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One of many stories
This thiing I need you all to preview
This Naruto thing. Bloodstained Kisses/Lonesome Mood

Okay my dear friends, I must say, I’ve been through this place an infinite amount of times and loved what I saw a good majority of those time. I decided to try my hand at it. This is the first time I’ve done four things. This is my first time writing fic set in the Naruto realm (But not the Konohagakure), wrote in first person and wrote from a female point of view and used an OC. I like challenges so hopefully, I’ll succeed somewhere in these areas. I’ll do my best to interest you as much as you all have interested me, I promise. Also, the format is way off. If you want to enjoy this in the correct format, go to


Now, as for the story, it is like a romance/hurt/comfort/angst/humor. What motivated me to write this is the one episode of Naruto where Tayuya is crushed beneath the trees. She didn't have a background, nor the reason why she was constantly angry was explained. Hopefully, I can fill those gaps. The story starts off with this chapter, which is meant to be a prologue, and goes from a selected destination in time. The mood... young and blissful at the beginning, but pretty sad and gloomy after a while. I’m not a dark person, I just feel to have a truly emotion provoking romance story means to be, at some point, very very low and somber. Besides, you can’t have pleasure without pain can you?

Anyway, if you can find the love within your heart to review my little works, it’ll be greatly appreciated. Criticize constructively and constructively criticize. Thanks for your time and enjoy the show.


Chapter 1

Bloodstained Kisses/Lonesome Mood


The forest of Death. A monsterously beautiful collage of gargantuan oak and lumber that stood so tall that the treetops loomed hidden and inexistent to the sight of those beneath them. What was once a magnificently, yet an almost inoperable intricate snarl of massive trees, tufts of moss and lichens and tendril-like roots now rested daintily upon the forest’s marshy nadir. They were severed from there residence by what seemed to be an extremely fine blade. Crushed underneath this magled pile of debris lies the deadly crimson haired beauty, Tayuya...

...mmm...where am I?...

The last thing I remember...

I remember flying...flying through a whirlwind of trees...everywhere...

Whirling blades of wind being thrown from the sickle of a pallid, slender kamatari surrounded the forest threatening to lacerate me if I made the wrong move...

Vivid...I remember it all in the blink of an eye. But where...where am I now?

Slowly, my eyes open. My vision, blurry and indistinct, clears momentarily after the first few seconds. The first thing I see is empyrean night sky...with wonder pulsating through my body, I gaze into the infinite void of universe only to be answered with a seraphic veil of dark indigo. Residing within the infinite celestial pool of somber are the mysterious twinkling beads of light, scarce cloud formations so misshapen, only those with keen eyes and intuitive minds could fathom an earthly object to compare them and the fervid gaze of the silver-lined moon. It rested directly above me, luminous and bright as it relinquished all it's energy to provide...beautiful and serene as anything you can imagine.

I try to lift my neck, but just that simple motion rewards me with pain and anguish on such an immeasurable plateau, it garners a hurtful cry from the deepest pit of my chest.

Something is wrong. I can’t draw breath.

As I elevate my neck once more, I make sure to stop at an angle at which I can feel the boundary between hastily diminishing comfort and rapidly mounting pain. Turning my eyes downward to my lower body, I notice something so horrifying, so devastating to see, I fall backwards and the only force to halt my plummet is my spinal column not being able to bow any further.

What I saw...the sight that I was forced to intake was the violent and twisted tapestry painted with my very own crimson elixir. All of my lower body...my stomach all the way to the soles of my very feet which I can no longer feel lay mangled beneath the bases of two tremendously large trees that rest atop one another. Along with the bitter taste of blood in my mouth and the feeling of its lifeless chill upon both the sides of my face, from the corner of my blurring view I can see a great amount of it within a weak trill that lead from the root and twig ridden ground to the fissure where the base of the lower tree and my body met.

I am supposed to be dead, but why do I still breathe? Why does my body, torn and useless as it is, still contain a flicker of life?

Help me!! Somebody...please!! I wail numerous times as strident as my torn, blood-ladened vocal chords and my crushed diaphragm would allow. My tear filled cries continuously fall upon deaf ears but what truly darkened my already austere and dismal chance for survival was the impossibility of me gathering the amount breath necessary for me to let out a loud whisper, let alone a weak desperate cry for life. In the back of my withering mind I know it would no less than futile for me to try to force wind into my dying body but I...I don’t want to die, not like this anyway.

Please somebody!! Help me... snff Please Lord Orochimaru!! I barely whimper, the base of the severed tree not allowing much air to fluctuate throughout my lower body as well as much of my chest.

I can feel warm tears of despondency racing down the sides of my cold visage before mixing with the dry blood that awaited them below. I...I’m beginning to cry...my attempts to call for help were futile and in the back of my mind, I knew it. There was no hope for me here. My so-called partners, Kidomaru, Jirobou and Sakon are possibly in the same position I am, or even worse...

With what constantly seems to be my last and final breath Please...I cry once more...help me... What I call a cry for help though quickly weakened to a mere whisper as I began to lose energy and more importantly, hope.

I’m...dying slowly...the pain...the agony is so...unbearable. The more...I move...the more torture I must endure... I can feel my life filter away like sand sifting through my cold, dying fingers. I...I must choose, to live...or to die.

It this point, I wonder if what I always thought was true. What if he was right...what if Orochimaru had strung us all along like marionettes? No! Lord Orochimaru wouldn’t lead us on like pawns. But if that’s true, then why hasn’t he attempted to help us from day one? All he’s given us was these...curse seals...no...he’s going to leave us all to die!! Not me!

With what energy I had left in my already destroyed body, I shoot forward, breaching that point of comfort and flying straight into the boundaries of unforgiving pain. I didn’t care anymore...I just wanted to LIVE!! I wanted...TO LIVE!!!!

I drive both my hands into the base of the downed tree so briskly, the growing moss and lichens around the area of impact became displaced. CURSE MARK LEVEL TWO!! I yelled with a shrill voice as beforehand I inhaled a surplus of air into my crushed, possibly punctured lungs inflating them past the point of comfort. From my curse seal, I inherited a massive amount of strength as I begin to push as hard as I can although much to my dismay, the colossal tree doesn’t bulge in the slightest...

NO!!! MOVE DAMMIT MOVE!!! I wailed sharply into the atmosphere as my muscles began to tighten. I pushed against it so vigorously, so vehemently my muscles that had given out, or even ripped still cooperated with me in some way. If it takes all the strength left in my body, even if it takes the rest of my diminishing spirit, I WILL LIVE!!

CURSE MARK LEVEL THREE!!! Three horns sliced through the small film of flesh that rested atop my forehead but the splitting pain it incurred drove me even further. My skin darkened...a dry, more dirt-trodden tinge rested upon me as every torn bundle muscle began to repair themselves and regenerate at a rapid pace. With my last reserve of strength, I found myself slowly but surely raising the trees from above my severely damaged body.

A toothy beaming grin stretched across my lacerated face as I saw myself lifting my agonizing confinement from above me. It was so elating for like a caged wounded bird, my release into freedom was imminent.

There was a small puddle to the left of my position. The water must have accumulated after the forest was uprooted. I noticed something strange about my reflection though. In my curse seal level three, I have three horns...not two. Something was terribly amiss. Soon after my horrid realization, the calcium in another horn dissipated back into my skull leaving just one. My dark skin became lighter by the second. This wasn’t good at all. I was losing the chakra necessary to hold the transformation.

No no, please no. Not now, please not now...I started to whimper as what seemed to be a blissful, promising dream slowly evolved into a surreal nightmare from which I could not awaken from. What was occurring before my eyes, I prayed was an illusion induced by the immense pain and stress I was enduring. No, just a few more seconds...please...snff please... I begged to a higher force.

Tears of remorse, regret and prayer began to stream profusely down my face in unrelenting torrents as the feeling of my fibers slowly giving way burned like hot needles. The beacon of hope that once resided between my body and the base of the tree was slowly dimming by the second. I turned incredulous eyes to the puddle once more only to notice my skin was now of a sickly pale color and my crimson hair was standard length. I was about four seconds from my normal state and about five seconds from impending doom.

I should’ve seen it all along though. I knew I was forsaken the minute I came. There was no need to fight it, for it was all destined to happen. My arms could no longer hold the trees up so they just gave way. With nothing holding them anymore they came crashing down on my body with excruciating force. Lastly, not only did they land with a loud thump, I could this time hear every single bone in my lower body snap with the most disturbing sound...

...MMMMMM...A stifled moan is all I could give in regard to my pain. The unholy feeling that shot through me was similar to having numerous burning, rusty hooks slid slowly through point of my body and then having them tug on every sore nerve and disengaged thread of muscle.

The anguish is so mind-bendingly great I do not yell...I do not cry. I simply fall back once again allowing my spine to catch me. I’m left with no option except to give up. My hazel eyes are beaming weakly into the heavens with an empty stare.

All of that fighting, all of that procrastination; was it only to delay the inevitable? My life was wasted the second I was born.

My body is getting colder by the minute. It was over for me. I could feel tears running from my almost lifeless eyes to both sides of my face, but I didn’t care. I had no choice but to accept my fate.

I should’ve listened to you. Maybe then, I would be here. I’d be with you somewhere past our motherland. I muttered voicelessly. Even if my words were audible, my torn vocal cords wouldn’t have permitted comprehensible speech.

My eyes begin to fill with sorrow and forgiveness...so many things went unsaid and I just wanted him to know how I felt...how I felt about discerning his love to follow this path of destruction. Was all of this war really necessary? Could we really have escaped it and fulfilled our future? If you can hear me, please forgive for me for all the mistakes I've made and the heartache I caused. I...just want you to know how so sorry I am for allowing this...Akatan, please forgive me. Tears roll down my face in plentiful trills. Everything I said to him, no word was a lie.

I have my dear Tayuya. I have forgiven you. All the anguish and pain of the world pale in comparison of not having you by my side, even in the worst of times. A soft, deep male voice responds.

All I wish for is your forgiveness. Please, one last time. Sing that melody you used to sing for me so long ago...I requested as I transfixed my thinning sight upon the entity that may have been reality or another painful deception.

As you wish, my dear Tayuya...

I guess you’re gone now, what is there for me to do?

You know I’m just as and and blue

But you taught me how to love its true

Did you leave me here to brood?

You left me...you left me in a lonesome mood...

I can still hear is soft voice flit gently across my lifeless ears as find myself relaxing in the wake of his soft soothing tones.

Here alone I think of you

You left me...in a lonesome mood.

His voice now trembles with sadness as his eyes brew with tears…

Now that you’re gone

I feel so bad I lost the only love I ever had

You left me...left me in a lonesome mood.

It was sung as perfect as always...whether because it from sheer memory or him actually standing before me, it was sung perfectly.

Although I can't visualize much, except for the uncomprehensible apparitions of my past demons, in my dying eyes, I can see his blurry figure kneel before me and smile forgivingly before caressesing my benumbed cheek so sympathetically...so lovingly. I gaze into the dark void-like pools of his eyes as he advances to me. He runs his thumb across my face, swiping away the tear that was in preparation to plunge. He beams a fervent gaze into me before lacing his lips around mine. His alleviating kiss...so deeply ardent, it permeates my physical, battered flesh and continues onward to the empyrean lips of my very spirit. His warm lips pressing against my own as I part them in return and the reminiscent taste of our bloodstained kiss that we shared so long ago reassures me of our love that lay ruffled and adrift for so long. I miss him so much. If I could be with him wherever he is, I’d happily give my life for this...rather than the servitude and loyalty to Orochimaru and the little games had us all play...

His warm passionate touch that I could feel enveloping my body...comforting as the night gales. His soothing melody that played within my spirit...as natural and free as the nocturnal chirps and howls. His affectionate kiss that parted my dying lips one last time...as warm as any love on the Earth.

He stands and ,like the illusion I didn't want to believe he was, vanishes as quickly as he appeared. My soul rest only inches from the reaper’s scythe now. I can no longer feel anything anymore. My body is completely numb, my heartbeat can no longer be felt, and the bitter taste of blood in my mouth has become just a reminiscence of life. Lastly these brown weary blind eyes of mine slowly slide close putting me in the darkness where I belong. Glory, perdition...it doesn't matter...I just want...I just want to be with him once more...please...

To be continued...

Well, that's what I have to offer for my first chapter. Hopefully, it's a nice start. Anyway, if your read and like it, tell me...tell a friend. Even tell a friends friend and so on. But no matter what you do, just enjoy it yourself okay? Peace and love...peace and love.

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Community Member

Sat May 10, 2008 @ 12:45am

okay, all that up there ^
i love it heart

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