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Mech Guardian Chapter 3: First day of classes’ part-1
Mech Guardian Chapter 3: First day of classes’ part-1

The next morning the sun was shining through the old blinds that Takeshi had put up. The morning brought sounds of Blue birds and Red Holy Felchins, While the sight of
Takeshi newly white apartment could be seen with box still unopened and how the bed was uncovered with northing but a pillow that Takeshi had slept on. Takeshi alarm clock rang with such a annoying sound that it caused the birds to fly away from the building and Takeshi to fall out of his bed onto the cold wooden floor. The sound was enough to wake up Christie in her apartment down stairs. Takeshi got up and hit the alarm clock with the palm of his hand a few times before it had finally turned off. He proceeded to get up and walk slowly over the counter with his head hanging to the side. Takeshi had barely any clothing on, just his pants and a sock on his left foot. His hair was tangled and was a total mess as his eyes looked tired and his body just kind of plopped down onto a bar stool near the counter. Takeshi rubbed his face with the palm of his hands and yawned as he did so. He reached up after a few minutes and took down a breakfast bar.
The label was silver and green and read in black bold letters: ~Tangilono Bar with 65% more fiber in it~ . Takeshi opened the top of it and ate about half of it in a few bites before he got up and walked to his bedroom where the bed frame laid without a mattress. An oak dresser draw was in a corner of the room with a window above it. You could see the road about 25 feet from the apartment and the grass around it. Takeshi opened the dresser draw and picked up a white tank top, jean over shirt, a pair of jeans same color as the shirt and a pair of white socks. After he had washed up and put his clothing on, he heard a nock at the door.

When Takeshi opened the door and standing in a red shirt with short sleeves and black jeans were Christie. Her hair was messy and she had a angry expression upon her face and clenched fist at her side. She pointed to Takeshi and clenched her teeth grunting
and speaking with a pissed off tone. “You son of a b***h, I was asleep and I was just getting to a deeper sleep when your alarm clock went off!” Takeshi looked at her with a puzzled-confused look on his face. “I’m sorry it woke you, I was sure I set the volume for a dole ring not an alarming ring.” “Well you could of fooled me! I also heard a loud thud I came up to check if you hurt yourself any more from yesterday…you ok?”
Takeshi was surprised of how Christie’s mood had changed from angry to concern towards his health. “I’m doing better then I was… I appreciate you checking in on me…you might as well get changed if you’re going to your first classes today. I’ll meet you there ok? I’m going to take my van so if you need a ride tell me now.” Christie pondered for a moment as she leaned back putting her finger on her chin and then shaking her head no. “I’ll take my chances with my moped then you falling asleep at the wheel of your van like I saw the other day.” Christie laughed and began to walk out the door holding her stomaching a little. “Gee how nice of you to remind me of how I crashed yesterday, hey maybe if I’m lucky more people will remember it to!”
Takeshi laughed a tiny bit saying it sarcastically as Christie walked out closing the door behind her. Takeshi turned also and walked to pick up his backpack from the counter behind him. He then proceeded to walk out the front door locking it and moved down the steps to get to his van. Takeshi moved his back pack to the passenger seat a she got into his van starting it up. He then backed out of the parking lot and drove down the road into the city of metro.

Takeshi drove past the sky rise buildings, strip mall shops, and vending carts while hundreds of people crowded the sidewalks. The streets were only at their medium traffic crowd this morning so Takeshi tried to remember the time he had left to make sure he would be in this kind of traffic again tomorrow. The sun was still rising just above the oceans horizon as the clouds began to form across the morning sky. Colors of orange and light blue swirled together to form an artwork of the sky’s beauty. The city sounded with cars riding by and stopping at lights, people talking as they walked to walk and class, and the sound of venders opening and closing their carts. Takeshi continued to drive over the mountain range and finally reached the school close the metro city valley. He got out of the van after parking it and walked towards the front doors of the building. Other students stood outside the doors some sitting and others standing. Takeshi decided to walk over to a oak tree that stood brood and tall on top of a small hill close to the school. Other students were begging to arrive at the school either by walking or driving. Along with them arrived Christie on her moped. She parked her vehicle and off of it after putting the kickstand down.

Christie walked over to where Takeshi was sitting down and sat beside him. The Oak tree leaves provided enough shade to cover a few feet in front of them as the sun was now high enough that the sky was completely in its normal bluish –purplish shade of color. “Hey Takeshi, I saw your van on my way into the parking lot” said Christie slowly sitting down. “Yeah I put up a pre-windshield for right now till I can find a new mechanic” replied Takeshi. “Hey Christie I never did get to see your classes I wonder if we have any together.” “Sure lets see….hmm…. ok my 1st period is the Universal science, 2nd period is mechanics, 3rd period is robotics’ handling, and 4th period I finish my day with defense class.” Christie answered while she read off a list of classes that were preset for her. “oh cool we have the same 1st and 3rd period together, so do you have any friends who you know from high school that are going to the same school?” asked Takeshi. “Well my friend Matt Redron, who I’ve known since my 8th year, that’s about it. Oh and what about you anyone you know?” replied Christie looking over to Takeshi for an answer. “I sort of wish I did but all of them either joined the Corps or caught the boat out of town, well everyone but Crow and a few of his friends whom I’m just acquainted with.” Takeshi told Christie. Just then a tall Caucasian male with long red hair which had messy hair in the back which lengthens it to pull on that formed a rounded edge in the back, came up and greeted Christie. The Man wore a black shirt with the logo ~Blazzze~, dark blue jeans with holes in them, black socks and sneakers which were also dark blue and black with gray laces. He was 5’6” and looked like he weighed about 145 pounds. “Hey Christie, sorry I’m late my apartment needed to be cleaned up again his morning” said the man.
“No problem Matt, Matt this is Takeshi, Takeshi this is Matt the guy I was just telling you about.” Christie replied. “Nice to meet you Takeshi I see you have meet Christie already, from the looks of it she broke your arm.” Matt laughed and smiled towards Takeshi. “No I did this to myself falling off a loss rail.” Takeshi laughed shaking Matt’s hand. “Oh ok, so from what I over heard when I was walking over me and you Takeshi have the same 3rd period. I also see from your list in your hand we have the same 4th period as well.” Matt laughed and sat down in front of us on the hill. “Why what’s your 4th period!” Christie demanded as she snatched the page away from Takeshi. “Lets see… 4th period…. Hmm… oh here it is! 4th period ~klinge training~, how did you get into a class I wanted!!” demanded Christie staring at Takeshi with evil eyes of appending doom. “I don’t know I just put it down on my top 3, my grandfather possible helped get me the class” said Takeshi falling a little backwards onto the grass. “Who the hell is your grandfather!? Ridous Lington?!” asked Christie standing up and walking towards Takeshi. Matt laughed holding his stomach with both arms as Christie integrated Takeshi with what seemed like a game of 20 questions. Just then the bell rang and matt stopped laughing, Christie stopped strangling Takeshi by the throat and Takeshi finally regained the ability to breath and stand up. They all grabbed there bag’s and began to walk towards the main building of the school.

The School had a Large Brown Arch got a hang over with crossbars from the front to every 10 feet back. 15 feet away were slanted brown pools. The building was built on red and brown bricks stacked on top one another to form the walls of the building. The building was a 3 story from the front of the building. As they walked past the newly installed metal gates they were greeted by posters reading ~welcome class freshmen~ and ~welcome freshmeat~ which Takeshi found disturbing but yet welcoming at the same time. Heavy Metal machines which were connected into the ceiling, scanned them as they passed by them. They could see as they walked pass the front of the building were larger more metallic tall buildings by hidden holograms to avoid being destroyed. The inner buildings circled around a court yard with fountains in the front forming an island and Snack stand on an island with 4 cross over bridges. The Buildings spilled up for another 5 floors evening it to 7 story buildings. Just then a woman on a hover pad came from above in a green School uniform. She couldn’t have been any older then possible 20. “Hello new students. I am your information host #34, I have been employed to tend to any problems you have. Please stay away from the Hanger Bay’s, Employee only door, and Levels 6 and 8. 7 is free to explore, that’s our observation deck, and you can look at any of our school in store shops including ~Universal Coffee~ shop, ~Rocket Burger~, ~Super Nova Outfitters~ and other many of our newly renovated stores, shops and fast food joints. Please do not crack any of the plasma neon case outlines that boarder the university complex walls, Tropic island, and other areas around you. Please enjoy your information day and also Welcome to ~Metro Academy of Technology~.” With that she flew off and everyone began to move onto the grounds. Takeshi, Christie and Matt walked over to the island and decide. Next Monday They would all gather here and After that Takeshi and Christie walked off together to their first class laughing and talking about how they thought their collage was amazing and looked like the inside of a city. The sun shined down onto the Academy grounds as the clouds rolled past the sky. The sounds of daily commute was reflecting and bouncing off the walls of all the buildings. You could also hear cash registers and the fountains blasting water into the sky and splashing back down into the circular mote surrounding the island. Takeshi and Christie took the elevator to the 3rd floor and walked to Room S3101 and opened the door.

The room was like any other Collage room, with the professors’ desk was in the front with White boards curved around with the wall. The seats were stacked with desk curving with them forming one large desk and chair. There were 12 levels of these seats going up. The difference of the room V.S. a Normal collages, Such as a hologram projector in the middle of the room, a roof which doubled as a Star map. The walls were black and the floor had tile up near the front of the class but the rest was brown carpet. The desk had thin computer screens attached to them and keyboard in front of them. Christie and Takeshi both walked up to the 5th row of the layered seats and sat down next to each other. Among the many students that walked into the classroom, there were Two females in which Takeshi noticed to be giving off a strange presence when they came in. 1 of the females was a little taller then the other by maybe 5 inches or so and looked much older. The older one had Dark Hair and wore a Female Uniform Suit from some sort of company, which was colored blue. She was white and She also was carrying a Personal Organizer which had a stencil hanging from it. She wore sneakers with her uniform and her socks up high on her legs. She also wore glasses and golden earrings; she had a mature look to her facial structure and wore her hair up in a pony tail. The Other female was a little bit shorter and had brown hair which she let hang down to her neck and curved inward. She wore a shirt which was gray and a white undershirt and a small black overtop which was attached to the grey shirt. Her pants were also a little gray. She had a very young looking face and seemed to be starring at her shoes trying not to look at anyone. Her checks were slightly red and her skin was white. She wore short socks which just ended a little above her ankle and sneakers which were whiter then beach sand. She looked up at Takeshi and immediately blushed and looked away stepping back almost completely behind the Older Female. They both walked up to the same row talking quietly to each other. The older Female laughed a little and looked at Takeshi turning away and back to what seemed to be her friend. They both sat next to Takeshi’s side the younger one still looking away and down at her shoes blushing a little. Takeshi only glanced for a few minutes at them and went back turning to Christie. Before Takeshi could get a word out the Professor walked into the room addressing the class. From what Takeshi could see, the Professor was not to older then them with dirty blonde hair which stuck out in a straight short point and a serous look on his face. He wore tan Profession suit and also wore brown dress shoes. He also had a mature but young face on him.

“Good morning class today is the very first day of our class, so I would like to welcome you to Universal Science Class. We will be learning about the Star map which our World Government has put together for us to study. We will also be learning about how to tell one star from another, how to tell a possible habitable planet from another, and different systems. To begin I want you all to open the icon of the Sun on your -Interface Computers- or I.C. for short” said the professor as he walked into the classroom. The room filled with the sounds of laser mousse clicking and sound of quite side conversations. Takeshi opened up the icon on his I.C. This then appeared a large Galactic map of their galaxy. It focused on one of the spiral hands on the map and the on a Nebula. 3 Stars glowed brightly on the map and seemed to blink as the nebulae which spun slowly on the screen. “Remember these 3 stars on your screens, these stars are more important in this class and when you’re out in space. Before we continue does anyone know WHY these stars are important?” said the professor sitting down in a chair propping his feet up. The Older girl next to Takeshi immediately raised he hand and waited patiently with a calm look on her face. “Yes Mrs.Venburg” said he professor pointing up to her. “These stars are High Galactic Planets in which have been found out to have rare material which can power our ships and Exotic fruits and animals which can be consumed to survive for long periods of time. They also are also having Interesting terrains and only 25% of each of these 3 systems has been explored. There is also energy on these planets which power our Prototype XM-17’s and please call me Sarah, You know I don’t like to be called by last name Tomas” Answered The older girl. Takeshi had turned his head away from the Professor and looked at the young girl who had apparently, with a almost sad look on her face, been looking at him instead of her screen. Takeshi and she both had a seemed to be having a staring contest it seemed, but she then began to look away a little and slump in her seat. Takeshi looked away and back to the professor every now and then in the corner of his eye catching her glancing over at him. “Of course Sarah how could I forget that? However you are right Mrs.Venburg” said the Professor. Sarah sighed and just muttered a few words smiling to herself and sitting back in her chair. “These systems are the only one’s which are allowed to be explored by our systems Galactic Community. Now I have in my possession some raw material from a few planets in these systems. Please do not ask where or how exactly I got them, which is another lesson for another day. Now if you would please break off into pairs of two and sit closer to each other don’t worry you will return there is no seat arrangement in which I’m going to put you in. The way I see it you here or your not, it’s not my job to tell you to come or leave” Said the professor speaking to the class.

Before Takeshi could even turn his head towards Christie and ask her to be his partner, Sarah had immediately spoken up. “Hey pretty girl with the lovely blonde hair want to be my partner!” said Sarah in a sudden and happy action. The younger girl quickly looked over and had wide eyes whispering to her friend “what are you doing!?”. “Ummm… sure I’d love to, I mean it’s not like anyone else would ask that quickly to a total stranger” agreed Christie. “Christie I thought we would be par---” said Takeshi getting cut off by Sarah. “Oh please Sir? I just do so much better with new people and my friend here would love to be your partner, maybe we all can be “friends” together. I mean she just told me how she saw you before but she was to shy of coming over to meet you” said Sarah almost nudging Takeshi a little. “Oh? I guess it is kind of hard to make friends when you don’t know what to say. Sure I’ll be your partner, I mean if that’s ok?” said Takeshi leaning to the right to speak to the girl. The young girl seemed to jolt a little in her seat looking down and a little away, blushing red on her face but speaking softly. “I…. I… S… sure, I mean if it’s ok… I really would like to be your partner” said the young girl. “Well it’s settled then, Hi Sarah and partner, I’m Takeshi and this is Christie”
greeted Takeshi. “It’s a pleasure Takeshi and Christie, I’m Sarah and this is Katilyn” greeted Sarah. “Nice to meet you both, alright come on then, Takeshi switch with Sarah being the fact your closure to her” suggested Christie. Takeshi and Sarah switched their positions sitting next to their partner. Takeshi sat down and smiled at Katilyn who seemed to smiling down a little and away from him.” You don’t have to worry I don’t bite” said Takeshi laughing a little to lighten the mood. Katilyn laughed a little and smiled at Takeshi with her head up. “Alright class what I’m about to show you doesn’t go beyond us, if it does… ILL MAKE ALL YOUR LIFES HELL!!!... ah ha ha ha just kidding, no but seriously don’t tell anyone other wise there will be hell to pay” said the professor pressing a few buttons on his computer. The desk opened with a hole in them appearing what seemed medium sized crystals and a few different types of rocks with a case. “Your task is to use the tools in the kit in the cases on your desk and break apart these materials and observe them telling me your findings. You may begin when you are ready, you have a hour an a half to chisel and break apart these materials” said the professor sitting back in his chair typing on his computer.

“Ok then I guess ill begin by chisel the crystal into parts, you want to help or start on the rocks?” asked Takeshi. “I guess ill do the rocks… Plus if any one tries to attack us we can throw it at them… heh” said Katilyn trying to make a joke. Takeshi laughed and smiled at Katilyn then back at the crystals taking a hand laser to the first bright green one. “that was really funny, So Katilyn tell me a little about yourself, I mean you seem like a very sweet beautiful young girl, why choose this collage?” asked Takeshi. “Well my mother went here before me and became a astronomer and I heard they have a great cosmic art class which is really what I want to learn” replied Katilyn. “Oh that’s cool, so what do you think of their 0-G soccer hexagon field?” asked Takeshi cutting into the Crystal more. “I didn’t know they had that! Id love to go play a game in it... I use to be on a soccer team but when I moved I didn’t think they would have one up here” replied Katilyn with a small frown. “Maybe me and you should go sometime, you know you could teach me a few things. Also we can look into seeing if they have a team!” said Takeshi. “Really... You… you would do that for me? I have to tell you that’s not only sweet but… I’m going to whoop your a** in soccer” said Katilyn then laughing and smiling at Takeshi. “Oh yeah? Fine you and me, Today! After our classes are done Ill take you, Christie, and Sarah to the Hexagon field and will see who kicks the others a**!” said Takeshi laughing a little himself. They both smiled and continued to work with the tools they had to cut the raw material into pieces. Takeshi was cutting another crystal when a small, round, bright, glowing material began to flash and shimmer. Takeshi and Katilyn both held there mouth’s open in aw not knowing what it was. Takeshi took it into his hands and rotated it. The strange material glowed brightly but not bright enough for anyone but them to see. Just then a Ruby colored crystal broke apart making a loud bang noise. Takeshi quickly put the strange material away in his left pocket. “Who’s crystal just broke! Tell me I must know!” said the professor getting up quickly in almost a panic. “Ours did sir… theirs this round red material inside of it… just kind of like a small hard ball” said Takeshi pointing the round material. “Oh… well it doesn’t seem to be doing anything… continue on Mr.Ohmishi… if anyone more of anyone’s brake PLEASE! Tell me… hmm…” Said the professor sitting back down. “Takeshi… what about the other material …Shouldn’t you tell him about it?” asked Katilyn quietly. “Not yet… it’ll be our little secret... Come on let’s finish up and get ready for our next classes” Replied Takeshi quietly.

The class ended and the 4 students, Christie, Sarah, Katilyn and Takeshi left and moved onto their next class. Takeshi neither Katilyn didn’t say anything else about the strange material. Takeshi also kept a piece of cloth around it to keep it from glowing more then just a cell phone. Katilyn and Takeshi Walked to their next class together because they had found out that they share some of the same interest. They walked through the main deck laughing and talking. Takeshi was enjoying himself talking with a female for once. Sarah watched them careful, even when they were just far enough part. Takeshi couldn’t figure out why she was doing this just the fact of Christie telling her about the other day to get pay back. The two new friends walked down the stairs to the bottom floor having a race. Their next class was something both seemed to enjoy even outside their class room, Designing class.

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