My friends who I was with at the afore mentioned basketball game and concert were also with me at the movies today. That't right! I DO have a life! Aren't you surprised? Don't answer might make me sad.
We went to go see Vantage Point. Oh my gosh, it was so insanely awesome. In case you didn't know, or haven't seen it, they show an event (I won't spoil it for the people who haven't seen the previews either) from eight (I think) different angles. So it was like, from the point of view of a news network at the beginning.
And then it would rewind to 12:00 that afternoon and switch to another person's point of view. Thus, VANTAGE POINT. Clever, eh? Those movie people are just all sorts of good at coming up with titles...
Typically, at the very end of each vantage point (that is just kind of fun to type...I dunno) it would be something exciting and you'd gasp (or at least, I did) and then it would rewind and you'd be like "DANGIT!" (or at least, I was...).
Good movie. I reccommend it.
If I spelled that right, I'll be shocked...
There is one girl in that movie that I had to be awed by her viscious-ness. Man. Even for a bad guy, she was EVIL. But you could still kind of tell that in real life she's a good person...but still...*cringes away from evilness*
Super_punk13 would be so proud of her.
That's all I have for now.
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