I have decided to discontinue my journal. For, I am not doing this for any therapudic purposes, also I don't feel the need to display my thoughts so everybody can read them. So this is my last entry... Stating that there will be no more entries xp Should have thought this through.. My swimming lessons were successful, due to the fact I can.. I wouldn't say swim. More, save my own a**. If I was thrown off a dock/boat... Again. I decided to restring my guitar. Which is tedious as it is. But now that it's finished I have to wait multiple weeks until it oxidizes and gives off the same sound X_X I can't really play much on it with these new strings... My hair feels extra soft today stare Random but true sweatdrop I don't know why people call me "Cute" The only thing I like about me is my hair. In real life I'm called ugly multiple times each day.. rolleyes I watched over Hellsing again, and Alucard once against impresses me even further. I don't know why people think Naruto is better than Hellsing... Alucard would rape Sasuke any day. Sasuke: Mehh, Chidori -Sob sob- MY FAMILYYYY -Chidori- Alucard: Pshhh ******** you. -Owns- Just shoots him in the head once, no regeneration for him, Tiger could kill him =.=' Alucard could take him at level 2. Whatever, I'm not starting a Sasuke vs Alucard debate...
ixVindictivexi · Fri Aug 08, 2008 @ 02:39pm · 0 Comments |