I have a new toy! *drooooool*
Well, two weeks ago the pups ate my headphones. It wasn't a huge loss- they were the only pair I could find for under fifty bucks at Target and lets face it, they were a piece of crap. So today I went to Best Buy -unsupervised- with forty bucks and orders to buy a sensible, practical pair of headphones and bring change back OR ELSE. So, I found a pair for twelve dollars that were light-weight, compact, and foldable so they would fit in my bag. So I went home and showed Mom what I bought- here's a hint, it wasn't the sensible ones. You see, I almost bought them...but then I saw the REAL headphones. Those huge, bitchin things that'll blow your brains out your eye sockets if you turn 'em up to full volume. I couldn't resist, they were so pretty! I LOVE THESE HEADPHONES. If you turn 'em up all the way you can just leave them around your neck and you can hear the song perfectly. From the other room. I'm so happy blaugh
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