Rising Dawn or Enternal Night's RPC
username: anbu_aera_uchiha name: Kageki age: 15 years old gender: male race: 1/2 angel, 1/2 demon reincarnated: guardian occupation: mercenary abilities: electromagnetism weapons: twin blades personality: He is innocent and doesn't really know what's going on. He is also very hyper, but people love being around him. He gets everything done and with a smile on his face. He is stubborn and has a fiery personality appearance:  history: Kageki is reincarnated from the guardian of the magical orbs. But he doesn't know it, since the guardian's power was sealed in him, where it lays dormant until he comes across one of the orbs. So he didn't have much of a childhood sadly, since he was always on the run from something, that he never knew about.
His parents protected him at all costs, before they had to go into hiding. They gave him to a friend of theirs and made him promise to watch over Kageki and train him to protect himself. Their friend nodded, and he took in Kageki. Kageki's parents thanked him and left. They knew their so was safe for now. So Kageki grew up with his parent's best friend and he was taught how protect himself, or defending himself when needed.
Kageki learned quickly and pretty soon master everything before he hit 13 years old. But he always wanted to find his parents, since all that was given to him was a silver blue crescent moon pendent, which he kept on forever. He left shortly after and came across the six people, who were much older than him. Kageki decided to join in with them, since they were looking for these orbs and he wanted to know more about himself. They let him join and he traveled across lands, looking for these magical orbs.
other facts: He is a master in martial arts and weaponry and no one dares to mess with him. He also has this strange connection to the magical orbs, since they seem call to his dormant powers and can lead the heroes to locate them.
anbu_aera_uchiha · Wed Feb 06, 2008 @ 09:12pm · 0 Comments |