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a konoichi/jinchuriki's journal
stories and poems about neka, her friends, her love, and other things in between (and one or two things from her creator)
never had a dream come true sasuxneka fic
Never had a dream come true

Neka: hi all my faithful readers!!!!! *waves* I've been working on this fic ever since I read one like this on FF. It was a sasuxnaru, and it made me cry, seriously I was bawling my freakin eyes out. It was so sweet, so I spent a good long time (mostly in class time I'm a bad girl….well what can you do when your civics teacher is going off on a lecture (no offence to Mr. M, Yaruki!!), and you have a laptop tablet and a song fic half written??), writing this. I want to dedicate this story to some very special people: first to my BFF Yaruki, who helped write the story and the memory sequence, ILU Yaruki. Next to NeeChan92 on fanfiction.net, the inspiration I needed to write this fic. NeeChan92 thanks so much for the inspiration I still cry every time I read your fic. Oh and before I forget there are a few more dedications: one to my great friend Avien who always reads my fics and leaves nice comments ILU YOU LOTS AVIEN!!!!! Second, to my new friend chibi, he always smiles when I talk about my stories and what kind of torture I put Orochimaru through, and that always keeps my writing. Finally to Cartmen of the sound village you my live in the worst village with the gayest leader (boy do I feel sorry for you XP…..NOT!!!!!) but you're still so very funny …..would it kill you to do your gaara voice more often?? thanks for helping me with the spelling both you and Niko you guys rock. THANKS YOU GUYS, YOU’RE THE BEST ILU YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and if you didnt get a dedication sorry i still love you all ^__^

Summary: Still in the sound village, Sasuke is plagued by memories of Neka. No matter how hard he tries, he can't get rid of them. Then he hears a song that reminds him of her and he has an epiphany. Who would have thought a simple song could pave the way to the realization that the power he always wanted wasn't in a village with a gay snake. The power he wants is in the person he loved the most, in the village he calls home.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto. Kishimoto does ….lucky, but if I did own it, Sakura would be so dead and Neka would be on team 7, but I do own Neka and she can KICK SASUKE FANCLUB a**!!!!!!!! (And then eats them XP yum.) Oh and I don’t own the song “never had a dream come true” by s club 7.
Now sit back, get comfy, get a box of tissues, and enjoy “never had a dream come true”……

Sasuke walked back to the Sound hideout after successfully completing his mission. It was a simple one get a scroll, and bring it back. Sasuke had long ago stopped caring about what the missions were as long as he was getting the power he needed (and got to kill a person or two.), whatever mission he had to do he would do it. After all, that’s why he left his home and joined a gay, pervy, snake lover. Get power, kill Itachi, and die happy that was his plan. This plan was the reason he woke up in the morning (probably also the only reason he wares that gay-a** purple rope!!! God I hate that ******** thing it’s so retarded. ) “I'm doing what I have to do.” Sasuke thought as he entered the hideout. “I'm an avenger I must kill Itachi….the Leaf village couldn’t give me the power I needed ….”He thought “Konoha…..” an image of Neka flashed in his mind. Her bright emerald eyes shimmered with tears. This was the last time he had seen her the day he left. “Neka….” Sasuke thought, he quickly shoved the memory out of his mind. He brought the scroll to Orochimaru, pushing the snake sannin off of him when he tried to put the move on him. “Gay perve.” the avenger muttered when he left. He walked to his room and closed the door, locking it securely behind him. His room was pretty basic bed, night stand with an alarm clock radio, closet, and a door that lead to an adjoining bathroom. Sasuke glanced down at his pillow on his bed, underneath was a plushie he had made of Neka. He had never really been good at handy-crafts but thankfully, Neka had just smiled in her cute little way and helped him make the plushie. Sasuke lifted the pillow up, gently picked up the plushie, and stood there looking at it, again an image of Neka flashed in his mind. This time she was smiling at him, her feline teeth showing and her eyes were sparkling brightly. Sasuke pushed the memory out of his mind like the last time. He tossed the plushie back on the bed he then went to his bathroom to take a shower. The warm water poured down into his midnight black hair and over his pale ivory skin. No matter how many times he pushed the memories of Neka into the back of his mind they kept coming back up like when you're digging in wet sand. Water keeps on flowing back into the hole no matter how much you dig the water keeps coming back. Just like Sasuke's memories no matter how hard he tried they kept flowed back up. “I try and try to forget her….nothing works shes always there….” Sasuke thought. He wrapped a towel around his waist (OH SWEET JESUS Sasuke's naked!!!!!!!! *massive nosebleed*) and walked back into his room drying his hair with another towel. His ebony eyes drifted to the plushie on the bed. It looked back at him with its cat-like eyes; Sasuke looked away and grabbed a change of clothes out of the closet. He then pushed the “on” button on his radio he put on his cloths barely listening to the music, and then the next song started to play…..
Everybody’s got something they had to leave behind.

“I hate this song.” Sasuke thought he moved his hand to turn it off.
One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time.

Sasuke's hand stopped milli-inches from the button he slowly drew his hand back and sat down on his bed, listening.
There’s no use looking back or wondering, (Or wondering)
How things could be now or might have been. (Or might have been)

“How would things be if I was still there …why should I even wonder it’s not going to happen.” he thought. Again, Neka flashed in his mind Sasuke felt his heart twist.
Oh, this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go.

“I miss her …but I had to let her go…. I have to get the power and kill Itachi.” Sasuke thought with a sigh his heart gave another painful twist.
never had a dream come true till the day I found you.
Sasuke sat a little straighter, “even though my biggest dream still hasn’t been fulfilled…she made a smaller one happen…she made me happy again.” The avenger thought.
Even though I pretend that I moved on,
You'll always be my baby.

“Everyone thinks I’m gone…..but you're still my Koneka.” Sasuke picked up the plushie a soft smirk graced his normally emotionless face.
I never found the words to say, (words to say)

“I never could say the right words around you …but you didn’t care, you liked me even though I didn’t really say a lot.”Sasuke thought.
You're the one I think about each day. (Each day)

“Every day, every minute, every second you're on my mind Neka…..always. No matter how hard I try to forget you, you're always there.”
And I know no matter where life takes me to,
A part of me will always be with you.

Sasuke's thumb moved from the plushie’s cheek to its neck feeling the thin strip of blue ribbon that symbolized the bell Neka had always worn. Sasuke had never really noticed how much he missed hearing Neka's bell, now hearing only silence for two years, and not a tiny jingle every now and then, it was almost unbearable. “Where ever I go Neka I'm always with you….but it just doesn’t feel like enough to me…do you feel the same…kitty?”Sasuke wondered.
Somewhere in my memory,
I've lost all since of time.

Sasuke's thoughts drifted back to when he was twelve and seeing himself so happy with Neka. How hard he laughed when Neka changed into a giant white tiger, scaring away his fanclub. Also remembering the long, rainy nights when Neka was curled up close to his body. Before he came to comfort her she shivered and whimpered, whenever thunder rattled the window but as soon as she heard him creep into her room. Be it through her door or through the window Neka would whimper, calling out to him and he silently would lie down beside her. He put his arms around her she calmed down and snuggled close to him. Sasuke wished he could just stay in his memories forever…that’s where he was happy.
And tomorrow can never be,
Cuz yesterday is all that fills my mind.

“I can't move forward because you're all I can think about and how happy we were ….” Sasuke thought.
There’s no use looking back or wondering, (Or wondering)
How things should be now or might have been. (Or might have been)

“I can't stop looking back and wondering how it could be now …..”
Oh this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go.
Realization hit Sasuke like a brick in head, “I can't let her go, no matter how much I try….I need her more than anything.”
I never had a dream come true till the day that I found you.

“You made me happy Neka.” Sasuke thought as he gripped his fists on his legs.
Even though I pretend that I moved on,
You’ll always be my baby.

“I haven’t moved on …I'm still stuck …..I need you…kitty.” He thought. Slowly Sasuke stood up, his eyes no longer shining with a cold, hard lust for power; they now burned with a new fire, the fire of love. “I've had enough.” Sasuke said. He unlocked the door and walked out. His face set in a determined expression.
I never found the words to say, (Words to say)
You're the one I think about each day. (Each day)

“I may not have found the words to say then…but I got some words for Orochimaru.” Sasuke thought. He walked down the hall to Orochimaru's room and knocked loudly on the door. The transsexual snake ninja walked out bare-chested, holding a loose white robe around his waist and looking pissed that he had been interrupted. “What the ******** do you want Sasuke I'm….busy?!” he asked. Kabuto coughed in the back-round. Sasuke forced down a look of disgust, “I'm doing this for Neka. I have to get back to her; I need her to much to stay here with this closet perve and his sex slave.” Sasuke thought.
And I know no matter where life takes me to,
A part of me will always be….

“I'm going back to Konoha.” Sasuke said simply. Orochimaru's eyes widened making his snake slits look almost invisible, “you're doing what?????” the snake asked, dumbfounded.
You'll always be the dream that fills my head.
(Yes you will, say you will, you know you will, oh baby)

“I'm going back to Konoha. It may take me a while to kill Itachi on my own but…I need to get back to the best dream I've ever had.” Sasuke said. Orochimaru raised his thin eyebrows “you're kidding right?” he asked.
You'll always be the one I know I’ll never forget.

“No….I can forget about Itachi but I can't forget the one who can make me happy. That’s the one thing power can't do it can never make you happy. No matter how much power you have in the end, it just leaves you alone and miserable.” Sasuke said. Orochimaru's mouth fell open was this the Sasuke who came to him craving power two years ago? Sasuke turned to go. “Sasuke you can't be serious?!?!?!” the snake sannin said to the Uchiha’s departing back.
There no use looking back or wondering, (or wondering)
Because love is a strange and funny thing. (And funny thing)

Sasuke stopped he slowly turned around his pale lips turned up in his old half smirk, “I'm dead serious. Love is a funny thing …it can do strange things to people.” he said. “And another reason why I'm leaving ….hearing you and Kabuto bumping and grinding all night that’s enough to make anyone want to leave.” and with that Sasuke turned on his heel and ran out. Orochimaru started to call out after him but then Kabuto called out from the bed room, “Lord Orochimaru” he called in a sing song voice. The snake lord turned to face his sex slave still reclining on the large bed. “We’re not finished.” Kabuto sang. He held up an ittsy-bittsy teeny-weeny yellow polka-dot bikini. “Oh well, I’ll find another successor.” Orochimaru thought. He skipped off to have more fun with Kabuto.
No matter how I try and try I just can't say good bye.

Every leap Sasuke took he saw a memory flashed in his mind. The last eight leaps before he reached the gates of Konoha showed eight special memories…… (A/N if you don’t understand why there are eight memories it’s because if you listen to the song there are eight beats at this part of the song (yes, I counted the beats……quite a few times.) so just imagine Sasuke leaping and seeing these memories. )
The first memory was when Sasuke was six years old. He was in Konoha pre-school, he saw a little girl with black hair standing with her back to him. She slowly turned around and smiled at him showing little feline teeth and fuzzy white tiger ears. For a long time Sasuke had wondered who she was, then he realized it was Neka. “I had known her before we were ever on a team.” Sasuke thought he took his second leap.
The second memory, he saw Neka smirking. In all her facial expressions Neka had a special smirk, she saved just for him. It was a mimic of his half smirk, but combined with her ever sparkling eyes and cute feline teeth it was a smile Sasuke always treasured. “Your other smiles were cute but none of them were as cute as the one you had for Me.” he thought he jumped a third time.
The third memory, Neka stood in front of him dressed in a sharingan red, strapless, ball gown. This memory was from a dance they had attended. To Sasuke that dance seemed so long ago but he could remember every detail of Neka's dress, her hair, and the sparkle in her eyes. The first song they danced to was, “lady in red”. Sasuke remembered how much that song related to how he felt towards his ninja in red. Sasuke smiled as he took his fourth leap.
The fourth memory, it was stormy night and Neka was curled up in a tight little ball shivering every time thunder boomed. She cried loudly and tears fell from her eyes as the storm raged. Sasuke put his arms around the trembling girl and immediately the cat ninja uncurled and moved closer to his chest, her hand curled into his shirt and she rested her head on his shoulder, purring softly. Sasuke felt so warm when Neka was close to him. When he was with Neka everything was okay. Sasuke started to sense familiar chakra presences. They were faint but he could still sense the chakra of old friends. “Half-way there Neka, I'm coming back to you.” Sasuke muttered taking his fifth leap.
The fifth memory, Neka's friend, Yaruki, had brought them to the scream factory. Neka was almost as scared of haunted houses as she was of storms, but she went because he was with her. As they walked through the scariest part of the house, she clung tighter and tighter to his arm. Seeing Neka so scared made Sasuke want to protect her more. If anything would have happened to her, he would have killed whatever b*****d hurt his kitten and enjoy every moment of it. “Back then I was ready to die to protect her…I still would die for her.” Sasuke thought he leaped for the sixth time.
The sixth memory, Neka had transformed into her cub form and was curled up in Sasuke's arms. Sasuke could still hear the low purring sound as Neka dosed in his arms. She turned over on her stomach allowing Sasuke to stroke the soft underbelly fur. Then slowly Neka's little paws grabbed Sasuke's wrist and hugged it, licking his fingers. Sasuke felt a warm tingle in his fingers as he took his seventh leap.
The seventh memory, Sasuke had never really seen Neka get really mad except for one time the Sasuke fanclub had ruined one of the normal walks Neka and he took. Sasuke watched as Neka took a kunai and single-handedly put the entire fanclub in the hospital. He had never seen Neka look so deadly she had blood stains on her shirt and face, her normal emerald eyes were blood red and sparkled with a truly evil spark, she also had two whisker marks on her cheeks, and a sinister smirk. But even thought Neka looked like she would kill the next person to look at her when she heard Sasuke laughing and thanking her she smiled at him making her look evil but still as cute as ever. “You got that fanclub stay away from me” Sasuke thought. He could see the gates to Konoha in the distance; his stomach did a back-flip as he took the eighth and final leap.
The eighth memory, it was a very simple memory nothing flashy but it was one Sasuke's most treasured memories. Neka had her arms around his neck and was lightly kissing his cheek. Even after two years thinking about this memory it made Sasuke's cheek tingle. He touched the place where Neka kissed him he smiled and jumped out of the tree closest to the gate. His eyes scanned the people walking past the gate; suddenly he heard something, something he hadn’t heard in two years. He heard the jingling of Neka's bell. The jingle was moving further away. Sasuke quickly scanned the crowd again he then saw a person with long black hair disappearing into the crowd. Immediately Sasuke knew it was Neka, only she dressed in black and white with her black hair put up in pigtails with a blue ribbon and a white ribbon. Sasuke felt his heart skip a beat he had to tell her he was home…
No, no, no
I never had a dream come true till the day that I found you.

Sasuke screamed “NNNNNNNEEEEEKKKKKAAAAAAAA!!!” Neka stopped and slowly turned around, looking at the gate. Her eyes widened, she dropped her shopping bag, the contents spilling out. “Sasuke!!!” she screamed. Neka ran towards him her eyes sparkling. As she ran the ribbons holding her pigtails slowly came out as she pushed her way through the crowd. She got closer to him the ribbons flew out of her hair and flew up into the sky. Her hair flew out in a long stream of ebony and rich dark purple. Sasuke couldn’t hold it in any longer he didn’t care about the looks he was getting from passersby he took off running towards Neka. The few feet they had between them seemed like an eternity but sometimes when one is running to the one they love with all their heart, eternity can feel like the blink of an eye. Finally, after two long years in sound, Sasuke felt power not cold, unfeeling power. A different type of power, the power of two people who loved each other more than life it’s self. Feeling Neka's warm body against his own, he never felt more powerful. Sasuke finally realized that Neka was life, she was his power. She would fulfill his dream, not his dream to kill Itachi, the dream to restore his clan. Sasuke had found the ultimate source of power…love.
Even though I pretend that I moved on,
You'll always be my baby.

Neka hugged Sasuke close. “I thought you were never coming back.” she said, sobbing. Sasuke brought his arms around Neka's slender waist. He kissed her forehead, “I couldn’t stay away from you any more it may have seemed like I moved on, but I couldn’t ….not without you Neka…. I finally realized the power I needed was always close to Me.” he said. Neka looked up at him her eyes still brimming with tears but they looked into his onyx eyes with a quizzical look. Sasuke sighed and tightened his grip on Neka's waist, unable to find the right words to say to her. Neka buried her face in Sasuke's chest.
I never found the words to say, (words to say)
You're the one I think about each day. (each day)

“Kitty….I could never find the words to say to you back then nor did I understand how much you meant to me but I couldn’t get you off my mind; for two years I just couldn’t forget you.” Sasuke said. Finally he could say those words he had kept silently in his heart at last, he could tell the person he loved just how much she meant to him, he gently lifted Neka's chin he smiled softly at her. “You're the power I always needed. You're my strength.” he said. Neka gasped, a light pink blush dusted her face.
And I know no matter where life takes me to,
A part of me will always be….

“Sasuke…”Neka whispered fresh tears trickled down her cheeks, “thank you.” she managed to say before she broke into more sobs. She sobbed on Sasuke's shoulder, shaking like a leaf. Sasuke hugged Neka close, stroking her ankle long hair, “no matter what happens Neka…” Sasuke whispered “all I want is be with you…I’ll never leave you again.” Once again Sasuke lifted Neka's chin and gently placed his lips on Neka's pink lips. Neka's tongue licked Sasuke's lips asking for entry, almost begging. Sasuke didn’t give it a second thought; he allowed her tongue to explore his mouth as did Neka. The two ninjas melted into each other just like they used to do. Sasuke never felt so good he finally understood that whatever would come he would always be with her. The ninja released the kiss; Neka rested her head on the avengers shoulder, purring softly. Sasuke loved Neka's purr nothing sounded sweeter. He rested his head against hers and whispered softly in her ear,
A part of me will always be with you.

always Neka I’ll always be with you. I love you.” Sasuke felt Neka tighten her grip around his waist. Neka whispered back “I know avenger I love you so much.” She then raised her head and kissed him sweetly and deeply. Sasuke returned the kiss as he did so he had one thought pass through his mind, “so this is what having power feels like.”
Neka *crying* MY GOD …that was so……..aw crap I can’t think of a word *blows nose* hope you enjoyed it WHY CAN'T THAT REALLY HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! Sorry if the ending isn’t one of the best….i couldn’t think of anything else and I think it kind of sums up the story. Well anyway I hope you enjoyed it plz leave a comment …no flames plz!!!!!! Oh and if my punctuation isn’t the best ….not my problem that stuff isn't that important ….deal with it.

User Comments: [9]
Community Member

Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 12:11am

awwwwwwww neka!!!! heart that was your best story yet! if you need any help with any more stories, just call me! i had so much fun helping you write this! i hope we can do it again soon! DAYYATEBO! heart

Community Member

Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 12:25am

its so cute >.<! i love it! 5 stars neka-chan! whee whee whee i cant wait for the other one >.<

Community Member

Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 02:48pm

hahaha the intro XD....lol....i like it neka tiz make teh happy XD *blows kises* ilu and keep it up

Avien Sky

Herry Rockabore
Community Member

Fri Jan 25, 2008 @ 02:12am

Great work, best story you wrote yet. Keep up the good work. I like the "Realization hit Sasuke like a brick in head" Took him long enough! heehee. The orochimaru bikini part was funny, it reminded me of the grinch part in my x-mas fic.

Alex The Keyblade Knight
Community Member

Fri Jan 25, 2008 @ 02:17am

kinda cute neka, im proud biggrin

Community Member

Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 11:16pm

That was a great fic that song used to be what I listened to all the time in like 4th grade eek !!!! LOL @ Orochi-bikini. Although it was really REALLY disturbing gonk It was so cute! Great job!

Community Member

Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 11:11pm

HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin

Community Member

Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 11:29pm

I read it for you like you asked, little sister. X3
Parts of it were really good! You made me go, "=O! I didn't know she would think to do that!" Like the eight beats; that was sweet!
Good job, little sister. :3

Community Member

Sat Mar 15, 2008 @ 10:34pm

XD! Wow, that was so great! Especially the memories part, how sweet.
Another song tie-in? surprised

User Comments: [9]
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