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*insert awsome name here* xD
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Go Loki Go! blaugh

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My chat with Ben after a very long time:

The fates of one shall become all says:
Heya hamim
Give me your bubblegum says:
im so happy to see you!
Give me your bubblegum says:

The fates of one shall become all says:
lol same to u
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:

Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
i missed you!
im so sorry i wasn't on for so long!
Give me your bubblegum says:
so how are u&
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
I missed u 2
The fates of one shall become all says:
and im ok i guess, u?

The fates of one shall become all just sent you a Nudge!

Give me your bubblegum says:
i knew u were gonna do that xD
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
im on the phone
Give me your bubblegum says:
and doing hw at the same time
The fates of one shall become all says:
its kai
Give me your bubblegum says:
and my mom is here
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
so im very sorry if i dont reply right away
Give me your bubblegum says:
i guess im ok too
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
the whole month of may we had tests
Give me your bubblegum says:
a whole bunch of exams!
and now we have our regents
Give me your bubblegum says:
and our SS states exam
Give me your bubblegum says:
so the teachers are trying to get us prepared
Give me your bubblegum says:
so we always have to do all these quizes and essays
The fates of one shall become all says:
poor u, i hv got exams till 14th june
The fates of one shall become all says:
i started them like 2 weeks ago
The fates of one shall become all says:
then i am finished with school for good
Give me your bubblegum says:
wow! lucky u!
Give me your bubblegum says:
i still have HS (oh look my initials!) and collage
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
im going to college in sept
Give me your bubblegum says:
wooow. im going to HS xD
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
ben is a big boy now!

The fates of one shall become all says:
Well kinda
The fates of one shall become all says:
as we go to college wen we r 16
The fates of one shall become all says:
and then we leave wen we r 16
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
then we go to uni
The fates of one shall become all says:
till we r 21
Give me your bubblegum says:
whoa! we stay in HS until we're 18. in some cases it's 17 (for the ppl with late bdays)
The fates of one shall become all says:
i seee
Give me your bubblegum says:
what's uni? wait...then huh? im confused for us...
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
no no no
The fates of one shall become all says:
Basically our Univeristy is your college
Give me your bubblegum says:
i know what it is
Give me your bubblegum says:
but ah brb!
The fates of one shall become all says:
kai lol
Give me your bubblegum says:
i think uni is optoinal here...
The fates of one shall become all says:
it is for us too
The fates of one shall become all says:
as is college
The fates of one shall become all says:
once we leave high school (at 16) we can either go to college
The fates of one shall become all says:
or get a job
Give me your bubblegum says:
ooh ok. in america is a bit different
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
i kno lol
Give me your bubblegum says:
i think HS is the hardest here...
The fates of one shall become all says:
Oh yea, me and jamie split up
Give me your bubblegum says:
u told me that already
Give me your bubblegum says:
are u ok with it tho?
The fates of one shall become all says:
yea im gettin ova it lol (i thought it had been longer since i last spoke to u, soz)
Give me your bubblegum says:
lol. it's ok. u dont need to be soryr
Give me your bubblegum says:
but im glad u're getting over it
Give me your bubblegum says:
i wouldn't want to see a sad ben
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
oh yea, did u c my post replying to urs in the anime is real life rpg?
Give me your bubblegum says:
oh no. i was just gonna check that out
Give me your bubblegum says:
i posted back
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
hehe kwl
The fates of one shall become all says:
*checks out hamims post*
Give me your bubblegum says:
my comp is being an idiot!
well it's not my comp's fault, but i think it has a virus
The fates of one shall become all says:
lol run a virus scan then
Give me your bubblegum says:
i did. hehe. but but but i dont really trust the virus thingy i have. and it just says what's infected and not
The fates of one shall become all says:
replied to post
The fates of one shall become all says:
read it
The fates of one shall become all says:
it might explain a thing or two
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
sry, i had to help my lil sis with ehr hw
Give me your bubblegum says:
i'll reply now
The fates of one shall become all says:
kai lol
Give me your bubblegum says:
i replied hehehe
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
wen did i call u a stupid moose?
Give me your bubblegum says:
remember? in ur forum?
Give me your bubblegum says:
i got confused with the RPGs?
The fates of one shall become all says:
oh yea
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:

Give me your bubblegum says:

Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
chicken chicken chicken!
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
moose moose moose moose moose!!!
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
speaking of santa cluas
Give me your bubblegum says:
u know hwat me and one of my old friend Kesia used to do?
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
tell me moosy
The fates of one shall become all says:

The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
well our comp teacher was always very mean to us
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
shut up
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:

Give me your bubblegum says:
and he yells at me all the time
Give me your bubblegum says:
and once he yelled at me so loud that i started crying
Give me your bubblegum says:
and my teacher got mad too
Give me your bubblegum says:
(it was in 5th grade)
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
and the next time in comp class
Give me your bubblegum says:
we kept making fun of hi,
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
go moose brigade
Give me your bubblegum says:
his classroom is so cold, and it smells like coffee all the time ( i loved his room tho, it had a nice atmosphere) and he had a big belly
Give me your bubblegum says:
soi used to call him santa claus
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
and i'd say, "no wonder hwy it's so cold. it must be the north pole"
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
and he also had a big belly like santa
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
lol. i was so mean!
The fates of one shall become all says:
go moosey
The fates of one shall become all says:

The fates of one shall become all says:
shall i stop now ?
Give me your bubblegum says:
it doesnt matter to me. hehe
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
ok, i dub 'the
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
its an old thing
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
do u still talk to jessie?
The fates of one shall become all says:
how to explain
The fates of one shall become all says:
yea i do
Give me your bubblegum says:
oooh oies. how is she?
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
that's good
Give me your bubblegum says:
i hate hw...i have two essays right
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
and than 4 paragraphs for ELA
The fates of one shall become all says:
poor u
Give me your bubblegum says:
i know. (
Give me your bubblegum says:
im sry if i dont reply right away.
The fates of one shall become all says:
its kai
Give me your bubblegum says:
fly! fire fly!
Give me your bubblegum says:
a pretty song. ever heard firefly?
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
when i said go, i never meant to wait
Give me your bubblegum says:
u are to know, the freaky games we used to play
Give me your bubblegum says:
wait...we used to play freaky games? o.O
Give me your bubblegum says:
like whaaaat?
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
im singing
The fates of one shall become all says:
ooo ok
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
but the last two sentences aren' part of the song
The fates of one shall become all says:
ah ok
Give me your bubblegum says:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYhFnSEFmmg this video has the song
Give me your bubblegum says:
MWAHAHAH! i feel so hyper!

Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
ignore everything i say okaaaaaaaaaay?
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
beeeeeeen! where are u???
Give me your bubblegum says:
oh there u ae!
are u playing hide and seek with me?
Give me your bubblegum says:
or peek a boo?
Give me your bubblegum says:
i know!

Give me your bubblegum says:
im going to marry you! YAAAY!
Give me your bubblegum says:
8eats chocolate*
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
omg... i need to complete my hw
Give me your bubblegum says:
and here i am being psycho
Give me your bubblegum says:
*ties self to chair*
Give me your bubblegum says:
did u like the song?
The fates of one shall become all says:
its cool
Give me your bubblegum says:

Give me your bubblegum says:
=O my messages are weird
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
u didnt read themd id u? O_O
The fates of one shall become all says:
yup lol
Give me your bubblegum says:
awww! i said stupid things back there xD
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
can i give u a hug?
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
yaaay! *glomps you*
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
*hugs bck*
Give me your bubblegum says:
me dont wanna do hw...&_& *eats it*
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
wow ben...i really miss ur daily "lol"s
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
oh lord, there u go again
Give me your bubblegum says:
isn't there any other word in ur vocab?
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
just lol
The fates of one shall become all says:

Give me your bubblegum says:
and u say u'll be going to collage &_& lol jk
Give me your bubblegum says:
ben? did u know? =O
The fates of one shall become all says:
know wat?
Give me your bubblegum says:
no...im not telling u....or should i?
The fates of one shall become all says:
yea, tell meeeee
Give me your bubblegum says:
well it's not big deal so nvm.
Give me your bubblegum says:
let's sing!
The fates of one shall become all says:
tell me
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
but it's nothing big
The fates of one shall become all says:
but i wanna know
Give me your bubblegum says:
umm okies...dont laugh at me ok?
Give me your bubblegum says:
or think im weird...
The fates of one shall become all says:
i wont
Give me your bubblegum says:
well...to this day
Give me your bubblegum says:
i think i still have a crush on you xD or maybe it's because I like you as a friend? o.O
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
oh yea
Give me your bubblegum says:
see! u laughed at me!
The fates of one shall become all says:
hv u seen the new pic of me?
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
i say lol at everything
Give me your bubblegum says:
it's ok
Give me your bubblegum says:
oh really? I haveb't noticed *sarcasm*
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
idk, i guess i still like you?
Give me your bubblegum says:
hehe oh well. doesnt matter i guess
Give me your bubblegum says:
wow and im actually telling you everything
The fates of one shall become all says:
me &&&&&&&&
Give me your bubblegum says:
hehe. coolio!
Give me your bubblegum says:
the hat reminds me of something. i was fooling around with this guy
Give me your bubblegum says:
and i mad ehim act like he was the stature of liberty
Give me your bubblegum says:
and btw, u look cute!
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
hehe ur welcome
Give me your bubblegum says:
i wonder what happened ot my pic? xD
Give me your bubblegum says:
wasn't this the one i used to use?
Give me your bubblegum says:
me no likey. *changes it*
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
i really do look like a moose =O
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
heheh. i changed it back. yaaay!
Give me your bubblegum says:
what's so funny?
Give me your bubblegum says:
ugh! i dont think i'll finish this essay
Give me your bubblegum says:
ben...watcha doing?
The fates of one shall become all says:
nm rlly
The fates of one shall become all says:
just playing on battle on
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
battle on? i've heard of it...is it the one with the ppl with brownish hair? or osmehting liek that. i think i also have an account on it
Give me your bubblegum says:
im talking to u, edy, playing a game, and yeah
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
clearly im not doing what im supposed to do
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
*yawn* im sleepy*
The fates of one shall become all says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
im soooo tired. I know! let's go to sleep! *begins to breathe deeply*
Give me your bubblegum says:
i wanna by the FF games
Give me your bubblegum says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
cya l8r hamim

2nd convo with him:

The fates of one shall become all says:
heya again hamim
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:

I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
*huggles you*
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
destroyyyyyy >>
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
actualy nah, on second thoguth i'll kiss you
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
*kisses you*
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
i just downloaded pokemon movie 9
The fates of one shall become all says:
NINE i tell u
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
what's it like?
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
u lmaoed but didnt kiss me back!
The fates of one shall become all says:
(should be 10, but they dont count mewtwo returns)
The fates of one shall become all says:
*kisses hamim bck*
The fates of one shall become all says:

The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
its really good
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
hehe okies
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
go on
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i should watch it too then
The fates of one shall become all says:
It's called Pokemon movie 9: Pokemon Ranger, and the temple of the sea
The fates of one shall become all says:
It's soooooo cool
The fates of one shall become all says:
The main pokemon is called Manaphe (sp?_
The fates of one shall become all says:
and it is also named "the prince of the sea"
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
and it is rumored that inside the temple lies the crown of the sea, which makes its wearer the king of the sea etc (I thought Lugia was the king of the sea, but there ya go)
The fates of one shall become all says:
But there is this random pirate guy named Phantom who wants the crown for himself
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
and obviously they try to stop him
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
hmm...i dont htink i ever heard of pokemon 9 i guess
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
u already finished watched it?
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
And they hv this cool pokemon ranger in it
The fates of one shall become all says:
called Jackie
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
It is so cool the way he captures pokemon
The fates of one shall become all says:
he pulls out a device like a digivice
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
then what movie is the other one? where there is a dude that looks liek ash or osmehting...no no no they thought ash was the due...ah forget it!

The fates of one shall become all says:
and swings it at the pokemon
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
and then summin tht looks like a beyblade comes out
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
what's the lastest pokemon movie?
The fates of one shall become all says:
and surrounds the pokemon
The fates of one shall become all says:
and then an aerial springs up on the device
The fates of one shall become all says:
and he slashes it infront of the pokemon
The fates of one shall become all says:
and goes "Capture on!"
The fates of one shall become all says:
and it makes a circle around the pokemon
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
and then it goes into the pokemon
The fates of one shall become all says:
and he goes "capture complete"
The fates of one shall become all says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i like him
The fates of one shall become all says:
And the movie u were just talking about is movie 8
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
wat the latest one tho?
The fates of one shall become all says:
Pokemon movie 8: Lucario and the mystery of mew
The fates of one shall become all says:
Pokemon movie 9: Pokemon ranger and the temple of the sea
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
u know a lot =O
The fates of one shall become all says:
i know
The fates of one shall become all says:
Pokemon, the 1st movie: Mewtwo strikes back
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
im no good in remembering names
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i have the first one
The fates of one shall become all says:
Pokemon the movie 2, 2000: The power of one
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i thought the firtsd one was just Pokemont he first movie....xD
The fates of one shall become all says:
Pokemon the movie 3: The mystery of the unknown: Entei
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
or is that the english title?
The fates of one shall become all says:
im doin all the english titles
The fates of one shall become all says:
Pokemon the movie 4: The voice of the forest: Celebi
The fates of one shall become all says:
Pokemon Movie: Mewtwo returns
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
ooh okies
The fates of one shall become all says:
Pokemon movie 5: Pokemon Heroes: Latios and Latias
The fates of one shall become all says:
Pokemon movie 6: Jirachi wishmaker
The fates of one shall become all says:
Pokemon movie 7: Destiny Deoxys
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i htink i was talking about pokemon movie 6?
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
u were on about movie 8
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
oh really? does ash get a staff?
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
oh yeah i guerss so
The fates of one shall become all says:
movie 8
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
isnt there anything u DONT know?
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
and BEN! u need to leanr how to be more like jouse
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
and my other pal jam
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i mean *
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
no not that!
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
stupid smiley
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
and he doesn't reply <_<
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
put some cheese on that burger
The fates of one shall become all says:
i hv no idea wat u r on about
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
omg u little airhead....
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
im telling nat on you
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
with pokemon movie 10
The fates of one shall become all says:
the gang hv got new clothes
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i want them too!
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
sry can i watch it in awhile?
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
my idiot sis i si bothering me
The fates of one shall become all says:
lol yea
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
but i wanna talk
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
u bkc yet?

The fates of one shall become all just sent you a Nudge!

I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
my sis is using it
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
the comp
The fates of one shall become all says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
wait no
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
she's not useing it
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
but she wont let me use it
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
ask her why
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
so probably wont be back by today
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
sry ben
The fates of one shall become all says:
its kai
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
but but but i wanna talk to u!
The fates of one shall become all says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
The fates of one shall become all says:
awww ill miss u too
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
it's so annoying
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i'll explain it later
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i signed off...
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:

I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
bye bye ben...i really like you...

Chat with Karen:

Karen: bibidi babbidi boo
Hamim Sultana: look it's karen!
Hamim Sultana:
Karen: yayy
Karen: lol
Karen: hi mimi!
Hamim Sultana: hellooooooooooooooo!
Hamim Sultana: when i said go
Hamim Sultana: i never meant to wait
Hamim Sultana: you are to know, the frewaky games we plaaaaay
Hamim Sultana: could u forgive?
Hamim Sultana: and leanr how to forget?
Hamim Sultana: lalala
Hamim Sultana: firefly come back to me! make the night as bright as day!
Hamim Sultana: i'll be looking out for you. tell me that u're lonly too
Hamim Sultana: and u're gone...
Karen: lol
Karen: the phone rang
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Karen: were u singing a song?
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: yesh
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: the "and you're gone..." part isn't part of the song.
Hamim Sultana: i said it because u were on idle. lol
Karen: ohh o
Karen: k
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehe
Hamim Sultana: it;s a pretty song
Karen: lalala
Karen: i like ur icon
Hamim Sultana: the carefreee one? heheht hanks
Hamim Sultana: i like urs too
Karen: yup
Karen: yea its like all hyper and stuff
Karen: lalalala
Hamim Sultana: heheh yesh yesh
Hamim Sultana: yay for hyper!
Hamim Sultana: wait, what;s hyper?
Karen: lol
Karen: idk
Karen: ur icon??
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: stupid sis. i was listening to my iPod, and she wanted it, my mom said she cant listen to it as long as she doesnt finish her hw
stupid sis. i was listening to my iPod, and she wanted it, my mom said she cant listen to it as long as she doesnt finish her hw

Hamim Sultana: xD what happened/
Hamim Sultana: oh watever
Hamim Sultana: and she started whinning

Hamim Sultana: so my mom told me to take it off, so my sis wont want to copy me

Hamim Sultana: and now she's CRYING. idiot girl &_&
Karen: lol
Karen: u got an i-pod?
Karen: lucky
Karen: lalalal
Karen: those are expensive
Hamim Sultana: no it's not. it's like...somehting dollars. i have an iPod shuffle, the older one.
Hamim Sultana: but i stilllove it
Hamim Sultana: but my sis made the white thingy necklace thingy dirty
Hamim Sultana: and and and she put sctratches all over the place
Karen: ahh
Karen: that sucks
Karen: u should get an i-pod nanao
Karen: nano*
Karen: but they are expensive either way
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: they are? how much are they?
Karen: idk
Karen: lol
Karen: but my friend has one
Hamim Sultana: i thought they were like only aroun $75
Karen: they are?
Karen: oh idk
Karen: i just thought they were like over $100
Karen: idk
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: i think that's for the iPods. the video and stuff
Karen: ohh ok
Karen: i guess so
Hamim Sultana: the newst one is about 300. i can get it easily if i wanted xD espeacily if i didn't pay the school 1 month worht of fee
Karen: lol
Karen: awww that sucks
Karen: k
Hamim Sultana: my dad pays over 400 dollars a month i think. money thirsty school! hhehehe jk xD
Hamim Sultana: but the school is still cheap
Karen: omigosh
Karen: oh well
Karen: lol
Karen: dang
Karen: thats a lot
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: the money is going to a waste!
kextira_1704's status is now "Idle". (5/29/2007 8:17 PM)

Chat with Cindy:

uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
hi hamim!
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
long time no talk!
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
u there?
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
dont tell me you forgot me!!!!!11
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
it's it's it's CINDY right?
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
*feels smart*
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
im so sorry i haven't been on for so lopng
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i was busy with homework and stuff
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
i havent been on for a long time either
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
and the long time no talk is MY line! my other friend used it before me too
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
lol hehe jk
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
u haven't?
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
my computer had a virus and we couldnt dsownload anything
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
that's good in a way, makes me feel less guilty
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
my comp has a virus too it hink
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
lol, its okay
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
you can type readlly quick
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
really? sux
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i can? heeh thnkas xD although i make a lot of errors
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
haha, me 2
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i hate hw....
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i have a headache
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
lol, me 2
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
well not the headache
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
hehehe. i have too much hw...
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
lol, how long since youve been on msn?
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
well ...maybe about 2 months or so?
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
really about 3 for me
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
actually im not sure how long
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
but mostlikely two months
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
i feel sick
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:
hey hey you you id ont like ur girlfriend!

uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
avril lavigne!
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
uhh...i cant think of a screen name.... says:
kk, g2g to dinner, c ya!
I ate your rubber ducky...I'm sorry says:

Chat with Edy:

Give me your bubblegum says:
firefly come back to me
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
im so mad
Give me your bubblegum says:
aww why?
Give me your bubblegum says:
what's wrong?
Give me your bubblegum says:
are those darn chickens jump ropeing with the ants again on ur roof?
Give me your bubblegum says:
i told them to stop!
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
like i wanted to go see a movie with my sister on thursday and she told me she was to tired and that we would see it on friday so i was like okay u sure cuz i can always see it with my freinds
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
shes liek yea yea
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
friday comes " i dont wanna see it tuesday "
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
so today im liek r we goign shes like " i never wanted to see it i never wanted to go with u
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i just lied to not make u feel bad
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
why didnt u tell her that?
Give me your bubblegum says:
so she doesnt do it again next time?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i did
Give me your bubblegum says:
what did she say?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
she just lied to me
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
just to make me feel like s**t
Give me your bubblegum says:
what the? that's awful! now u know not to trust her later on.
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
i hate it when ppl does that!
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
yea and worse
Give me your bubblegum says:
yup yup
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
ohh look its my ownnn sister
Give me your bubblegum says:
no offence but what kinda sis would do that?
Give me your bubblegum says:
apparently urs...
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
yea my druggie stupid a*****e of a sister
Give me your bubblegum says:
i know this will only annoy u..but dont curse lala! xD im such a nag...
Give me your bubblegum says:
but she's still ur sister, so just well...im sry idk what to do...but just dont let her do this next time
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
lol no its cool
Give me your bubblegum says:
if i were u...i'd probably strangle her or somehting...or throw pillows at her. i have different sides to me...(back,front, left side,right side. lol jk, but i do)
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
lol ill just do somethign to her that she will regrete ever doing that
Give me your bubblegum says:
i probably wouldn't do that if i were you...
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
no i do it all the time
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
and she ends up feelign really bad
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
but enough abotu me
Give me your bubblegum says:
well someitmes regange IS sweet

[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
how r u?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
weeeeelllll, this whole month we had one exam after the other
Give me your bubblegum says:
but we finally finished the Terra Nova tests
Give me your bubblegum says:
and we finished the Science State exam
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
all that is left is the Science regents and SS state exam
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
oooo regents stink
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
there easy though
Give me your bubblegum says:
they are?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
because our teacher gave us the old regent exams for practice and it's haaaaaaaaaaard!

[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
old ones r always hard
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
but when u get urs
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
it will be easy
Give me your bubblegum says:
seriously? wow, thanks! u made me feel better
Give me your bubblegum says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i thoguth my earth science would be hard from all the past ones ibe had
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
btu it wasnt
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
it was easy
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
yea im not sure what i got on it they didnt send me my scores cuz apprently i didnt hand in a textbook
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
so they didnt send my report card
Give me your bubblegum says:
oooh, they dont hand over the report card unless u give in all the textbooks? lol
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
not really
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
i love this song
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
what song?
Give me your bubblegum sends:

Give me your bubblegum says:
oops sry
Give me your bubblegum says:
i was gonna sen dit but i was about to send the whole library by mistake
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
by A*Teens or osmehting
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
im lost
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
but yea yea
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i toatlly understand
Give me your bubblegum says:
hehe. u heard it before?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
hehe okies. shall i sned u a vidoe containing that song form youtube?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
ill check it out soon
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i have to wait for this song to end
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
its sooo cute
Give me your bubblegum says:
heheh okies. which song?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Goodnight goodnight by maroon 5
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
its one on there new cd
Give me your bubblegum says:
oh. never heard it
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
it just came out i think but oo i love there new cd
Give me your bubblegum says:
hehe. i love me
Give me your bubblegum says:
ok no i dont &_&
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i loveee uuuu
Give me your bubblegum says:
yaaaaaaaaay! ^-^
Give me your bubblegum says:
i love you too!
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:

Give me your bubblegum says:
i told this guy not too long ago, "to this day I think I sitll like you. maybe it's because I really like you as a friend?"
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
wow thats kidn of confusing
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
did he need time to think about it
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
liek i do now
Give me your bubblegum says:
all he said was "lol"
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
s**t he probally didnt even understand it
Give me your bubblegum says:
no he did. he completely understands
Give me your bubblegum says:
i just wish he gave me a better answer
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
yea but what do u expect from guys
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
they just dont think
Give me your bubblegum says:
weeeell, i told him last summer that i really like him...
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
and u got no answer?
Give me your bubblegum says:
and i told him today again
Give me your bubblegum says:
yesh, and the answer was "lol"
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
and all u got was an lol?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
oh the answer form before?
i signed off xD
Give me your bubblegum says:
and when is igned back on
Give me your bubblegum says:
he said" aww hamim! that's sweet" or somehting like that. and he said I like you too.
Give me your bubblegum says:
but i dont think he likes me the same way i do
Give me your bubblegum says:
oh well
Give me your bubblegum says:
doesn't matter
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
hm its liek u have to drill things in guys heads
Give me your bubblegum says:
and there's this other dude from CCR that used to like me, and i like dhim back...
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
cept this one guy i like he guessed it cuz i bought him toast
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
cuz he wanted toast and he didnt htink i was going to
Give me your bubblegum says:
but i haven't spoken to him for sooo long...and now he likes a girl fromt here &_&
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
it does?
Give me your bubblegum says:
i dont know any creepy ppl cept Fafnir
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
yea this guy one imed me on aim tellign me i was ogign to be his gf
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
and stuff
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
and his freind got on i found out he was like 30 years old ugly and fat
Give me your bubblegum says:
xD lol! that's weird
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i was like EW!
Give me your bubblegum says:
he just randomly chose u?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
so yea i bought texas toast for this kid cuz i was suppsoed to give him salsa but i didnt so i wrapped the texas toast and everything
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
so when i gave it to him it looked like a present
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
he guessed i liked him
Give me your bubblegum says:
hehe. cute! and what did he say to u?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
he said thanks but i foudn out later it madeh i mreally happy
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
but liek i havent hung out with him for soo long so he was like yo keep me company when i lifegaurd on sunday
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
so im liek sure
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i dont htink i can go
Give me your bubblegum says:
aww! why?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
cuz i mgith have to babysit
Give me your bubblegum says:
bring the baby along
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
2 kids
Give me your bubblegum says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
cant its far away i dont htink my parents would flip
Give me your bubblegum says:
swallow them
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i wish
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
invite him over
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
cant he hasss to lifegaurd
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
ill kidnapp him one day
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i told him i will
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
he lives in this reallllly big house in the middle of nowhere though
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
so its kidn of hard
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
im bored
Give me your bubblegum says:
i'd rather be bored than do hw
Give me your bubblegum says:
i'll help u kidnap him
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
whoa, is he rich?
Give me your bubblegum says:
and what do u mena lifeguard? he lifegaurds at the beach?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
at a lake i think
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
and hes does it i na diffrent town sooo he doesnt know anyone which sucks
Give me your bubblegum says:
poor dude
Give me your bubblegum says:
why does he do it?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
he wants to i guess
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
he gets paid
Give me your bubblegum says:
oh ok. hehe. i'd do it too then
Give me your bubblegum says:
although i wouldn't make a good lifegaurd
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
mean either
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
soem kid woudl be drownign and ill be there listenign to my ipod
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
not even noticing
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
lol. i'd probably be sleeping or doing the same thing as u
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
lol yea
Give me your bubblegum says:
i wanna buy some of the FF games
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
jamies playign one now and ignorign me jeezee apprently there addicting
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i know 9 was addicting
Give me your bubblegum says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
what about 8?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
8 is okay
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
9 is goood
Give me your bubblegum says:
i wanna buy it. because squall and the girl (dont tell me her name! xD) reminds me of my aunt and uncle
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
yea i know u told me lol u were liek omfg that lady looks liek my aunt
Give me your bubblegum says:
lol. but only one problem
Give me your bubblegum says:
i didn't add the "f" in "omg"
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
u didnt
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
just - that
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
and thattts what u said
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
okay liek really i think i ahve problems
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
what happened?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
im listenign to paris hiltion
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
thats enough said
Give me your bubblegum says:
xD lol. she's rich right? if no one likes her how is she so rich?
Give me your bubblegum says:
oh and also, did u listen to the song i sent u?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
no not yet im going now
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
shes famous for being famous
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
ive heard this song before
Give me your bubblegum says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
its a good song
Give me your bubblegum says:
hehe yaaay! do u like it?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
she's famous for being famous? o.O famous in being hated?

Give me your bubblegum says:
im listening to that song on my iPod right now. it's been almost two days now. two days stright!
Give me your bubblegum says:
last night and today
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
wait just listenign to that song ?
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
i do that a lot. if i like a song a lot, i download it to my iPod and listen to it for a couple of days straight
Give me your bubblegum says:
and STILL listen to it a lot
Give me your bubblegum says:
i never get tired of the songs xD
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:

Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
how are u?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
im just ehe
Give me your bubblegum says:
are u my friend?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
jameis ignoring me
Give me your bubblegum says:
will u be my friend?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:

Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
lol. that's what some did asked me in computer class
Give me your bubblegum says:
he was joking around tho
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
he was like Hamim? are u my friend?
Give me your bubblegum says:
and i said uhh...idk.
Give me your bubblegum says:
and he said will u be my friend? and of cours ei replied yes
Give me your bubblegum says:
but we never talk xD
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
we dont
Give me your bubblegum says:
we dont?
Give me your bubblegum says:
i meant me and the guy
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
still thats cute
Give me your bubblegum says:
hehe yeah. i used to have a slight crush on him. i still sorta like him. but as a friend
Give me your bubblegum says:
it's not a crush or anyhting like that
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
thats adorable
Give me your bubblegum says:
i wish i could be his friend. but thegirls in my school...-_-
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
what about the girls?
Give me your bubblegum says:
they'd think i'm "bad" for talking to guys. and they'd also probably think, "oh and we thought you were a good girl hamim." and i think some girls goes out with him so they might get mad as well
Give me your bubblegum says:
and to think in elementry school more than half of my friends were guys...
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
hm thats a good case of stupid girls
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
yea thats stupid i think u shouldnt care what girls think
Give me your bubblegum says:
i used to play tag with the guys while the girls sat on the stairs and gossiped, played with hair and stuff
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
nah, the teachers might not like that as well
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
why ?
Give me your bubblegum says:
because they're all retarded
Give me your bubblegum says:
and also it's a private school
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
yea i can tell
Give me your bubblegum says:
they're probably afraid of us making out or something
Give me your bubblegum says:
those idiots
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
wow ur teachers r too much in ur life
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
well i dont totally blame them
Give me your bubblegum says:
the girls are well...they sorta do stuff too around the guys
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i do!
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
r they "sluts"
Give me your bubblegum says:
so probably that's why i understand a little bit. but i find them a bit overprotective
Give me your bubblegum says:
we have a uniform xD
Give me your bubblegum says:
but they flirt and stuff and teachers doesnt like it
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
wow still if u were in my school ud think i was in sluts r us
Give me your bubblegum says:
i didnt notice the song to switch over to Crash and Burn lol.
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i love crash and burn
Give me your bubblegum says:
lol. wow, my principle would probably die of stress
Give me your bubblegum says:
hehe me too!
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
lol yea they probally would
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i mean all the 9th graders here have there own name " freashmen sluts"
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
just one recently almost got pregnate
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i would of laughed
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
but no they haddd to invent that 72 hour pill
Give me your bubblegum says:
if she was my friend or famil or someone sorta close, i'd slap her
Give me your bubblegum says:
72 hour pill? what's that?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
yea shes a freashmen slut that apprently has issues with me
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i dotn appreciate her dirtty looks
Give me your bubblegum says:
swallow her. oh wait, she's too dirty to swallow
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
yeaa wayy to dirty
Give me your bubblegum says:
but what's the 72 hour pill?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
if u get pregnate u have 72 hours to take this pill after doing it
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
so u dont gte pregnate
Give me your bubblegum says:
is that like killing the baby?
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
no cuz its not a baby untill like 3 weeks after
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
or something
Give me your bubblegum says:
oooh...but i still wish they didnt invent that pill &_&
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
yea me too
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i wish she was pregnate
Give me your bubblegum says:
i would laugh along...omg...i sound so mean. xD but remember, i have so many sides of me
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
lol yea mrs . skistofrania
Give me your bubblegum says:
if i was in my other side i'd probably be like, "oh my! poor girl! i'm sure she has some reasons..."
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
psst yea she got drunk thattts her reason
Give me your bubblegum says:
Give me your bubblegum says:
im glad me have no friends like that
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
yea when u have multiple personalitlys and they change but they all sound diffrent
Give me your bubblegum says:
well i know my friends wouldn't do that
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
and u dont remebr anythign from the others
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
its dangerous
Give me your bubblegum says:
it is?
Give me your bubblegum says:
AHHH! no wonder why i am the reflection of Dory from finding nemo
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
and lol
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
i wish i was dory
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:
shes funny man
[c=18]Eden*Not sure Exactly how I Feel About It[/c=49] says:

Give me your bubblegum says:
hehehe. i wonder if anyone of my personalities are like her xD
Give me your bubblegum says:
maybe so, because im so good at forgetting things. i can be like, "oh! hi! im hami

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