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Door to Eternity
The writings of your every day girl
I've been sinking further and further into depression.

I hate it, you know? Feeling so horrible all the time and knowing WHY I'm feeling like this. I hate coming home to see that I wasn't missed. I hate not being able to stay out without worrying if I'm making a certain someone angry.

I hate not having control anymore. I think I'm becoming just like my mother. I hate it that I'm not strong enough to be the one everyone runs to when they need help, instead of having all of them worry and are sad because of me.

I hate that all I want to do is cry now. How even when I want to keep it all to myself, I end up falling to pieces.

I hate that I'm not strong enough to say "Enough"

I hate that I'm so full of insecurity that I'm denying myself again at a shot to be happy.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Nov 25, 2007 @ 08:53pm
The way I see it there are times when you just have to put your foot down. You have to take care of yourself, because you can't really help anyone else when you feel like crap, you know? I know it's hard, especially when you have to stand up to people you care about.

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