Just like glass
A heart will shatter
We each try to pick up peices
but its never whole
Those we loved are gone
We try to, but cant get them back
With each passing moment
Ice forms around the hole
We put on a mask to hide the hurt
Try to fix it all with a smile
In the end its the smile the hurts inside
After a long time
We feel like it will never warm
But something sparks your interest
A person
Suddenly its warm and your happy
But yet you are still hurting
Your heart is still in shatters
Slowly you pick up the pieces again
You put some glue on them
Slowly you build your heart again
Stronger, better
You find the real you
You remove your mask
You toss the mask and embrace the new you
That is...till your heart is shattered once more.
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Kaoru's Journal of Randomness
Just randomness in Journal Form
Kamiya Kaoru Dono
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