Psychic Busters Plot
A small group of four, with unbelievable powers have escaped from an evil organization, which collects people with powers. See the organization wants to use people, with psychic powers, to accomplish their nefarious deeds. They are called Psychic Hunters and they take people with psychic abilities. But the small group managed to escape from it's clutches. They are now looking for the one who has the power to save the world. He goes by the name of Kakeru and it's his destiny to save the world and everyone in it. By defeating the dark organization.
See Kakeru is a normal high school student, who doesn't know his destiny or that he has psychic powers. His psychic abilities are are only slowly beginning to emerge. The only way to tell, is when he experiences a very powerful emotion. Other than that, it's like he never has these psychic abilities. Kakeru, eventually crosses paths with the four escapades, who know him all to well, especially Dante, their leader. From there they team up, planning to put an end to the Shadow organization, in modern day society. But along the way, they encounter problems, from fellow psychics who work for the government and government officials themselves.
anbu_aera_uchiha · Thu Feb 28, 2008 @ 12:15am · 0 Comments |