ive kinda relised that none of this summer was worth while,it just the same story sat around thinking and loseing it,ideas came and ideas left,poeple say hello but they awlays say good bye somewhere,you lose and you win,you get the stregthen,you given in,everyday was another up and down rolcoaster probly faster then the falling of the stock exstange.so many promises said so many broken,im sitting hear stareing out the window lishting to music bobbing my head up and down,forcused on my typeing but knowing it whont matter theres awalys gonna be problems.all my friend sco me and gone and everyone ive meet...i got one week to school and ive accomplished nrothing,people say im never failing but i think of what i said i was gonna do and i look at what i did,northing my girlfriend needs her time which i say i dont mind which i dont at time sbut hell i cnat lie to my journal ro her i just miss her but i keep strong for her,im gonna watch the usnset thonight watch it from the tall tree and watch it fade beyound the homes in the world,its not that im bored,i have no one left,and thats my fault becus eive accomplished northing but sitting around,my mom is upset my dads to busy to relize this,my brothers lazy and im the one at the bottom of the hill.this may change tommrow,an hour,a few secounds,who knows.ny best friends mvoed on we call eachother onc e mabye every 6 weeks to see if each of us is ok,we know we are,he has his life...lately im thinking...what am i doing....i think thonight is another change a big chnage not a small one but its like a transformation,wether i becoem a stronger warrior or a rebel agaist society,wether i stay wise to you or wether i become los tin the darkness again,wether the angels of my world i live in turn me into one,i do know tho that i will always be the same guy...but im scared......heh...im guessing yumis reading this by now so heres your message....
please will each perosn listhin to there song? ty
-dear yumi
your the bets thign that happened to me and im awlays gonna be here for you and i hold you dear to my ehart so close,and i know we gonna have many hard times,no reltionship doesnt have its ups and downs and will awlays gonna get in eachothers face onc eor twice,but i will never hate you,im sorry this is just making me cry becus eive come to fidn the most beatful girl the most spciealest girl i meet,and ive meet many,ive got no secerts left for you to know,with everything wwe done every failure and every accomplishments,every smile and frown,every fight and every cuddel,every "im sorry" and every "i love you" we shared and said we know in hearts we will never give up on eachother...i feel most everything for you and when im not upset wirting this but im happy with tears to be so dman proud of you,and no damn girl can replace you,not this feeling not every again this strong,theres no word for love like this well there is and its your name everyday i pray for you,every day i day dream of you and when i sleep i dream of you again,everyday,everysunset,everynight,everyweek,month,year,this lfie time,i know i cant stop ever loveing you and ill be sutpid trying to get you abck and at time sim a idiot....but you'll always say im not,and will kiss and hug and pray for our slavation tommrow and we hold eachother happy every hard time.yumi i wnat you to know...dont be afriad to leave me or stay,dont be afraid to tell me no or yes,dont be scraed of standing up and shouting to the world ands tlell them who you are,tell them what you are,and tell them abck,dont be afraid to be strong.if theres one thing i wnat you to do for me befor u die is to find your happyness.
i love you yumi....past forever and never will stop loveing you.
in the last year you've been great and so helpful even in your bad times you've showne me to keep going and i awlays will for you,i will awlays pick you up from your falls,i whont let you down sis,i promise i will accomplish something for you,im soryr ive treated u like a child but i just dotn want you to get hurt,ive seen the apin felt it too...and i will awlays cacth you when you fall,i will protect you from anyone who hurts you just say the wor dim there to protect you,your the best little sister a brother could ask for.if ritz could be here she be proud of yuou and every other fmaily meber we've let join our little family,whether we go in the world will still be fmaily blood or not. you can do anything you wnat yori,just remaber to fight for your dreams dont let anyone stop you not even me.you picked me up and dragged me back to lfie when i got upset,and you made me see why i should live,you and akria both,i will promise you this,i will never commit suicide.i lvoe you yori your my favorite little sister.you've grown so much.
my punk sister my rcok star sister my eldest sister,and deffintly one of the coolest sisters,you've given me the cofidence to play guitar even tho iv elearned ltitle in 3 years time heh,you taught me everything i need to know about how to be a punk rock and how to block out people with music and a pair of headsets,i cant say much your pretty much self explantory.i will say this,nobody has ever voluntered to help with a film thats family,so that helps even if you didnt get a part you still volunteered.thanks for showing me how to chill.
love you micky
you helped me throguth the death of ritz,my breaks with yumi and my upset mind,ive felt like ive taken advantage of you to much and to many time syou say i dotn or thta its ok but i wish i could make it up to you,thank you rath for all you've done,ive seen you smile but i wish you do it mroe,i thank you for careing about me and i hope you smile to.i love you rath.
(if you havnt noticed im doing females first then the males.)
you've given me a chance to live and breath a chance to smile again and be happy an dstick to my guns when yumi pushed me away you belived me and stood me up,i didnt belvie it at firts ebign how everything was going wrong but you pushed me high and calmed me down and held my hand throguth the dark times and smiled when i wa shappy,you told me i was a good guy and you gave me the idea i could fight the pain the torment and the blood,you told me i could do it and i did it but i still have mroe to do so i promise you this i will get to the top and help everyone i can up as i get there and when i do.thank you akria your a rgeat friend and a better person,your gonna be a importent leader someday i belvie that,your gonna be a revoltion leader.thank you akria.frendily love.peace.
we have our battels,our disagrement sand i our storys,our pain and our anger,but we have our child,our will to riase him,a way to say eevn tho we went trhought a emtional battel,we still have a 1 thing to keep us from fightign mroe and mroe,sometime sim wrong and soemtimes you are,no ones perfect i understand that and you just wnat wats best for my baby boy,and i know im not the greast person,and i cant take all the pain all that suffering all the upsetting moments you endored and all i know is there still inside.but i your a great mother and even tho i dotn agree with you discussisons ill fellow your rules to get my son back,i care about you and him you are my family and i whotn let anyone hurt you ever again but you have to understand i cant give you my word im aalys gonna be there but even in reailty you know i couldnt but i try to and that i wouldnt elt naything happen,i hurt you and i told you i was gonna give m lfie to make you happy...whit please forgive me all i want is that and for you to know how much you and my baby boy mena to me.forgive me please....
ive raised you online for 3 years and you;ve become a great mother,im nto syaing you are not there yet but i know you and your child will be happy,your child reminds me of you but use what i told you in our younger past time and dont let anyone or any child let them push themselfs back at you,fight them even if it hurts make them understand,dont be to harsh but dont be to easy.i will never forget our time as father and duagter and as our selfs from runescape,i miss those times when we would play and when we would laugh.i enjoyed those times but i belive your gonna be a rgeat mother someday for now keep at being this mother,your a rgeat duagter to me and i love you so much,i promise you ill awlays be here for you.
ive kown you for just a short few 4 months or less,but ive gotten to know you,we have had our disagreements and we've had our fun times,your first rp game your first smile to me,your first vist,i dont mean to baby you but you are the last i have who is young,i mabye your rgandfather but i will be the best fatehr figure i can be for you and try to teach you what ive learned and pass it on to you so you can teach it to your children and so on and so on.your a great girl you may get in toruble alot but i will only punish if i belvie its right,i will keep you protected and i will keep you safe,i will be the best i can be for you and i want you to know i will never hate you,your very spcieal to me,and ill tyr to not baby you as much.i lvoe you rgandchild,be good now.
hell ill let micky give you this part,happy 11 years man,we've both made it this far,lets see who fiishs firts out of highschool,bets of luck.brother my brother your one of the biggest peach fan ive ever seen and you are one of the coolest guys i know,we got our sceerts and we got our perosnal ones,we know eachothers home story our ways of lives,we've neever foguth and we never foguth eachother,you were there befor ritz and you listhened to me and helped me out,and we laughed and played and beat the crap out of our consoles till they broke lol,your a good guy man and im proud to call you bro.
so im feeling mellow and i know its been long since ive wrote somehting but i feel better.
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But don't be afraid to fall back down a couple steps. Because I'll be there to help you keep pulling yourself up. It takes time, and we both have lots of it.