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View User's Journal

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A New Adversary.
A New Adversary

It was in the wake of evening as the sun set on the horizon leaving a brilliant, corrugated orange reflection that glistened radiantly upon the azure sea. The puffy white clouds floated casually over the ocean in the reddish sky as it slowly below the skyline of the city. Its waning presence turned the sky purple as the moon arose to temporarily reclaim its nocturnal position. The scene was so pastorally ornamented, it was enough to cause someone rushing through the bustling city to stop and stare to the point of transfixion. Sadly though, this view did not do anything of the sort. This view had vacated the minds of all those who watched the battle between the two eternal forces of good and evil. The supreme team, The B-savers, dressed in everyday garb, stands firmly before the dark onslaught of the formally dressed, T.D.H ready to engage in combat once again. A thick, stifling cloud of contention falls upon the oblivious West Mill City as a hail of loathing vacillates between the two posses. Several impatient, aggravated drivers in background honk the horns of there cars vigorously as they're now locked behind both teams. A torn piece of news paper floats and flits until it hits the leg of a bystander. There are no pictures, but only words. On it menacingly reads ‘the fight of the century’...

Marc Styler, the headstrong light skinned leader of the B-savers stands before Torcher cocksure the leader of T.D.H, their eyes entwined with belligerence driven gazes. Bee Styler, Marc's almost twin younger brother, glares hesitantly into Hazard’s jade green eyes as he clenches his frail fists. Hazard, Torcher's right hand man, smirks eerily as the lights that lined the congested street flickered with malicious promise. Larry Octavious, the small agile team strategist stares tactically at Havoc's hazy breath and his corrugated hair. His breath condensated upon release and the city's temperature was at least, if not, more than 80 degrees.

"Torcher, how many times do we have to go through this?" Torcher smirks, showing his canine-like incisors. He smugly rubs his nose and returns his crimson-eyed gaze to Marc.

"Let's settle this once and for all Marc… right here… right now." Torcher requests.

‘What else am I here for?” Marc retorts rhetorically. Bee glances inquiringly to his older brother Marc. "Marc, remember. We're in a city. Besides, I don't think we can pull this one off. We haven't recovered from the last time."

Marc looks at him and smiles lightly. "Trust me on this one, I got this. We just need to keep up our pace." Larry leans his head up to Marc without loosening his gaze from Havoc for even in that very moment, he may attack. "Marc, use your head, this is not the time to show off. Bee is right, we haven’t fully recovered yet".

"I'm not about to punk out to them." Marc responds bigheaded. He starts to tense up and clenches his fist tighter

"Yeah I know that. But this isn't about you and your ego here Marc. Don’t get a swelled head here." Larry reasoned.

Bee looks over worriedly to Larry. "C'mon Larry. Do we really have to do this?"

Bee looks back to Marc and asks, "If we make it through this, I'm going to seriously---AUGGGHHH!!"

"BEE!!" Hazard, within the blink of an eye had taken Bee into the air by his throat. "Torcher!!" Marc diverts his attention back to Torcher. A fireball greeted him.

"Whoa!!" Marc throws up a hand and deflects the fireball away into a hanging neon banner. Sparks flew as it fell to the ground and shattered. It sent civilians scattering in all directions. Marc's hand was a little scarred, but it didn't exactly get injured.

"Havoc, you know what to do." Torcher informed as he sealed his fists.

Havoc rested his hand on the road. “Hm.” His back began to grow clear quills that resembled a clear, yet iridescent echidna. His arms enlarged as well as his torso. His whole body drew air towards it and condensed it tightly. It slowly became enveloped in a dense, compact suit of clear ice. He raised his gaze back to Larry's almost nonchalant eyes. Larry noticed that Havoc's blue eyes were no longer blue, but an eerie light blue. They were clouded with a white haze that resembled morning mist during the coldest day of winter.

"It is complete. Now for phase two.”

Originating from Havoc's hand was sheet of ice that made its way up the street, freezing both tires and a few lampposts alike. Marc evaded it by jumping, but Larry, being the slightly lazier teammate, was caught by his feet.

"Let it begin, Marc!!" Torcher clinched his fist and they began to glow a pearlescent blue. The sheet of ice placed below him by his left-hand man Havoc boiled away. His black hair raised as a wave of heat surrounded him. His hands caught fire and it ran up his skin painlessly incinerated away, his black suit, however, was unaffected. He closed his eyes as his face burned, turning his skin half-translucent with a fiery exterior. The hundreds of fibers of his blazing muscles were almost visible now.

“Time to face destiny.” The new and improved Torcher now stood in front of Marc, his body engulfed in an ensemble of cerulean fire wrapped in a pair of obviously fire proof black jeans and a leather jacket. "This is it Marc, There is no turning back" Torcher asked. He turned his head up to Marc and slowly opened his eyes. Marc actually flinched. Torcher's intimidating roaring eyes resembled blue sapphires glistening with powerful emotion and burning force.

"Some fire show there, but it puts no fear in my heart." Torcher breathed and loosened a wave of heat from his body, melting the window and door of an adjacent car. “Yeah. Whatever…MARC!!” Torcher sneak attack Marc and attempts to shoot another fireball at close range this time. Marc grabs his arms and the fireball is shot behind him, landing rather close to his foot.

Marc looks over to Larry who was still struggling to release his feet. “Larry, how’s it going?”

Larry pulls to loosen his feet from their icy prison but no sign of avail manifested. "Damn it Marc!! He's gonna kill me if I can't---Oh." Before the desperate Larry was Havoc shooting into his eyes a glare of pure, absolute hatred. "Oh, hey Havoc. I'll be right with you. Just give me a minute."

Havoc looks at Larry's feet. His legs were straining to get loose.

"This should make for an enthralling fight, shall it not, Octavious?” Larry looks back to him and smiles. "Yeah. It should, old friend."

Larry focuses all of his energy to his feet. A light buzzing noise emanated from his icy confinement, and in a few seconds, the ice dissolves. "See, with super speed comes advanced particle movement. Vibrating my particles induces friction which in turn induces heat. In other words iceman, when I'm done with you, you'll be just another puddle of water as well."

With a chilling, ominous tone Havoc responds, "Time will tell, my egg headed friend. Now!! En Garde!"

Havoc swings his icy arm down and out shoots a frigid rapier-esque blade.

"Nice sword. Too bad you won't win though. I already have the next three-hundred moves planned out.”

"Hyaa!!" Havoc swings diagonally only for Larry to narrowly escape it by a few strands of his short black hair. Larry then contemplated quickly to himself, ~Two days. Two days and he can already match my speed. I have to scrap all the strategies and start over. Ah screw it! ~

"Buster Magnum!!" Larry yells, still crouched in front of Havoc's icy torso. A beam of light tears through Havoc sending shards of organic ice flying far from across city. He flew in the direction of an old port that resides far across the way.

“Marc I got this okay. You take out Torcher. And please don’t ruin the strategy this time.” And in blur, Larry speeds off, at least 450 mph due east.

Marc nods and diverts his attention to Torcher.

“Your friend Larry. He’s dead. As for your brother, you might want to take a look.

In the sky, the fight between Bee and Hazard is about to commence.

"I, the god of lightning, Hazard, will crush you indefinitely!!" Hazard harked as he loomed at least two miles over the city with Bee still in his tightening chokehold.

"Shut up!!” Bee confidently choked. “If you're a god then why aren't you the leader? Huh? Torcher's fighting the real one you want right?" Bee coughed out as he held onto Hazard's wrist. "No one can beat me. Not you, not Larry and especially not your arrogant brother. Torcher can have the small fry. Besides, your loving brother Marc is no more than a sorry, pitiable failure just like his father was and soon he'll have a baby brother to add to that roster. Yah ha ha ha!!"

Bee looked at him with a furious indignatious expression. "Don't ever talk about our family like that!!"

"Or what Bee? You'll beat me up? HA! Don't make me-AAAAHHH!!!" A copy of Bee smashes Hazard in the back, causing him to inadvertently release Bee.

"Yeah. Copy for ya. Now, let's multiply." Instantly, two became four, four became 8, eight became sixteen and they continued until a total of one-hundred twenty-eight had accumulated.


"Intimidating as it maybe, I have a better trick than that. Watch Bee, it'll be the last time you see it."

Hazard curls up and it is soon covered by the many clones of Bee. They all filled what space they could in the form of a massive sphere.

“It looks like this failure is kicking you butt Hazard.” Bee yelled in triumph.

“Guess again Bee! You might be able to fly but you’re not going to beat me!!” A rumbling noise started to come from the sphere as many clones began to fall and poof into smoke.

Steam began to liberate itself from every gap as more and more began to fall. Then a spark appeared. Then another, then another. Green sparks covered the remaining few as the rumbling became greater. Then it ignited in a glowing sphere of what seemed to be plasma, subsequently charring all the remaining copies. Bee covered his eyes to shield them from the glare.

Then a frizzy voice that resembled a call losing it’s signal told him," Let your eyes feast upon the last sight you will see ever again. Bee, you are finished."

Bee removed his arms and before him was a spectacle indeed. Hazard had become the physical embodiment of a form of jade thunder. His eyes were now nonexistent as he could see everything around him.

Bee spat to his left, uncaring where it may land and retorted confidently, "I fear no man." He quickly wraps his hand around the stainless sword that rested on his and unsheathes it.

Hazard takes a quick, respectful bow to Bee stating, “I admire you truly magnanimous disposition, given the current situation, but intimidating it is now. Prepare yourself for battle.”

The ground was still as everyone watched the three marvels. The fire versus the beast, the ice versus the speed demon and lastly the lightning versus the multiplier. The three theaters of battle were set.

The scene moves back to Marc, who is smiling widely. He responds to Torcher powerfully, "Yeah right!!!" He placed the sole of his foot upon Torcher’s chest and pushed off, loosening his charred arm from Torcher's grasp. Torcher staggered back and slowly regained his balance. Marc, giving Torcher no time to recover, laid a dynamic right punch on his burning cheek. Torcher recoiled from the hit quickly to place an unusually strong left upper cut to Marc’s stomach. Marc, with spit flowing from his mouth, quickly leaned over and Torcher hurriedly, yet precisely placed strong right kick to the right side of Marc’s face. He stumbles to the left and Torcher brings him back up to his feet with a powerful left punch. He attempted another one from the right, but Marc was ready. He blocked it and sent a powerful left front kick to Torcher’s chest. It sent him flying into a Ford Challenger which contained a driver and a passenger. He noticed Torcher’s body burning a hole in the top of the car.

"Oh s**t!" Marc lamented as he ran to them. He picked Torcher up by the collar with one hand and threw him into nearby building.

"Listen to me Mr. and Mrs.…. whatever, I need you two to get out of here quickly or else…" A well-placed, yet cheap fireball struck him in the back mid-stride his sentence. "Hold on you two. Torcher!!!" Marc yelled as he drove his hand into the hood of the Ford Challenger. Marc then felt a tremendous boost in power and strength as he tore the rather heavy hemi engine out and slung it violently at Torcher. "Take this!!" The massive wave of heat that now protected Torcher's body burned it away before it reached him. But through the smoke came an emerald green beam of highly concentrated energy. "Soul Grenade!!"

In a slowed-down event, Marc rams the Soul Grenade dead in Torcher’s face. Because of it’s rotational tendency, it drilled his face. It painfully eviscerated his burning cheek and even half-melted a few of his burning teeth. Lastly, but most painfully, all 175 pounds are lifted from the ground by the explosion that followed the unstable ball of energy’s onslaught. It shot him powerfully into a light framed red Pontiac Solstice. It was so light that it was taken along with him into sturdy five-story building. The car then proceeded to explode which in turn caused the building to implode upon itself, blasting a storm of glass shards at the crowd and a loose tire that bounced aimlessly down the road.

Marc lowers his smoking hand and sighs in relief. He breaths a few times and looks at his charred palm. “I still need to concentrate it more. Crap.” He looks at the crowd who looks back with a stare of gratitude. One by one, they all begin to clap slowly, vigorously and then with added cheers.

“Thank you. Thank you. No problem.” Mark responds eagerly. “You’re far to kind. Thank…you.” The sound of moving rocks are audible to Marc. The people were too busy clapping to even hear it. “NO, NO!! Everyone get back!!” Marc’s savory triumph was short lived. He could hear Torcher emerging from the rubble behind him. Marc looks over his shoulder at the debris of mangled Solstice and torn building. He reemerged like a demon from hell engulfed in blue fire lined with white licks.

“No.” Marc sighed walking slowly to him. “I hit you dead on!! I…I hit you.” Marc lamented taking two inadvertent steps back. Marc worriedly took notice that the missing skin upon Torcher’s cheek was reforming itself. He was somehow…healing.

"Nice shot hotshot. But I’ve learned from our last encounter. I can now heal myself using the power of fire. Now, I can tell you’re scared. Let me help you with that.” He spots a nearby lamppost and shoots a wave of heat at it causing the base to melt. He then rips it from its molten foundation and swings into Marc sending flying through a neighboring building, causing it to collapse upon him.

"Funny how things work. It's your love for these people that'll get you killed. C’mon bring out the beast again Marc. Or are you afraid the leash might snap again?" Torcher stands on the pile of rocks and metal. He extends his arms and says lightly, "If you won’t do it, I will." His palms begin to glow white as Torcher channeled all of his force into his hands. His jacket began to strip away in the form as cinders as his arms reached degrees well above 700 and rising. His ambient heat was so intense, it burned the clothes of a bystander six feet away. The rubble and metal became red hot and liquefied swiftly.

Torcher smirks cockily and yells, "Super Nova!!"

“NO!!” Marc slams his hand into the ground and tears a huge chunk of concrete from beneath him. He slings it into Torcher sending him through a balcony siding.

"Damn him. He could not have gotten that stronger over the course of three day." A fireball flies accurately to Marc. Chest shot. A hole was burned in his black shirt. "That was a fresh twenty-dollar tee you b***h!"

"Marc, when I'm done with you the only thing that'll be left of you is a smoldering pile of ashes. Now, I'm tired of this little game of cat and mouse. I'm ready to end this. Ya hear me!! This… ends… now… MARC!!"

Marc firmly stood his ground, panting heavily though, almost immobilized by fatigue. ~Bee and Larry was right, I don't have enough power left to finish this fight. ~ Then it came to him. ~But if I were to use… no. not here. Besides, I promised my friends. But if I don’t, then who know what’ll happen. I can’t, I mean I must. ~ Torcher charged at Marc with a full scale assault of heavy blows and well placed attacks. It was all Marc could do just to keep up, with every blow Torcher dealt. Marc blocked and evaded not able to get any offense off himself.

~ I…I…I must. If I want to live tonight. I must use it. I MUST USE IT NOW!! ~ Marc threw Torcher off of him and began to pant heavily. His breathing patterns slowly transcended to the heightened patters that matched a cheetah's. Torcher inched forward and loomed over Marc who was now lying on the ground curled almost in a feeble position. "Marc. Get up now or else I'm going to kill you."

In a cocky-like voice Marc responded, "You're not going to kill anything Torcher." Torcher began to smile. "Oh there’s my boy!! This is what I've been waiting for!! The Battle Royal!! Now stand and face you're challenger!!"


He then struck Torcher in a fit of nigh-blind rage. Two more incoherent attacks then instantaneously followed. Something was obviously amiss.

It seemed with each hit Marc's blows became fiercer and faster. He found himself with a look of pure delight as he continued the onslaught, he just couldn't get enough, he had to hit harder, and harder, faster and faster. With each hit growing in intensity so did his lust for pain. He felt himself slipping away, losing his grip on reality. Then in a flash everything went blank.

His took the form of three devastating attacks that a normal human’s speed could not match. In an imperceptible swiftness of a passing second, Marc had forcefully punched Torcher in the left side of his face. A trill of boiling blood was loosened from his mouth as he staggered to the side and wave of pain ran through his face. Marc continued and with the utmost speed, finesse and power he followed up the blitz, utilizing another second's worth of time to administer a spinning back kick to the right side of Torcher's unprotected face. It shot him almost six inches from the ground. And on a lesser yet painful note, Marc has on boots. Black low-top boots.

Marc was a mindless hulk, his unquenching thirst for pain and suffering seemed to multiply with every well placed blow. The muscles in his body were straining themselves not to tear but at the pace marc’s mind was deteriorating, eventually he would lose control of even them.

Marc’s third and final attack brought him back with a type of kick that was unlike any other. He took the form of a spinning side kick but rather than a regular 360, he used a tilted 360. The front of his right boot slammed into the neap of Torcher’s neck and shot him into the pavement so fast, his neck slightly cracked.

"GAHH!!" Torcher cried upon contact. In exactly one minute of activation, Marc's hypertension was too much for Torcher.

Torcher lies on the ground, having lost most of the feeling in his body, telling himself ~ Damn!! I know I can beat him!! I have the power!! ~ Torcher reflexively leapt up and desperately swung for Marc. Marc swiftly ducked it, swept him from his feet. Using only the seconds he was provided when Torcher’s was swept a few feet above the ground, Marc kicked him higher into the air with a powerful vertical kick.

That kick had almost burned out his calf muscles. He kneeled as is legs could no longer handle pressure. The force of his muscles breaching their threshold of strength could be felt by the spectators that plodded backwards out of panic.

Marc looks up with eyes filled with the utmost wrath and pain. His wavering vision manages to capture Torcher in his sight. Marc smiled with joy as he saw a devastating opportunity. He musters all the force in his body to stand on dying legs. But even that wasn’t enough. He needed more. He moves a vast amount energy, at least half, from his upper body to his lifeless legs. Now his legs were painfully revitalized but only at the exchange of half his upper body’s energy constitution. With a vicious, beast-like grin upon his face, Marc wastes half the energy and jumps up to him with so much might, he leaves a large indent in the ground. He neared Torcher quickly and slowed in ascension as he neared his unguarded, unconscious body.

Torcher can only yell as the kick just given to him caused his body to go numb. Marc flips and devastates his chest with a great front flipping heal kick. Torcher, now spitting up blood is then plummeted back to Earth by the mere force of Marc’s kick, leaving a body-shaped print in an uninhabited SUV.

Marc lands with his dying body still holding its grasp on hypertension. His pants were burned away from the heat of Torcher’s body recoiling to the hammer-like kick. They now resembled those of a madman on a rampage. Feeling the sum of his parts, he now stood slightly hunched over, staring greedily at Torcher’s, seemingly lifeless body. But the effect of hypertension was starting to wear off; his lust was now starving and with his body unable to feed it, it slowly disappeared.

His muscles felt tattered and his joints were overpowered. Even his conscious reached its boundaries. He was coming back to reality and his pupils returned to their normal state.

He blinked once and his eyes brimmed heavily with tears of pain. He blinked once more and his eyes grew red with irritation and fear. He lifted his head and looked around at the crowd. He could feel their saddening burden of having no way to escape his and Torcher’s amazing farce. He looked to the left and right. He noticed there were small children and women that cowered once he assimilated them into his now merciful sight.

~ All these people. I…I could’ve… killed them. ~ Marc considered before looking over at the totaled SUV with Torcher on it. ~But I made it through though. Just long enough to finish the job. But still that was a close one. I've…I’ve never pushed myself that hard before. Hadn’t I done that, Torcher would’ve destroyed this city by now. ~

He staggers over to the SUV that Torcher was lying upon and looks over. He's laying there dormant, in his human form. His shirt has been reduced to cinders from his overwhelming anger and black burnt fibers connected in an unorganized web-like pattern all over torso. Marc sighs and triumphantly remarks, "I win Torcher."

"No you don't, Mr. Styles. Now your fight is with me now." An unknown voice pronounced.

Marc looked beside him to see a black guy with no shoes. His dress suit however was completely white. Double breasted dress shirt with golden buttons and to top it off, a white tie graced his neck and chest. It ran into the obscurity of his suit. The inner shirt was a dark blue shirt with white vertical pinstripes. His corn rowed hair complemented his immaculate appearance. His skin was a perfect hazel hue. His eyes were dark brown and on his side was a rapier in a scabbard lined with what seemed to be pure onyxes. He was a real dresser. His only problem was legs were brimming with muscle mass but because he was so thin, his muscles seemed to compromise his bones. His legs were thin but they contained a considerable amount of power. Marc could feel power emanating from them.

"Who are you, and what the hell do you want?"

"My name is Blackout." He said extending a welcoming hand to Marc. "I've come to replace…him. Will you accept my challenge?”

“Well I can but…” A sensation shot through his whole body as he shook his hand.

~What in the hell is this?!? His power!!! It’s greater than Torcher’s!!! ~ Marc releases his hand as firmly but as quickly as possible.

Then a familiar but jealous voice interjected, "No. You're not…doing…*cough*…anything…*cough*"

Blackout gazes at the vehicle with indifferent eyes. "Torcher, you know as well as I do. You're destiny was, is and always will be indeed to lose. Just give up and let me take this okay? Now, run on home to your boss."

"NOOOO!!! If anyone is to take Marc's life it will be me and only ME!!!" The vehicle exploded, sending debris in Marc and Blackout’s direction. Marc stumbled back dodging the maelstrom of heat and glass, but he noticed that none hit him. “Put your hands down Marc. You can’t show him fear.”

Marc does so. He was surrounded by an invisible wall. Outside of the wall was cultivated fire.

"This fool almost burned my suit. What the hell is his problem? Oh, by the way, this is my dome of light. He won’t get in." Blackout complained and denounced as he watched Torcher rise again.

"!! I will kill you!! Stay out of this!!" Torcher warned as he hovered above both Blackout and Marc who were safe inside of Blackout’s shield.

Blackout hunches shoulders replying, "I can beat you both. It doesn't really matter to me."

"Shoot, speak for yourself.” Marc stated, "You don't know who you’re talking to.”

The fire subsides to reveal Torcher up and back in action. He’s once again healed himself through the power of his element.

Marc looks at him. He’s learned that once again his effort was wasted. “I just fuc… how did he stand from that…whatever your name is!?!”

“A move I taught him. This is the last time that b*****d is turns on me again. YOU WANT THE LEASH AGAIN TORCHER?!?!?” Blackout boasts from the dome.

Torcher then barks, "Blackout, bring your a** out here!!” while evoking fireballs to form around his hands.

“Okay. Catch me if you can.” Blackout nods releases the shield and then vanishes.

Marc looks around and then looks apprehensively to Torcher. "Torcher you fool, wait! This guy is tough, I can feel it. You Know as well as I do that you’re in no condition for battle. Even with that healing factor of yours. And I know you just saw him move. He’s twice as fast as Larry!!"

Torcher breaks his attention from the situation to yell, "Shut up and-"and is cut off by a strong beam of light smashing into him sending him to the flying to the ground again.

~ OUCH!! Something’s wrong. That hurt more than Marc’s hypertension. He could’ve gotten that strong in one and a half days!! ~ Torcher thought to himself as he flew above the shocked crowd. He opened a blue fiery eye and caught a glimpse of Blackout seemingly phase away and in less than another second, he’s caught from behind in a chokehold. Blackout somehow moved thirty meters in one and a half seconds.

“Blackout, put me down!!” Torcher cried as he heated his body up once more. Blackout tightened his grip on his throat as his flames became hotter. “Torcher.” Blackout whispered into his ear as he held him above the ground, “Everything you know is at an end. Now, return.” Torcher, like a helpless infant kicked and yelled as Blackout drew his right hand back. “Now return my power!!” Blackout demanded before driving his hand into Torcher’s back. He did it so fast he excruciatingly penetrated his fiery exterior. A massive response of “Aww!!” emanated from the crowd as they turned away from the sight even shielding the young eyes of their children. Blackout took his time digging around including the area of Torcher’s heart which in turn caused immeasurable pain to him. He moaned and griped in anguish and torment but the only response he got was the “Oh my god” from the almost sympathetic crowd. It didn’t stop Blackout from roving throughout Torcher’s chest.

“Ahh. Gotcha.” Blackout happily exclaimed as he began to liberate something from Torcher’s chest. His hand came into contact with Torcher’s heart as he began to free it which in turn activated a reflex. Torcher became so terrified of his being that his body lost control of his element. They both became so engulfed by flames that neither he nor Blackout were visible.

Marc places a hand over his eyes. “Torcher!!” He yelled as he peaked into the situation several times. He noticed the ambient light above his arm grow darker and instantly took as a menacing sign. He slowly removed his wrist from his eyes and gazed with astonishment upon Blackout and Torcher.

“He…he hurt him. Somehow, he hurt him.” Marc stuttered. Torcher’s body, his flames, grew darker and Blackout seemed to suck away some form of energy from him. He flings Torcher to the ground where he skimmed the wet pavement until he stopped beside Marc.

Marc’s facial expression was a dead one for he knew what he had to face. He slowly digs into the sweaty confines of his left denim laced pockets and pulls out a red Razr phone. He flips open with his thumb. The background was of some Latino girl. He lifelessly slides is thumb across the board and presses four. Larry’s number was programmed for speed dial on that number.

It rings six times. He gets no answer so he leaves a dire message. "Larry if you get this in time, please come help me. Something crazy has come up."

Over at an old warehouse overlooking a bay, the ongoing fight between Havoc and Larry is just getting started.

“He landed here. I know it.” Larry deducted as he approached a pier. It was obvious because it was half covered in ice. “A warehouse. Hm…don’t see these everyday. Oh well, time for me to get this job done and report back. I know Marc needs me.” He approaches further but not with his speed. He walks towards is slowly and vigilantly.

A warehouse that rested upon a half-decomposed half-frozen pier was Havoc and Larry’s theater of battle.

“This is such a drag.” Larry lamented as he cautiously walked through the warehouse’s decrepit doorway, removing silky cobwebs along the way. He looked around for a few seconds. There was a scampering noise behind him and with the reflex of a terrified child, Larry turned. "You think I’m stupid. Heh.” A column of light that projected itself from the new skylight Havoc installed glistened lightly upon the besmirched floor. The second thing that Larry caught in his eagle-esque eyesight was an erratic silhouette of a spiny little demon. "I know you’re in here!!" Larry yelled gazing into the dark abyss of the old rickety mahogany warehouse. He apprehensively watches his surrounding, checking for any irregularities. He hears the scampering noise again and takes too swiftly. Much to his dismay, there was nothing there. He turns back to the light and laments under his breath, "Come on. Where are you?"

He hears the sound of something sharp dislodging itself somewhere. ~ There! ~

He turns. Less then a meter in front of him was huge blade of ice coming his way. He dodges it swiftly but not without it ripping his jacket from his body. It was posted on an adjacent wall with the ice blade still in it. "Dammit!! I paid forty dollars for that!!"

"Suck it up, BOY!!!!!" Havoc said revealing himself. He places his hands on the ground faster than Larry could react. Once again, from his hand ran a sheet of ice over the floor and the whole interior of the warehouse. This time Larry makes a note to jump. "Ha you missed.” He said triumphantly. “Now you're mine Havoc." He runs and notices he’s getting nowhere fast. He tries to run once more but cannot for underneath his feet was ice. "Great. No friction. That's just lovely!!"

Through Havoc’s icy exterior a small smirk of satisfaction graced his face. He rises from his ground freezing posture and holds his hand out, fingers pointed forward. His fingers form sharp ice needles which were poised for major projectile use. Havoc smiles, showing his frozen, razor sharp teeth. "Now Octavious, you lose."

~ Well, looks like I'm going to have to do what I do best. Strategize. ~ Within seconds, Larry comes up with over 200 strategies and tactics but they saw through to failure because of the icy sheet beneath him restricted him from using his key ability. “Crap.” He said panicking heavily. Havoc fires off a storm of ice needles which seemed unavoidable.

~ Wait, I’ve got it!! ~ His channeled his speed throughout his body rather than his legs. He had created a new sense. His new augmented senses kicked in and everything around him slowed down to almost a slither. He could hear everything and see everything in slow motion. He could hear two owls outside perched upon the edge of the fissure in the roof. They both stared in at him oblivious of the potential danger they were in. As for the storm of needles, they were arriving at the speed of a mechanized football pass.

~ This has to work. Here goes! ~ He thrusts himself backward in to a falling limbo stance. The air pressure around him was changing rapidly. He knew the needles were in his immediate vicinity. Three icy needles drive themselves past his left shin, above his torso and right by his left arm taking away a piece of his blue button-up. He continues backward into a flip. His reflexes which now bordered precognition led hands perfectly to the floor and to a handstand. Two needles fly past his right leg and above his right rib. ~ I think I might get through this! I just…AHH!! ~

One slices in his unprotected back, striking a pressure point. The surge of immense pain dulled his reflex causing his hand to miss the icy ground. He slams hard on his neck and slides back. Four more needles equally pierce his arms and two more enter both his thighs. Larry slides wildly at an uncontrollable speed into the dense icy wall at the back of the warehouse. He connected so hard, the rotting age-trodden wood what constructed the warehouse began to dissipate.

“Oh. Ow. What just happened to me?” Larry said opening his eyes slowly. There he lies, upside down with half of his body still slouched on the wall. His head was bleeding and throbbing heavily as he winced in excruciating pain.

Havoc appeared before out him of the icy sheet. "Oh and I forget to mention Octavious; slippery when Wet…" Havoc chuckled out as he stood over the injured Larry. “You know Octavious, I have ten fingers correct. I shot nine needles. Where’s the other needle?” Havoc quickly lifts out his hand and shoots Larry in the chest.

“UAAGH!!” Larry cried as the needle dug itself in his torn skin. Larry lay there, wincing with one eye trying to focus on the opposing figure. The surge of speed through his system and the numerous needles in his pressure points short-circuited his legs. ~ I can't feel my legs……I can't feel…oh no…not now! ~ Larry dreaded as he frantically tried to recover feeling in his legs.

"This is the end for you Octavious….for you and your friends," Havoc said frigidly as he raised his hand parallel to Larry's head. Cerulean blue energy particles gathered around his arm and spiraled down to his palm. Larry's eyes widened in complete fear as his gaze oscillated between his feet to the now basketball sized orb of raw icy energy pointed dead at his face.

"You’ve been a good match Octavious. I bid you farewell, ICE PARTICLE BEAM!!" Havoc yelled almost victoriously. ~ I GOT IT!! ~ Larry quickly formed two shining golden beams of energy and released them on the wall where he laid. The explosion propelled him forward, straight through havocs legs. Havoc, less than amazed at Larry’s cunning, turned around and a small smirk emerged upon his face. Havoc redirected his aim. “Let the chase continue.” The cerulean shaded orb shot from his hand in a stunning aurora colored beam at Larry with unbridled strength and elegancy.

“I bid you farewell, Havoc!!” Larry put his arms in front of him, musters the remaining energy he has to his palms and astonishingly cries "BUSTER MAGNUM!!!!"

The two beams collide into one another, creating a huge explosion which sent both Havoc and Larry into the wood enforced walls of the warehouse. “This guy. I…what the hell?” A large plank was on his torso.

“Ocatvious. I…what?” A large piece of wood had pierced his icy armor. “This place is coming down. Octavious!!”

“I know Havoc!!” But it was too late. The ceiling collapsed upon them, throwing ice shards and dead wood all around. The pier then subsequently collapsed under the dead weight and plunged into the ocean.

A few seconds had passed and Larry had found his way back. He crawled out of Davy Jones locker to the rocky shore of the surrounding bay.

"Great. I can…...walk again." Larry panted gladly but still in pain. He was holding his bleeding shoulder and was slightly slouched over. His blue button up was no longer existent. He looked around for his adversary but Havoc was nowhere to be found.

“Havoc!!” Larry called. He noticed some debris rocking and pieces of steel and boulders being pushed aside. Havoc rose from the depths and debris with a displeasing look on his face. His armor was half shattered and what was left could not protect him from much. His exposed skin bled heavily, due to the few apertures in it and his left arm hung loosely from his shoulder as if disconnected.

Larry looked over and sighed. "Look at yourself, Havoc. You just don't know when to quit do you?" He asked despondently with traces of disgust and anguish in his expression and voice.

“Octavius, you'll never understand…." Havoc stated with a malevolent chuckle, "Our job is to destroy you so that no one will stand in the way of……..well I've already said too much.”

“What!? Stand in the way of what?” Larry inquired strongly, making his way toward the battered Havoc.

“Don't worry about it….you'll be dead before then anyway." Havoc cold-heartedly responded with a sly corrupted smirk.

“I don't plan on dying anytime soon. I have you where I want you now. You’re too tired to assume your ice form again, but my speed. My speed is always on." Larry said tensing up before going in a Bagua fighting stance.

“You don’t know what I can do, my good man.” Havoc said going into a powerful Wushu stance. The pupils of his eyes reverted back to the clear icy color, but eerily, his body remained human.

“What?” Larry asked, “I know for a fact you can’t do that!! I stopped you!!” Havoc’s smile turns into a toothy, unforgiving grin. “You don’t what I can do.”

He begins to wave his arms. The sound of a violent wave crashing upon the shore is heard. Then a stronger one that breached it’s break line. Larry slowly turns his head to the water. With another look of fear and astonish on his face, he asks, “Are you...doing...that?!?!” Havoc simply nods.

“You can’t be. You can’t control water!! You can control only ice!!” Larry yelled. Havoc waves his arms again and brings a wave crashing into Larry. “See, I don’t need to make ice using my own body!! I can control just enough water to make another armor. Ahhahahah!!” The water envelopes Havoc and he disappears in it.

“And the thing about it is, this way, I BECOME the ice!! Ahhahaha!!” The water freezes around him and becomes the next armor. But this one was different. It wasn’t big and bulky. It was sleek. It was perfect for anything aerodynamic. His head plate sheltered a huge spike that shot backwards. On each shoulder was a spike that also shot back as if windswept.

~ Perfect. ~ Larry thought. ~ I’ve got him now. ~ Larry definitely has a plan.

“Here I go, Octavious.” Within fractions of a second, Havoc was right before him. He delivers a truly devastating right jab to Larry’s face. The extreme density of the ice gave the shot a major boost in momentum which in turn sent Larry flying into rocks that laced the restless shore.

“You should quit!!” Larry informed throwing rocks from his body. “Okay. I warned you.” He stands and looks across the shore to Havoc.

“YOU should quit!!” Havoc retorts forming two aurora colored spheres in his hands.

“C’mon Octavious. Show me what you got! You’re not faster than me now!! My frame is lighter and...” In the blink of an eye, a golden streak blazes right by Havoc. He turns his head and off of the shoreline is Larry running so fast, he's running on the water.

Havoc takes aim and blasts two needles out to bay. One misses and the other melts before it touches Larry.

"I got something for you Octavious." Havoc runs out to the shore and freezes almost half the bay. "What!?" He looks up and to his disbelief he finds Larry skating swiftly and elegantly across the frozen bay.

"This is fun. I wonder why Marc always tells me not to do this." Larry remarks, skating into a sharp turn. He turns his attention to Havoc and begins to skate faster.

“No, not this time! ICE PARTICLE BEAM!!" Havoc thrusts his hand out and blasts the aurora with all the power he could muster.

"That's ice you fool." Larry holds out his hand. "Buster Magnum level 2!" A beam of accelerated particles overtakes, rips through the ice beam and flies straight for Havoc with unmistakable purpose. It shreds his body to miniscule shards of ice before pelting them against the rocks where they then melted.

“You didn’t know my strategy did you?” Larry asked crystallizing the sand as he ran upon the shore. “When we were in the city and you made that sheet of ice, I took you here not to protect the city, but to finish you quicker. I wasn’t expecting you to land here so I had to rethink. My second tactic came to me when I noticed cobwebs on the door. All I needed for you to do was make another sheet of ice inside the warehouse. That would in turn cause it to fall upon both of us. You wouldn’t have a shield anymore afterwards. I’ve calculated what it can take. You’d make another using just water and turn yourself into ice along with it. This speed form is amazing but no matter how fast you get, you’ll never beat me. Really what I’m saying is as soon as I got to a place where I could run, I’d beat you. The bad thing about is...you helped me out. At some point, I’d just grab you, accelerate my particles and melt you. Kinda like this.”

“I Told you iceman, when I'm done with you, you'll be just another puddle of water as well. Thanks for warning me that the pier was falling too. Heh.” Larry remarks before falling jadedly back onto the soft sand. Within he feels his phone vibrating wildly and pulls it out. It resembled Marc’s but was blue. The background was of a truly complex hedge maze through which escape seemed only possible with the aid of a flamethrower. It quickly changed to the message Marc had left.

“What have you gotten yourself into now?” Larry quips angrily as he jumps up and speeds to the city.

“I wasn’t expecting you to beat him Havoc. Failure. I guess I’ll do it myself.” A mysterious man looms over the mud puddle that was Havoc...

The scene then returns to Marc Torcher and Blackout...

“I thought I was…” Torcher freezes. Marc looks over to him and adds, “Dead? You’re alive now get up. Quickly.”

“My…my body.” Torcher stutters as he stands motionless. He then drops to his knees for no apparent reason. “Torcher?!” Marc calls as he looks to him alarmed.

“Marc! My body!! It hurts!! I can’t regenerate anymore!!” The scars that Marc had once placed upon Torcher’s body were now visible again. He could feel the pain of those last attacks all come at once. A painful tear escapes his eye. This signified he was weakening as any other day, it would’ve boiled away. He fell over as he had no choice to accept his brutal punishment which seemed like unholy penance for him.

Blackout, on the retrospect, was feeling like a new man. “Ah. Refreshing to be able to regenerate.” Blackout said as a red glowing ball revolved around his hand before he unremorsefully clenched it tightly. “I’ve been through all of this and still not a cinder on my suit. My day is going excellent.” He looks over to his poor opposition and lightly chuckled.

He fleeces his collar, places his hands in his pockets and asks, “Now you two ready?”

Torcher finds the strength and most importantly the courage and will power to return to his weary feet. He then responds while disregarding the speechless Marc, “Yeah. I’m ready.”

Blackout nods. “A little advice to you fireman. Work with Marc, because in your current dispositions, you two can’t even fathom a dream of a thought of a hope to win alone. Especially against me.”

Marc looks over to Torcher who was obviously having a mental and physical and overall existential breakdown. “Listen.” Marc said trying to sole the direly injured yet determined Torcher. “I know I hate you and I know you hate me but we need—I CAN BEAT HIM ALONE!!! I NEED NOTHING!!!”

Torcher flares up again and flies to Blackout who had just hung his outer coat on the side-view mirror of a car.

“Sorry Torcher, but orders are orders.”

Let’s slo-mo it for a second if you don’t mind. Imagine every second was about thirty minutes and every hour was roughly a day. Speeds like this would be generally unconceivable without the help of an exceedingly potent speed camera. In speeds like this, Torcher is stationary, Marc is stationary. Everyone is stationary but the light speed Blackout. Through his exceptionally powerful element, light, he could achieve speeds like this with no sweat.

With speeds that exceeding Marc’s hypertension, almost bullet-time speeds, Blackout raised his leg to an amazing completely verical 180 degree angle and in an axe-like motion his bare heel slams into the back of Torcher’s head very close to the vicinity of the most prominent vertebrae. His face plummeted into the pavement so fast that his body flew upward. His face slowly yet painfully liberated, broke and tore every rock, every mineral from their once almost adamant position. His nose was the first thing to break, then a front tooth. His lip busted and his cheek received a severe abrasion. His body retained its elemental form long enough to melt the pavement creating slight cushion. If it weren’t for that, he may be dead from blunt force trauma.

Thank you for the brief slow down. Now regular speed.

Every spectator, every kid, man and woman eyes were riveted, transfixed in awe as one almighty motion from a seemingly frail man extinguished the wild blaze that was Torcher. His face along with his upper body was buried underneath the hard, cold roadway.
“Shame I had to do that. I really liked him on my team too. Oh well. Anyway you ready Marc?”

Marc nods with an unsure stare. ~ Damn it all to hell. This guy just… he knocked out Torcher with one kick. And…I didn’t even see the kick!! I’m not so sure what I should do right now. I need to wait until Torcher gets back up, then I’ll get his help. Larry, I’m rubbing of on you. ~

Blackout drops his rapier beside him and cracks his knuckles, hands and feet. “Marc, I have a deal. Knocking his pathetic a** out with a kick makes me want to make a deal with you. I won’t use my hands against you. You accept?”

Marc looks upon him, his request a truly baffling request. It was in his favor so he had no choice but to accept.

“Good. It’s been a while since I used my style. Get ready.” Blackout stretches his upper body and lower body doing leans and leg crunches. After several minutes of mostly leg stretches, Blackout asks Marc calmly, “You ready?” Marc nods.

“Good.” Blackout takes a deep breath and vanishes leaving only cloud of dust above Torcher’s back.

“Where the…WHOA!!” A bare foot enters the hole in Marc’s shirt and tears it in two. He then jumps back and rethinks his strategy.

~ Damn he’s fast!! I didn’t see him until now!! ~ Blackout stops and looks over to him. He snickers and asks, “Tough right? I told you I’m here to do Torcher’s job, seeing as how he couldn’t do it before. I don't intend to fail either.” He runs to Marc at full speed and throws a side kick. Marc Sidesteps the kick and Blackout quickly returns with a jumping back kick. Marc ducks it begins to pull a punch but the agile Blackout uses a type of kick or sequence of kick that he has never seen.

Blackout utilizes his speed and finesse to converge a handstand into a spinning kick. A helicopter-esque kick. Marc had no choice but to cancel the attack and backflips his way to safety but Blackout could move with it. With a simple rotation of his hands he could begin manual locomotion. And fast locomotion it was.

Marc slipped on his hand, dodging a shard of loose glass. Bad choice. Blackout maneuvers himself to Marc. The top his feet continually, unrelentingly and impressively smacked the sides of Marc body. Forty five times to be exact. He then stops on a dime. With the force of his hands, he jumps, powerfully propelling the soles of his feet into Marc’s chin and continuing into a flip. During the flip, he extends his foot, bringing it into Marc’s face and land. With the momentum left over and with Marc leaning back, Blackout does an illusion kick. It’s a kick where without moving the propping foot, you do a 360 spin, bring the other leg above you and swing it downward in an arc.

Marc leans back and does a handstand himself. Blackout missed with the well place kick but with the utmost agility and tactility, he reuses the momentum from the missed kick to spin on the ground in a breakdancing like attack and all without having his suit touch the ground. He sweeps Marc from the ground, causing him to fall on his shoulder. Blackout continues with the rotation to kick him, sliding him over to the car.

“Ha ha!!” Blackout laughs, while still twirling himself across the ground with his hands. He adds force, goes to handstand and returns to his feet with a front somersault. “Marc, Marc, Marc. How did you stall Torcher for this long? The last time you fought, he spoke of this immense power you sheltered within the confines of your pathetic shell you call a body.” Blackout angrily stated, strutting over Marc while massaging the muscles below his narrow fingers.

“I just fought your little crony over there!” Marc barked, spitting a mixture of blood and sweat onto the left pants leg of Blackout’s perfect suit. Blackout looks at it and then back to Marc. His left eye twitches with animosity and glances at it again, with no change in expression. “What do you expect you…GAHH!!” Before the first syllable of the last word could escape his blooded strewn lips, Blackout is holding Marc almost of the ground by his throat. “You’ve just ******** up, Marc.” Blackout angrily said, lifting a shining hand to Marc’s face. Marc’s eyes wonder to it and back to Blackout’s eyes which were filled with fury. “Now time to DIE!! HYA… No. GRAND HELIX!!” Blackout spins so rapidly a mild light powered shield was quickly set up to block an incoming attack.

Marc was dizzy when he ceased spinning. Blackout dropped him and turned.

“Miss me, Blackout? Huh!!?” A undying voice asked. Blackout reluctantly turns with wide dark eyes and a startlingly angry gaze upon his furious visage. ~ No. IT CAN’T BE!! ~ Thought Blackout as his unenthusiastic half-rotation was done. There stood a furious Torcher, fully ignited, with feral blue flames and white licks alight covering his body.

“You. I should’ve killed you when I had the chance Torcher. And believe me, I’ve had plenty of chances!”

Torcher smirks and retorts smugly, “So have I my old friend. So have I!! Marc, now!!”

“What is this!!” Blackout yells turning an eye to Marc. In that minute of obliviousness, Marc had him by both arms in a master lock. “You fool Marc!! You’ll get us both killed!!” Marc yells back to Torcher,”Fire!!”

Torcher heats up, his hands once again becoming white with heat. “Goodbye, Blackout.” Torcher shoots a large, powerful fireball at both Marc and Blackout, most likely to kill them both. Marc lets go almost at the last second, leaving Blackout on the receiving end of a massive fireball that seemed to grow with time. “Screw it.” He at least half the strength in his leg and propelled the fireball into the sky with a well timed kick.

Marc stands, his jaw hanging as the fireball flies idly away. “Damn. Torcher, do something!!”

“Can’t right now!” Blackout appears in front of Torcher and with no haste he delivers a powerful 180 degree kick straight to Torcher’s chin. He’s propelled a few feet from the ground. “I’m going to kill you both!!” Blackout yells before bringing his foot back down. It’s stopped though by Marc’s wrist. Blackout looks over to him questionably. “So you two are working together now huh? Fine with me.”

Marc was dispatched again by a powerful kick to the ribs. Blackout resumes a handstand and spins at a dangerously high speed. So fast, it created a small vacuum. It was meant to recreate the effect of falling into blunt chopper blades. In this case Torcher was the victim.

“Torcher.” Marc fearfully whispered. He places a hand in the maelstrom, catches Blackout’s leg and throws him with one hand, over into the pile of rubble that was once Marc’s temporary resting spot.

Torcher lands back on his feet but with his still facing upward. “Torcher, you neck it’s--Wait, I got this. *CCRRAACCKK*” Torcher manually repositions his neck, flexes it and then faces the pile of shuffling rubble. “Marc, I hate you. Remember that, but now, if we want to fight alone, this guy has to fall. I hate taking orders from him. He’s more arrogant than me and you, and his power. Light. We have to work hard.”

“He’s fighting us with his feet and winning. Is that his best?” Marc asked.

“No. He’s much more capable than this. He’s like me…powerful. Really powerful, but he has a weakness.”

“What’s his weakness? Do you know?” asked Marc.

“I HAVE NO WEAKNESS!!” Blackout yells as erupts from the rubble, flinging rocks in all directions. His suit was dusty and a little torn. His tie had to be removed for it was hanging by a thread.

“Here he comes. Let’s move!” “Right.” So Marc and Torcher decide to call a truce until Blackout is defeated. Torcher is the first to take the offensive against Blackout.

“Torcher, you’re on my side!” Blackout yelled as he ran to him with rage. “Did you think about that when you kicked me into the ground!?!”

“You fool!!” yelled Blackout as he ran with all his potential now.

Torcher, beaten, battered and bruised still challenged Blackout, his leader with hands of fire. He shoots off a weak fireball. Blackout kicks it up into the air without even charring his foot. “Is that the best you can do firefly!” Blackout asked approaching him quicker now.

“No, here’s another!” He shoots off another one similar to the large, controllable one from before. “This’ll do’em in.” But to no avail. Blackout jumps, using momentum to forcefully kick the ball back at him while at the same time converting it into a ball of light.

“No. Impossible!” Torcher yelled as he stopped. Just then, Marc comes and with his right fist, he punches the ball of light into a vacant sidewalk.

“Whoa.” Marc said. There was a giant half-sphere indent in the road that looked at is if it were burned there.

“How did he do that?” Torcher lamented looking at Blackout as he dawned upon them both. “Do you wanna live Torcher? C’mon.”

“Right.” They both take him together. Marc throws an arced punch that Blackout ducks. He sweeps him from his feet and awaits an attack from Torcher. And just like a fool, he attacks from behind. Blackout shot his foot backwards in an attempt to kick Torcher in his chin. He narrowly dodged as Blackout caught one of his flame’s licks.

“You missed me!” boasted Torcher as he pulled back for a punch. “You underestimate you master, dog.” Blackout converts the kick into a handstand. From that stance, he twirls and swings his leg into the side of Torcher’s face, knocking him down. Marc returns with a punch but it’s cancelled as Blackout places a foot on his chest and kicks off to return to his own feet. Torcher tries to sweep Blackout from his feet, but with a surge of power, he backflips effectively dodging it. “C’mon. I can do this all day!”

“I’m getting tired of you now!” Both Torcher and Marc quickly position themselves on each side of him and continue their assault. Marc spin kicks and Torcher follows suit. But, miraculously both of their attacks miss. Blackout simply raises a leg at the usual 180 degree. “What the hell?” Marc and Torcher both simultaneously ask. “Failures.” Blackout sighs.

They try it again on the other side. Same result. They then both turn back around quickly to deliver backhand punches. This time Blackout wasn’t there to get hit. He did a backflip, kicking Torcher down. Marc only staggered but he was soon to be finished. Blackout, once again easily returned to his feet. Noticing Marc was driving for him, he leans back. Another punch with lessening speed was thrown, that was the last. Blackout slid to the left and spun, bringing up his right and resting it upon Marc’s right shoulder.

“Torcher!!” Marc called, grabbing Blackout’s leg.

Torcher was out cold…well in this case out hot.

“Anything you want before I crush your skull?” Blackout asks, placing his hands in his pockets.

Marc nods. “For you to go to hell.” Marc requested.

“You’re a funny kid Marc. I hate that. Now without further ado, YAAW!” Blackout forces his powerful leg downward and Marc’s weakening knees had no choice but to lower. His body was thrown to the ground so hard that he displaced the soil as he slid into Torcher who was behind Blackout. He was now of course unconscious.

“One down. Another zero to go.”

“So you’ve done it. You beat Marc? Good. We can go right.” Torcher pants heavily, his flames growing dim signifying his extreme fatigue.

“Torcher. I can but you can’t.” Blackout proclaims.

“What do you mean by that?” Torcher inquires frightfully.

It’s been good having you serve under me, but Torcher, I’m going to kill you.” Blackout heartlessly declares.

“But I… I did my part. We set it up! Remember the grand strategy?!”

“I send you three pathetic failures to split the team up. We fight Marc, tire him out and kill him. You…I wanted you to fight me as well so I could tire you out. That way I could kill the rest of the team myself. You dumbass. You know your little team can’t beat these three. Your failure is inevitably inevitable. So I’m reinstating the team. You’re now terminated!”

“You liar!! We planned this out together!! You’re nothing without us!! You liar!!” Torcher yelled getting to his feet. His elemental form was taking a new path. He was no longer human, but a wall of pure fire. His mind had become so engulfed within the hatred and enmity of this treachery, this disloyalty, his body became one with the flames.

“Oh, you need to be mad to do that. I can do it…at WILL…AHHHA!!!” Blackout’s body took on its elemental form and the next step was the white dragon. His white body made of pure light, loomed above the city. And just like a Chinese dragon, his mustache that resembled tendrils flowed elegantly beside him. His horns resembled the antlers of a great deer or the limbs of an immortal tree. The civilians ran through all the nerves of the city from both the massive wall of fire and the giant white dragon.
All of this was done with a trail of tears following them. West Mill City had been dealt a crushing blow.

“What’s wrong!!? To angry to take your black dragon shape!! It’s anger like that will never allow you to be as great as me. NEVER!!” Blackout proclaimed with a god-like fury.

“That’s not true!! I’m the best thing to every hit this team!! ME!!” Torcher screamed back.

“Shut up and die!!” The white dragon opened his mouth and breathed in. Millions of particles of light collected and upon exhale out discharged a thunderous, giant beam of light that tore through the wall of fire and just about the whole city. “YAAHH!!!!” He shot another beam of light through the fire which tore through the ground and razed the subway system. “I’m not done yet!! YAAH!!” He shot one more beam that tore through the clock tower that was the beacon of the city. It slowly toppled over and collapsed upon itself with a thunderous ringing noise to follow. Before its last toll, it was just getting on seven fifteen.

“You give up yet!!” The Dragon asked the waning firewall.

“I won’t…lose…to you. I’m…not done…yet. I have one more trick left. The black dragon. Let’s go Blackout.” Torcher converting himself into a dragon brought a menacing smile to The Dragon’s face. His green eyes focused on him heavily.

“You’re done my friend.” The Black Dragon rose so fast, he caught The White Dragon in his grasp.

The sky…

“So are you ready to die Bee.” Hazard asked, gathering a ball of electricity in his hand. Bee looks down and waves goodbye to him.

“What the hell are you waving at me for I…oh.” The two interlocked dragons flew straight through Hazard almost immobilizing him with pain. Hazard was over. He fell to the streets below.

“Good riddants to you Hazard. Oh yeah, Marc!” said Bee as he stared up into the stratosphere at the two feuding dragons then back tp his injured brother.

"I, Epieon, the Black Dragon is free to traverse this land once more." the beast bellowed from the moonlit skies. The humanoid dragon stood about 20 meters high with crimson red eyes and enormous black wings. His spine was lace from top to bottom with razor sharp plates that pointed upward like dorsal fins. The tiny scales of his skin resembled millions of tiny blades that glistened like dark jewels with numerous facets.

Rho appeared in front of the intimidating serpent, he curling his, body much like a cobra ready to strike. "Always the same. You are but a fool Epieon, when will you finally realize your place?"

Epieon smiles widely unveiling the many rows of air-slashing incisors. He responds," I will...WHEN I'M ROTTING IN THE PITS OF HELL!!!!!" Epieon charged at his mortal enemy. He makes contact slamming Rho to the ground, causing the roads and cars to tremble under their immense power and strength.

"DIE!!" Rho cried as he shot beam after beam from his mouth an debilitating attempts to kill him. After almost overpowering Rho, Epieon managed to crunch down on his vulnerable neck, extracting little trills of blood. Rho roared in pain, as he wrapped his long, serpent body around Epieon and took them both to the air. Epieon released Rho's neck, as a reaction to the constriction that the mythical white beast was inflicting on him.

"Can you feel it? Closing in on you? Oh I can." Rho remarked murderously...

"Marc!!" Both Bee and Larry simultaneously called as they neared his unconscious body. "Marc, get up!! We have to get out of here!!"

"Larry, is he okay?" asked Bee who was shaking Marc rather forcefully. "He's fine. Just a little beaten up. He used the hypertension after I told him not to. Hardheaded kid."

"We have to get him out of here! It's not safe anymore! You see those dragons up there!?!" Larry turns his head up for a one second and looks away abruptly.

"Oh s**t man!! We gotta get him out of here. Immediately!! Get his arm!" And so they proceed to pick him up and carry him away.

Back in the sky the two feuding dragons were reaching there limits. ~ I can't hold this failure much longer. I have to end him here. I'll use the eclipse pulse. That'll work. ~ A wild smirk grew upon Rho's face as he loosened his all but inescapable grasp upon Epieon's body. Afterwards, Epieon's almost lifeless body drops fast. Rho roars thunderously in triumph as he flies toward Epieon. He opens his mouth and gathers trillions upon trillions of tiny photons. A reaction that charges them with electricity took place before he finally yelled with unnerving glory, "Heavenly Light!"

A magnificent beam of charged ionized photons shot forth from his mouth with full intent to kill. Epieon's eyes opened and not a second too soon for what seemed inevitable was quickly closing in upon him. ~ Not going to die. Not by your hands anyway! ~ He thought opening his mouth revealing once again his row of teeth. They began to glow red and with the same effect of Rho's Heavenly Light a reaction took place. He inhaled a vast amount of air which his glowing teeth heated into a plasma like state.

User Comments: [4]
Community Member

Wed Aug 15, 2007 @ 04:11am

nice story but maybe you should write a story about urs and Mara's relationship!!!!!!! and with less confusing words.

Community Member

Wed Aug 22, 2007 @ 07:43am

i agree with keiko

Death In The Mist
Community Member

Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 01:39am

i never noticed it before, but you have quite a few errors in that story. just feel like lettin you know.

Community Member

Mon Feb 04, 2008 @ 11:38pm

Nice story biggrin

User Comments: [4]
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