If you know what a kender is, you will understand. If not, this is going to be a collection of random stuff depending on how I feel, the events of the day, web sites, personal interests, trinkets, collectables and stuff from my pockets :)
Movies I want to see
I'm bored at the moment, so I'm making a list of movies I want to see. In no particular order, and yeah I know some are already out, are on DVD, or not due for a while. No biggie, never said they were all to be on the big screen blaugh
Golden Compas AVPR Alvin & the Chipmunks Fog remake (I saw the original when I was a kid) Mist (want to see if SK is a copy cat or just going with a theme) Rush Hour 3 (just because I like Jackie Chan) I am Legend The next Harry Potter (Half Blood Prince)
There will probably be more as it gets into the new year, and some I've just forgotten to add. But hey I'm working on it smile