ha ha this isn't much of a "daily journal" is it? o well i'm writing now so you can all rest at ease wink its weird tho my computor kinda hates me it wouldn't let me feed my fish until today (and trust me i've been trying for a while) and now it won't let me play anything but word bump not tht i hate word bump or anything its just not my favorite rolleyes
any who so my addiction has shown itself again and i got hooked on like a zillion mangas sweatdrop hmm perhaps i should go to anime anonymous (if thats spelled wrong now you know why i suck @ word bump blaugh )
hmm i've decided to try to do something crazy because my life is boring *jumps off cliff* ok so that was a bad idea stare quick somebody do something! i'm dying of boredom! *starts to whither* i'm melting! MELTING!
WOW eek that wasn't over the top at all. . . i just realized something i'm practically talking to myself. NO ONE reads this!
well that being said i'm off *rides off into the not so sunsety sunset* farewell all and since it has to be said because of the name. . . un ninja
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crazy day
since i know you all lose sleep at night not knowing what i did tody
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"After all there is no such thing as a single fool, for they travel in groups." - Kagura Yato
Always be greatful to your fellow fools.
c(>< )
Always be greatful to your fellow fools.
c(>< )