Altanor Chronicles Plot
In a world, where mythical creatures of all races live, from demons to dragons to elves to dwarfs to fairies and sprites to humans etc, things have steadily gone from good to worse. Long ago, when the races were just starting to emerge, things took dramatic changes and it was plunged into chaos. No one seemed to be getting along and everyone was at each others throats. Several wars broke out between everyone and there looked to be no end to it. This continued on for years, until the cycle was broken. When a crystal was created. This crystal had massive powers that showed everyone their wrongs and it managed to put an end to the fighting, for now at least. Once it's job was done, the crystal shattered into four pieces and spread across the lands well hidden. Peace had finally happened.
But five centuries later, after the crystal shattered, the leader of the dark forces is now looking for all the pieces. He wanted the power for himself, so began to search for the crystal pieces. The light forces want the power themselves, but their intentions are unknown. A select group of adventurers set out to look for the crystal pieces. One of them is the dark leader's youngest son. His intentions are totally unlike his father's or the light intentions. He wants to bring the crystal pieces together and bring peace to the lands of Altanor. But the people he travels with, don't exactly trust him. But he is going to prove that he can be trusted. They will face all sorts of challenges as they quest for the crystal pieces and one of them is that the dark lord isn't to happy that one of his children went against him. So he would do anything to bring his wayward son home, by throwing minions at them. So the question is, will they overcome these challenges thrown their way.
anbu_aera_uchiha · Sun Mar 02, 2008 @ 03:26am · 0 Comments |