Title: Dramione Sex Joke
Written by: Me
Rated: R
Disclaimer: I do not own HP.
Pairing: Duh...Draco/Hermione
A/N: It started as a fic idea but ended up as a small joke. LOL! Okay so it's a pre DH. Draco and Hermione have children together...one of them being a small boy of 6 named Timothy. He goes to a wizarding primary school in which Ginny is his teacher.
Young Timothy Malfoy shifted nervously in his seat as he, for the fifth time that hour, had shushed his pet to be quiet. On the eighth shush his grade school teacher had noticed the chocolate brown kitten and frowned. Ginevra Potter had walked over to the young Malfoy and asked. "Timothy Hyperion Malfoy, why in Merlin's name did you bring Hershey in to school today?"
Much to the Ginny's surprise Timothy began to cry out in earnest heartache, making the young kitten spring out from the boy's school bag and onto his lap. Hershey nuzzled Timothy's stomach affectionately before the young Malfoy held the kitten closer as he cried on it's shoulder.
After about a minute or so Timothy had stopped crying and, with trembling lips, reddened eyes, and a tear stained face he replied. "I brought him to school because I heard father telling mummy this morning that he was going to eat that pus$y when the kids leave for school."
A/N: Well...let me know what you think...Review!!
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