Name: Myra Midnight
Gender: Female
Age: 421, but she never bothers with numbers. She is a young adult. (1987)
Appearance: A midnight-blue dragoness, with silky black hair and dark-green eyes. Armed with three sharp spikes and a double-edged tail blade. Her tongue is not forked, and both her tongue and blood is vine-red in color. On her hind-feet (in all forms) is a raptor-like claw.
She has two forms, if not three
-feral shape: no larger than a icelandic horse (that are known to be smaller than average).
-anthro: anthro version of the feral, though often lacking wings.
-half-human: human-looking above the waist, if not for the blue skin that covers her and pointy ears. Her face is often between human and a short muzzle. She never appears with wings, spikes or a tail. View her as what would be left of her original form if you would strip the essence of Myra completely out of her soul. She is nameless, partly forgotten, but you can call her Steph.
-Myra is easily described as blissful ignorance, optimistic and nearly nothing can prevent her to see the brighter side of things and enjoy what she gets in life, however small it might be. Often exploding into unexpected sprees of hyperness, where she might only laugh if someone would bleed on her expense, ignoring her own faults in anything she might do wrong. But if she were to notice, she would become calm and silent. Creating a window of shifting. Where her other personality might have a chance to share it's views on the world. She sometimes gets stuck in this void for a moment. You will notice her talking in 3rd person if such is the case.
-Steph is the voice in the back of your head, that points out anything negative and the darker side of things, nothing is pure white, and it will scratch on the shades. Some might consider her to be the true intent of Myra's under-thoughts, the opinions she ignores and blissfully giggles past. But Steph does not like to be in charge for long if she gets it, being shoved to the basement of their being, she has grown small and cares not for the world she interacts with. Giving way for Myra to gain control every time. Through history, she has only taken control 3 times. But thats history.
-She was once a shape-shifter, but it has grown weak since she has not used that ability since she was young. The only shifting you would see these days is between her three forms.
-She is also able to 'jump' between worlds and dimensions, even between places, yet does it rarely once she finds company. It is easy to get lost in such travels. But to do so, she creates a portal with her mind alone, a door in the fabric of reality. She has become so talented in this ability, that you might never notice the portal itself when she jumps.
-a less known fact is that she is a water-type dragon, able to breath under-water if she wished, but exchange of water instead of air (or the other way around), causes great temporary discomfort and coughing.
-and she has a considerably quick healing ability.
Weapons: They are all natrual, one of her weapon is the ability to spit/spray acid and fire, though not mixed. But if she were to spray you with her acid, and then set you on fire, then the 'drop and roll' will not save you. Then there is her blade, on the tip of her tail. It is double edged and razor sharp, and is mobile, so she can actually open them up like scissors. Though with age, they stiffen, so she seems nearly unable to open them up these days. The spikes on her head are mostly show, but strong enough that they would not break if someone would impale themselves upon it. And all can debate on if her blood is a weapon in itself, because it burns, like the acid she spits.
Bio: It is unknown when one became two, but it is a fact that she is two within one body. They balance each other out to create a whole. Never staying long enough in any place to call it home, she wanders the worlds. She was hatched alone in a different place, a different reality, where all of her siblings except herself had died painful death due to their own acidic nature. Failed mixed breeding is what you would have witnessed.
Random Facts:
-she is unable to move her ears, so they are always flat against her head, except in half-human form.
-she loves the rain and the starlit nights, the white snow and the running in the summer.
-enjoys a crunchy treat of various venomous insects, or noodles
Avatar Info (mostly for the AvatarBattleRoyale):

You can call me Star or Steph (it means crown)
~1,70 meters. (tall, but average?)
~60kg! (very average, on the lighter side maybe)
~Teeth and claws, and a whip-like tail.
~Occasional item to throw coming from her bag.
Fighting style:
~She is more of the defensive type, doing things to avoid being hurt herself.
~But she is more teeth and claws. She uses speed over strength so to say.
~She isnt overly strong on the muscle side.
~She is not a magic user besides using a teleporting ability as a last resort.
~She tries her best to avoid bright pink things and such obnoxious colors.
~She is a curious critter?
~She bleeds blood red acid, really... and spits it.
~She's immune to all kinds of acid (mostly getting a rash if its too strong)
~You will never see her break a tooth. But yet she cant bite through all things, but her acid tends to resolve that.
~She is stronger than she looks, for being so think looking.
~She used to be able to shapeshift between species' as she wished, but thats a forgotten talent now (rusted beyond use maybe).
~She was married long ago to Orion (a vampire dragon)
~Was secretly a lover of a fallen dragon god (Trygon the black) who was a sociopath. But thats all past and she couldnt care less.
~She's a wanderer, not having a steady place to stay. Fits her fine, she travels in search for amusement until she gets bored. Living in the moment
~Wicked, but enjoys talking in weird ways (and without thinking too much).
~Adores purple colors, but only favors black.
~Carries a 'Marry Poppins' like bag, that seems to be bottom-less.
~In all the black and white, you might notice her brown eyes.
~Grins in most all cases (most? I've never seen her without it)
~Loves spiders and such insects. She finds them cute
She's a half raptor/Drome, or a half dragon. (so she always has a raptor lower body)
Often hyper and always grinning, sarcastic and nasty.
She's worst when most hyper, then she looses all sensitivity to others' feelings.
But overall, she loves to be entertained, and she is very easily amused by the strangest things.
Anything black/white. She favors dresses and long skirts,
specially something that looks gothic lolita (even if she does not behave gothic)
her hand-bag is optimal, so you can skip it if you wish.
or the following outfits:


Baby Raptor:
Im not its mom, more like big sister.
He's a curious critter, and snappy at strangers. But in many ways, he resembles his 'sister', a prankster.
Fresh Meaty Treats.

Skuggi (Shadow), basically nameless, only called what he is.
He responds to it in whatever language spoken.
He maybe be considered a elemental, a shadow that can become solid when he wishes,
but only holds power within his owners shadow, being able to bend and shape it, but never disconnect.
Just like a shadow, he can become anything he desires to become,
and become solid when he wants, but often enough he only does that to his claws and teeth.
Obsolete light. But most light allows shadows, yet weakens them alot, doesn't make them disappear completely