I have always been and will forever more be shrouded in darkness. The darkness surrounds me; smothering me. A vast black obis of emptiness all around me. It fills me with fright, sadness, hopelessness. I will never know what is like to be free of this torcher.
But now know I am not alone. I have met others shouded in the same darkness as I. Though I would not wish this on my worst enemes. I am grateful to have them as friends.
My friends are my light and my hope. They will always be in my heart. For without them I would be lost. Lost to the darkness that plagues me so.
Dido Lancher
"When you cried, I'd whip away all of your tears, when you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears," Evanescence, My Immortal
Posted by: Dido Lancher Sat Oct 06, 2007 @ 04:50am