ok, over the summer i finaly had a real vacation. the first in 2 or 3 years. in june i went to a cabin with my mom and her friend. it was on lake huron and i had been their plenty of times before in the summers when i was still in high school. but hadn't been back since graduating in 2006 or maybe it was the summer of 2005 i last was there. anyway i can't remember it's been that long. but this year i finaly went back and this time i had a camera so i took some pictures. here they are.

 this is the room i stayed in. the bed was so short my feet stuck out at the end. sweatdrop

 here is a picture of the guy that built the house. i forget how old it is and what hs name was but he built it for his daughters and his daughter barb (the freind of my mom) now owns it. her father is dead and i've seen his ghost once the first or second time i ever stayed there. i was sleeping in my sleeping bag on the floor in a room used for storage when i woke up to see him standing in front of my closed door looking down at me like he was trying to welcome me as part of the family but still keeping an eye on me. he sorta had a stern look on his face as the time but he didn't seem angery or anything like that. i also think i saw him a few years later in the basment. as i was walking down the stairs to change the laundry i saw a person walking under the stairs towards the work bench on one side of the basment. the stair case is jsut some wood planks so you can see right through the big gaps. since the lights wernt on the person looked like a shadow. i called out to who ever it was saying "i didn't knwo someone was down here." but got now reply. when i got to the bottom of the stairs i looked and saw there was no body else in the basment but me. i later found out from barb that her father would make soap at that work bench and sell it later on.
 this is cashmire. my mom's dog. she's so fun and really friendly but can sound really mean when people she doesn't know come to the front door.
 the moscitoe's where absolutly horable this year. we didn't dare go out side for too long unless it wa the middle of the day and the sun was out.

Mr.Huggles · Wed Nov 05, 2008 @ 07:46pm · 0 Comments |