Feeling rather down today, kind of unclean. I guess because mom felt that she could tell a complete stranger that I have trouble interacting with people in real life. I wonder who else she tells things behind my back. I felt this way after playing Dead Rising for a bit. When one plays a video game and engages in a mindless cycle, the type needed to obtain zombie genocide too, you get to thinking bout all sorts of werid stuff. My biggest is will I make it past 30? I used to say that I never live past 30, I kind of like to live past 30.....I hope so. I've read weird things about if one gets a mind set that it will happen, mental conditioning. I hope i haven't conditioned myself so that when I come of age I won't expire.
The new collectibles are out, I wish I had picked up more then two sealed, I gave one away to a friend who got me my demonbow, I wonder how Unholy Salvation is doing? Hope no one is bothering him for gifts. I have to say the frostbite blade is awesome, the lance form is my favorite seeing how I have always viewed the spear as a elegant and deadly weapon. I wish they would come out with a axe now, that way the weapon sets will be complete.
Mass Effect is a good game by the way, I watched David play it in RL, hope he finished up soon so I can have a turn, I like to sink my teeth into it but its his game and I know I should wait too, he been to good to me lately. I post what christmas present I got him but I know he reads this thing so I'm not going to tell him, although I'm pretty sure he figured it out anyway. I been thinking about what class to play when I get the game, I think I'll go infilrator, seeing how i like sniper rifles, the best sniping I have done is in Timeshift, wear the ability to slow time down to a crawl turns me into a virtual headshot god. Lots happened since my last update. With christmas fast approaching my birthday will be coming soon so I need to thick bout what I want...Meredith got a new build a bear. I wonder how much those things cost so I know my spend limit this year....Not that it matters I usually get low shelf gifts.
I like shopping myself, I helped mom do christmas shopping for Meredith and Nicholas, it sucks however cause there is no surprises anymore, I miss the magic of christmas when you could believe with all your heart there was a santa and that you get every little thing on your christmas list if you were good children. emo
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OneofSorrow's Journel
Just my time on Gaia as well as a few things I like and don't like.
Looking to adopt a Grunny 2/3
Looking to adopt a Grunny 2/3