War of the Gods 's Plot
In the ancient times, the world was ruled by gods and goddesses, who created a new world, where peace and harmony ruled all. They ruled for many years, keeping order and peace, solving many conflicts with little to no violence. Everyone lived their lives to the fullest and were at peace.
But sadly nothing last forever. In the darkest regions of the world, dark forces were stirring as the god of the underworld, wanted to takeover and bring the peace crashing down. He sent minions to do his dirty work, destroying lives, villages and livestock, creating chaos and fear. He rose and took control. From this conflict two kingdoms arose. One was called the Kingdom of Darkness, since it favored the God of the Underworld. While the other was known as the Kingdom of Light, since it favored the good Gods and Goddesses.
Both these kingdoms conflicted against each other, trying to outdo the other. The gods and goddesses couldn't stand it, so they sent their children to fight the darkness. While the God of the Underworld, sent his own children out. But what he didn't expect was that one of his children, mainly his youngest child would venture out and try to put an end to his reign of terror. But sadly everyone would be weary around him, thinking that he was going to turn against them. So a lingering tension remained in the group.
So the children of both sides, have now been set a quest. The good ones have to put an end to Lucifer's reign, while the other side has to put an end to the good heroes. The good heroes must learn to get along and put aside their differences, so they can overcome the God of the Underworld. But that proves to be a lot harder than it is said. Only the youngest out of Lucifer children knows how to stop his dad. But nobody trusts him and Lucifer's other children, try to bring their youngest sibling home. But along the way they will fight the good children of the goddesses/gods, who want to put a end to their father's reign. You choose which side do you want to be on the Kingdom of Light where the goddesses/gods rule and their children are well known, or the Kingdom of Darkness where Lucifer reigns true. Which side do you want to win, you decide?
anbu_aera_uchiha · Sat Feb 23, 2008 @ 03:45am · 0 Comments |