Vaughn: Hmmm...?
Principal (Over Loudspeaker): Good morning students. And for the freshmen, welcome to Maple wood High school. rolleyes Ok. So you can all get to know each other, we will have a 30 minute free roam around the school... go to some classes, socialize, what ever. *Mumbles* I don't even know what the hell kids do these days....
Kevin: Awesome!
Vaughn: I think im just gonna lie down...
Kevin: No! This is a great experience!
Vaughn: confused
Kevin: Who wants dodge ball!?
Everyone: We do!
Vaughn: Aww crap ya did it now Kevin!
Everyone was on the other side of the court. The other side contained Me and Kevin.
Vaughn: *Dodges* Huff...
Kevin: *Gets pelted* DX
Vaughn: *Thinking: Ha!*
Anyway... we went to Gym, then the Library.
Kevin: *Laughs* xd
Librarian: Shut up!
Then the cafeteria...
Kevin: Food fight!
Everyone: *Flings food at one another while trying not to get hit*
Vaughn: *Comes from bathroom* Huh?
Now classes begun and everything was boring so... lets skip to after school. -.-
Vaughn: *Yawns*
Kevin: That was awesome!
Vaughn: The food fight, the pelting, or the fact that we have over 3 hours of homework to finish?
Kevin: Details...
Then Vanessa and Nicole walked by( Nicole: Her BFF).
Kevin: Hey guys!
Nicole: *Looks back* Oh hey... *Blushes slightly* (Shes shy!)
Vaughn: *Rolls eyes* Whatever... Oh hey Vanessa...
Vanessa: You seem down.
Vaughn: Yeah just thinking about-
Kevin: -Some dumb thing that happened 7years ago. (Come off it!)
Vaughn: - Something that ruined my life forever!
Vanessa And Nicole: eek
Kevin: Wanna, maybe go to Pablo's you guys?
Vaughn: *Walks off*
Nicole: Aren't you coming?
Vaughn: No.
Vanessa: I guess I'll see you tomorrow maybe?
Vaughn: Yeah. I'll be here tomorrow. Maybe.
Kevin: Not gonna skip class are you?
Vaughn: Something's gonna happen tomorrow.
Nicole: No jinxing! DX
Vanessa: Look. Nothings gonna happen now be a little more charismatic.
Vaughn: Fine.
Kevin: Attaboy! Now you comin'?
Vaughn: Homework.
Vanessa: I should go too. Seeya you.
End of Chapter 2.
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The Journey: Origin of the Chosen Ones
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The VVet Herm. -------- omg Sangii and Jigo collab shop!!
It's awesome! razz Don't take my word for it, check it out lazybutts!
The VVet Herm. -------- omg Sangii and Jigo collab shop!!
It's awesome! razz Don't take my word for it, check it out lazybutts!