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Door to Eternity
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The Quest of DOOM!!! Re-Post!
So here is my Quest that I've been working on for about two months now. It's a quest for almost all monthly collectibles and hard-to-get items. Impossible? I say no!

Any Help = heart

The list is divided up into FOUR sections. First is the Main Quest, or, theologically, the items that are easier to get. All items on this list are BELOW 100k. Once they hit 100k, they are moved to the Side Quest.

Side Quests are for the items that are OVER 100k. Each one in this list will have it's own quest once the Main Quest is completed. So...for example, once I complete the Main Quest, I'll probably start questing for the Angelic Headband and move from there.

The OMFGWTHBBQ?!?! IMPOSSIBLE! quest are for the items that are OVER 500k. This list includes some of the most famous hard to get items. This will be attempted after both the Main Quest and Side Quests are completed

The Achieved list is for the items that I have managed to get. If they're are duplicates, I may consider selling or trading for another item!

Last Update: 1/7/07: Moved items: The Kiki Kitty has been moved to the OMFGWTHBBQ?!?! IMPOSSIBLE! quest. The Lunar Cowl, Solar Headdress and Solar Cloak have been moved to the Side Quests. The Mecha Form has been added to the Main Quest Oh there will be recalculations...

Main Quest (Est value: 1,069,963 Gold)

Angelic Microphone
Angelic Parasol
Chestplate of Arachne
Damascus Armor
Elemental Hair
G Blade
G9 Laptop
Lunar Scythe
Mecha Form
Mini UFO
Mochi The Puppy
MoMo The Monkey
Mythril Halo
Pandy Pack
Phoenix Circlet
Prism Butterfly Mantilla
Shadow Spirit
Sno Yeti Pillow
Sun Staff
Sword of Aegis
Whip of Fire
Whip of Ice
Winter Fox Mink

Side Quests (Est Value: 2,423,581 Gold)

Angelic Headband
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Dark Halo
Demonic Pendent
Guitar of Angellus
Guitar of Demona
Lunar Cloak
Lunar Cowl
Nitemare Headband
Solar Cloak
Solar Headdress
Wind Security Blanket

OMFGWTHBBQ?!?! IMPOSSIBLE! Quest (Est Value: 34,767,821 Gold)

Angelic Pendent
Devil Tail
Golden Laurels
KiKi Kitty Plushie
Kitsune Mask
Nitemare Scarf
Spartan Cloak
Winged Anklets

Achieved (Est value: 1,959,546 Gold)

Ancient Katana
Autumn Glory x3
Bone Dragon Helm
Celebrity Date
Celestial Wrap
Chain of Command
Cloud x2
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Dark Star
Deluxe Cat Ears
Demonic Anklets
Elegant Veil
Enchanted Strings
Fire Flower
Flame Sword x2
Frostbite x3
Gift of the Goddess
Gift of the Gods x2
Gothic Veil
Gwee The Dragon
Ice Tiara
Kaia the Cat x3
Mythic Hair
Mythril Armor
Nitemare Parasol
Oculus Magica
Plasma Gear
Scar of Hero
Snow Queen x2
Spirit Falcon
Summoning Tomb
Superior Form
TM (Time Machine)
Vampire Hunter Hat
Western Zodiac
Wild Things
Winter Rose
WTF? Hat
Yokai's Treasure x2

Total Estimated Value: 40,220,911 Gold


Shuichi_Kigai - Yokai Treasure and a Gold BFF Chain heart
Kahazi - Vampire Hunter Hat, an October 07 Sealed Letter and a November 07 Sealed Letter heart
Ga-chan - Ancient Katana, Yokai Treasure, Oculus Magica, Dark Star, Two Flame Swords and a CoCo Kitty heart heart heart
Godemontie - 61k heart
JillValentine4 - 4k heart
jacy gey - 78g heart

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