Gaia is becomeing like neopets. Sooo many sponsers.I hate it!
Sponers=Money for Gaia. Money for Gaia=Good for Gaia. Serously, gaia becomeing like neopets. If Gaia ever comes out pets that you have to feed, then Gaia would become like neopets. Also, Gaia does need money to keep the site running. And to bring us the battle system. Which brings me to...
OMG! Annoucenment! Gotta be the BS! ...WTF! Cars? Where BS?
Battle System? In June? Yeah right. After reading post form Gaia's head BS developer,Quixter (SP?), the BS developement team wants the BS to have 0 bugs on release. He said that after the BS is released, Gaia wil have two halfs. The Forums and the Battle System MMOG (Massivliy,Multiplayer,Online,Game. Since i think the BS is just Gaia's huge game).So, the BS still won't be released until quite another long time. I'm thinking (and hopeing) this September.
That's it. neutral
-Dark _ Jak