Character name: Kito Araio
Creature’s name: Akita (female)
Creature’s appearance: (I couldn't find anything good except for the one you have, can I just use that?)
Age: 17
Gender: male
Race: half human, half dragon
Time: 3100
World: Originally from Niji, but he travels from world to world.
History: Kito's mother was a dragon that could take the form of a human, and came to Niji from one of the feudal worlds (although she never told him which one). Kito was always very good with technology, and he soon found out that he could wield electricity and used this power to help him power and fix things in Niji. He was, however, also fascinated with history and magic (because of its vast technology, his home world uses magic very little) and as a young child would listen to countless stories of his mother's travels through the worlds. When he was fifteen, however, she mysteriously disappeared. Kito set out to find her using warp modules and magic to transport to the medieval worlds. He soon found, however, that there were so many worlds, often too large to search and/or locked in battles, that he couldn't possibly find her without the help of sheer luck. He continues to travel, though; not only does he refuse to give up on his search, but he has also taken to exploring the many worlds and writing about them in a travel journal that he keeps with him at all times. Kito does not yet know that he is the master of lightning, as he has not summoned Akita.
Weaponry: A large sword that he channels his elemental energy into
Elements: lightning (master), and can also control fire to a small extent
Skills: As the master of lightning, Kito has already become very good at wielding and using electricity and is also good with technology. He is also resistant to being hurt by electricity. Being half-dragon, he is able to fly and breathe fire, although he still has a very hard time controlling fire. Also, his large wings make him slow at running, and can block his view if he tries to look behind him. If Kito gets extremely angry or upset while fighting, he can temporarily assume a full-dragon form until the strong emotion subsides.
Personality: Kito is intelligent and curious. He is kind and courteous around other people; however, because he is always traveling from world to world, he tries not to make friends with anyone because he knows he may not see them again. Because of this, he is generally a quiet loner.

Crush/ love: No one yet
Other: N/A
This next part is a tektek avatar I'm gonna use for a different rp, I'm putting it here for safekeeping until I can finish the profile

And behold, more incomplete rp profile goodness
Okay, so my sister wanted to do the Earth master and sent you her profile for that, so I'll have to go with the Light one instead XD I'm just going to go ahead and use the vampire idea, hope that's okay sweatdrop
Gaianname- DragonPrincess22
Character name: Ari Sukisho
Age: 16
Gender: male
Race: half hylian, half vampire
History: Ari was born to a human mother and a vampire father. This would have been fine if his father had bitten and "turned" his mother before marrying her and having a child, but she hadn't wanted to become a vampire and he didn't have the heart to force her to change. As a result, Ari's family was driven out of his father's clan soon after he was born, and they have been wandering Hyrule ever since. Because of this, Ari has learned how to avoid and/or fight the monsters of the dark ages since he was a young boy. When he was fifteen, he strayed from his parents to live on his own, and to see if he could learn the origin of the strange powers he was beginning to develop...
Weaponry: Throwing knives, which he often enhances the strength of with light or dark energy
Elements: Master at light, also pretty good with darkness
Skills: Ari
Personality: (try and describe this properly! And show it properly in the story!!)
Appearance: (pictures are recommended, anime, but if you can’t get one, then try to give a good description! Whatever you do, don’t leave this blank!)
Crush/ love: (if you plan on having your character fall in love, then with who goes here. this is optional, and you can decide this after you know the other characters more)
Other: (anything you didn’t already mention, this is optional)
... don't ask
This has nothing to do with roleplays whatsoever, but this is my new "Save random stuff" spot >.< (Hehe, don't ask)
Lex's White Gloves,Blacklight Punk Miniskirt,Blacklight Punk So
aaand back to roleplays XDDD
Robin raised an eyebrow. So now Bucky wasn't working for Slade? He wasn't so sure about that, considering the wind controller knew the guy's first name. Either way, we'll keep an eye out for him, he thought to himself. "Fine," he replied shortly. "But don't expect us to go easy on you if you return to your old ways." He turned toward the speakers and looked out over the cityscape. "If he's been watching us, he couldn't have gone too far. It's getting late, and I know everyone is tired, but with Nathan's powers gone for the moment, we might still catch him tonight if we split up and search." He turned back and scanned the crew assembled before him. "Raven and Ariann, go with Bucky and keep an eye on him.