Dark Wars RPC userame: anbu_aera_uchiha name: Aki age: 15 years old race: half elf/half demon alliance: neutral weapons: twin blades abilities: time manipulation, elemental control, healing. he also has a hidden power, that even he doesn't know about. this power can tip the balance of power in anyone's favor depending on how the person uses it. rank: mercenary birthmark/symbol:  appearance:  history: Aki grew up alone, after his family was killed, while protecting him, when he was around 7 years old. He bolted not wanting to be caught by the enemy, who was after him. During was of his escapes, the enemy caught a hold of him, and he was severely injured. He was knocked unconscious, bleeding from a really bad wound. Before the enemy could get a hold of him, Aki was saved by a group of people, from a resistance group.
When Aki, woke up he found himself in a hospital of some kind and he had no idea where or who he was. The group that saved him, told him, they only knew his name. Aki had no memory whats so ever about his past. Just his name, that was given to him. Once he was well enough, he was taken in, by a gentle and kind man. He taught Aki, everything he knew, from martial arts to weaponry. Aki took everything in and learned fast.
When he was 11 years old, his master was killed in a raid, leaving Aki alone again. From this, Aki took everything his master taught him to heart. He left the group and said he won't reveal the location of the resistance group. They were sad to see him go, but they knew he had to go/ Aki became a mercenary, taking on jobs for various people and he quickly moved up the ranks, even though he was awfully young. The enemy is still after him, wanting to claim Aki's powers for themselves, but so far, that hasn't happened, since Aki keeps avoiding them.
anbu_aera_uchiha · Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 02:57am · 0 Comments |