heart blaugh

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