Solar Lunar: Ultimate Book Of Power
Two hundred years ago, time seemed to stop, as an evil entity rose from the depths of the shattered remains of the old world. Volcanoes and earthquakes shook the world, changing it. The dark entity took form, as a massive destructive force. It quickly gained power and any who went against him, fall before it's mighty feet. Even the bravest became a quivering mess. Nothing seemed to stand in it's way. Destruction was the path it lead and it seemed to be indestructible. So it continued to grow and prosper, through the fears of the people.
Now two hundred years later, everything is still pretty much the same, no one dared to challenge the new ruler of the world, who didn't seem to age a day. It continues to embrace the ultimate power as it grows with the world. But the sages have foresaw a bright future. They had seen a magical book, called the Solar Lunar. This book has the power to finally put a stop to the new leader. This book has ultimate powers that match that of the leader. So a group quests out and searches for the book, to finally put a stop to the dark leader. Can they do it?
anbu_aera_uchiha · Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 03:11am · 0 Comments |