Ya can click the picture to see all the characters (and reference pictures of them)

Akkue'reej - My 4 eyed and 8 legged dragon purple dragon
Nara'cha - My dead raven demon character.
Myra Midnight - ya all should know her :3 My alter ego.
DarkStar - or Steph, she's weirdly my hyper alter ego.
Saphire Zap - a short mutated salamander gecko girl.
Serina Ray - My Corn-snake naga.
Nereid - its not actually mine, its my boyfriend's (and Myra's mate).
Stardust - her features were generated in a LJ generator (random).
Dead Raven - She has no proper name yet, my IMVU character.
Alyk Silverkin - a roque part-dragon centaur?
... and a handful more, including races.
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