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Door to Eternity
The writings of your every day girl
Work Rant!

I nearly threw something at him anyway. He shows up late to work and then tells me (he was supposed to relieve me since I had been there since opening) that I can't leave because "I don't wanna run register and camera"

You know what? ********! You leave me to do it all the goddamn time when you want a smoke break or you don't want to work! I've run ALL THREE ******** STATIONS BY MYSELF when YOU didn't want to go to work! You show up late all the time and take FAR TOO MANY BREAKS THAN ANYONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED! AND WHO PICKS UP THE SLACK?! ME! I DO! BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS TO!

Don't get me started on Jamie. I'm pissed off enough that she DOES NOT come into work when she should and yet somehow manages to get 40 hours each week, when I see the set more than she does and work the hours SHE DOESN'T!

Rant over

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