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*insert awsome name here* xD
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My convo with Sandy:

Hamim Sultana: I heard u feel better
Sandy Ornelas: huh?
Hamim Sultana: nat said u were feeling down a little while ago
Sandy Ornelas: oh yeah
Hamim Sultana: because ur family came over and u get to see them once a month
Hamim Sultana: hehe but u shouldnt! i know it's still sad
Sandy Ornelas: yeah....
Hamim Sultana: but i only see my family like...every 4 years
Sandy Ornelas: thanks for being concerend
Hamim Sultana: hey! what are friends for?
Sandy Ornelas: :]
Hamim Sultana: i never said that before =O
Sandy Ornelas:
Hamim Sultana: *huggles back*
Hamim Sultana: laaaaaaaaa! so how are u?
Sandy Ornelas: im good now
Sandy Ornelas: you?
Hamim Sultana: not good ;(
Hamim Sultana: *
Sandy Ornelas: aw why?
Hamim Sultana: too much homework...and we have a science package
Sandy Ornelas: aw sorry
Hamim Sultana: it's ok...it has 77 questions. and part of it has short answer questions
Sandy Ornelas: cool
Sandy Ornelas: hey i have to go
Sandy Ornelas: sorry chat with ya later
Sandy Ornelas has signed out. (5/28/2007 3:00 PM)

My chat with Nat (hey that rhymes! biggrin ):

Hamim Sultana: u were on all this?!?!?!
Hamim Sultana: just awhile ago it said Natalie is offline
Hamim Sultana: and i was like
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: she was on all this????
Natalie ...: no i just barely signed on
Natalie ...: but i logged off to go on my laptop
Natalie ...: since my dad's comp. is still not letting me sign on to yahoo
Natalie ...: it lets me on the messenger
Natalie ...: but not the other part of yahoo
Natalie ...: where i can check my mail and stuff
Natalie ...: and it's not letting me sign on myspace or gaia or youtube
Hamim Sultana: oooh okies
Natalie ...: yeah
Natalie ...: it works on my laptop and my sister's comp. so idk y it doesn't work on my dad's
Natalie ...: brb im trying to update yahoo here cause i have al older version
Natalie ...: so i need to reboot
Hamim Sultana: oh okies
Hamim Sultana: will u help me with my science package? im too lazy xD
Natalie ...: lol sure let me just finish with the update on yahoo
Hamim Sultana: oh okies. and omg Leooooooooooon!
Hamim Sultana: yaaaay!
Natalie ...: yup! im back and with an updathehe
Natalie ...: updated yahoo*
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: and and Leon is hott! xD
Hamim Sultana: no no no
Hamim Sultana: handsome xD
Hamim Sultana: i miss that word!
Natalie ...: XD lol
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: lala laaaaaa!
Hamim Sultana: u didn't read my journal entry from yesterday did u?
Natalie ...: sorry i wasn't able to
Natalie ...: the comp. wouldn't let me sign on to gaia remember?
Natalie ...: but let me sign on right now since im on my laptop now
Hamim Sultana: oh okies. it's ok
Natalie ...: oh but guess what?!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: what?
Natalie ...: my sis joined Gaia!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: she said she wanted to make a pretty avi too XD
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehe cool!
Natalie ...: yup
Natalie ...: oh and omfg!
Natalie ...: look at the announcements!
Natalie ...: they're about an intership!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: ah nvm XD
Natalie ...: i can't do any of that stuff
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Natalie ...: AW!!
Natalie ... has unloaded the IMVironment.
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: cute pic in journal!
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehe. which one do u mean? I have like three
Hamim Sultana: wait no two, today's journal i have one with only Loki
Hamim Sultana: and from yesterday it was Mayura and Loki
Natalie ...: then todays
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: yup yup
Hamim Sultana: and did u see the top image?
Hamim Sultana: with loki doing the little trick? it's sooooooooooo adorable!
Hamim Sultana: the manga Loki is so much more different than the anime Loki
Hamim Sultana: the anime Loki is like so...mature...it's hard to believe he's a trickster god xD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: yeah
Hamim Sultana: how do YOU know?
Natalie ...: well that was the pic i was talking about
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: oh. the pic with loki doing the little trick> i know it's adorable isn't it? hehehe
Natalie ...: lol yup yup
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: awww im reading about ur dream
Natalie ...: SO CUTE!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: xD thanks
Hamim Sultana: hehe thanks for the comment
Natalie ...: lol no prob
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: hehehe (<--loves getting comments)
Natalie ...: lol me too
Hamim Sultana: im watching episode 23 of MaLoRa, i think it was removed from youtube so i couldn't watch it. and Loki's like *o* at the same time xD
Hamim Sultana: HGE'S SO ADORABL;E! *Glomps him* i shall name you squishy and u shall be mine!
Hamim Sultana: Loki:...o.O
Natalie ...: hahaha
Natalie ...: ~rotfl~
Natalie ...: awww ur convo with jay is cute
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: why does it say u're offline on gaia?
Hamim Sultana: hehe
Hamim Sultana: thanks xD
Hamim Sultana: u're actualy reading my convos? i never thougth anyone reads them. let alone read my journal (cept you)
Hamim Sultana: omg...those two idiot girls are insulting Loki and he can actually STAND IT??!??! *beats up reiya* she's the one who insulted him first! DIE!
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: here ~hands mimi a hammer~ use this
Hamim Sultana: heheh just like the hammer from SO
Hamim Sultana: thanks sis!
Hamim Sultana: *nails her with the hammer*
Hamim Sultana: omg...i feel like im spinningh
Hamim Sultana: IT'S ALL THANKS TO HER!
Natalie ...: haha XD
Hamim Sultana: Loki is smiling a little too much with his eyes closed so far in this episode...weirdo...xD
Hamim Sultana: jk
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: poor Freyr xD
Hamim Sultana: Mayura just ignored him and left for food
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: DUM DAAAA!
Natalie ...: lalalala
Hamim Sultana: so watcha doiing noe?
Hamim Sultana: now*
Natalie ...: talking to sandy
Natalie ...: she's feeling down
Hamim Sultana: aww why?
Natalie ...: cause her fam. came over this weekend but now they're leaving
Natalie ...: and she only gets to see them once a month
Hamim Sultana: aww, but she should be happy. at least she could see them once a month
Hamim Sultana: it's not every four years like me
Natalie ...: yeah
Hamim Sultana: is she still down?
Hamim Sultana: oh! help me with my homework xD
Hamim Sultana: lala
Natalie ...: lol ok
Natalie ...: nah she feels better now
Hamim Sultana: yaaay!
Hamim Sultana: how?
Natalie ...: idk XD we started talking about something else
Hamim Sultana: hehehe. im talking to her too right now
Hamim Sultana: did u notice a difference in my avi??
Natalie ...: nope let me go check in a bit
Hamim Sultana: okies
Natalie ...: hehe u have a boquet i gave ya?
Natalie ...: and u changed ur hair again
Natalie ...: and dress
Hamim Sultana: hehe yesh but hse's aslo sitting...i dont htink i want her sitting down anymore
Hamim Sultana: wait is it ok with her sitting?
Natalie ...: i don't see her sitting
Hamim Sultana: ...odd...
Hamim Sultana: but she is.
Natalie ...: oh im not sure cause i can't see her
Hamim Sultana: oh okies. lalal nvm. xD
Hamim Sultana: i still need 4k more
Natalie ...: i need a whole bunch too
Natalie ...: i think imma make a new profile but just for money XD
Hamim Sultana: IT'S GOING UP AGAIN!
Hamim Sultana: sis! can i ask masute4sas
Hamim Sultana: nothing
Natalie ...: masute4sas?
Hamim Sultana: i said nothing. i put censored the actual message xD
Hamim Sultana: but the nonsense looks like it's an actuale word or something
Hamim Sultana: more like a username
Hamim Sultana: anyways, can u help me with my homework?
Natalie ...: lol sure
Natalie ...: what do u need help in?
Hamim Sultana: oh and yeah, i made a second account just for money xD
Hamim Sultana: science -O
Hamim Sultana: =O*
Natalie ...: lol ok
Natalie ...: ask away
Hamim Sultana: i am worht 76,746
Hamim Sultana: oh sry
Hamim Sultana: let me get a pencil
Natalie ...: lol k
Hamim Sultana: grrrrrrrr
Hamim Sultana: wat's witht he pencils???
Hamim Sultana: my mom broke one this morning
Hamim Sultana: and then she took another one and lost it
Hamim Sultana: oh nvm found it
Hamim Sultana: one complete cycle of the phases of the moon takes about one year right?
Natalie ...: O.O idk
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: uh... what exactly is the topic u need help on
Natalie ...: ?
Hamim Sultana: err...it's a whole package so it has about 77 questions...xD
Hamim Sultana: nvm
Hamim Sultana: i'll do it
Hamim Sultana: it has to be a year
Natalie ...: oh lol ok
Natalie ...: well im not sure cause i think we have differen't science subjects
Natalie ...: i don't think i learned anything about like outerspace and stuff
Natalie ...: the teacher last year was a lazzy guy and didn't teach us anything >_>
Hamim Sultana: wat?
Hamim Sultana: then wat about the tests?
Hamim Sultana: or he just coldn't teach properly?
Natalie ...: he didn't teach anything -_-
Natalie ...: he just put on the same "bill nye" videos over and over again
Hamim Sultana: bill nye?
Natalie ...: and the tests were almost exactly the same every fri except for some added questions here and there
Natalie ...: and ppl still failed them
Natalie ...: >_>mostly cause no one learned anything
Hamim Sultana: xD omg, u poor unfortunate souls
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: yesh yesh ~sniff, sniff~ pitty me
Natalie ...: lol jk
Hamim Sultana: hehe
Hamim Sultana: man my head hurts...
Hamim Sultana: should i just guess the answers? xD
Natalie ...: XD yeah maybe
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: just use logic
Natalie ...: i mean it shouldn't be that hard
Natalie ...: ask another question
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: it's the old regents test...it should be hard...
Hamim Sultana: i only need 7 questions. 70 more to go. woohooo!....
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: i feel so depressed today!
Natalie ...: y?
Hamim Sultana: idk...
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: can i talk to u later?
Natalie ...: ok?
Natalie ...: u need to go?
Natalie ...: my bro is here....
Natalie ...: and my mom is arguing with him about my cuz....
Natalie ...: ~sigh~
Hamim Sultana: im back
Hamim Sultana: no i didnt have to go. but i wanted to get away from the comp for awhile
Hamim Sultana: im sry to hear that
Natalie ...: it's ok
Natalie ...: .... i think im going to go in a bit
Natalie ...: im not in the mood for much right now....
Hamim Sultana: neither am i
Hamim Sultana: i hope u feel better
Natalie ...: yeah.... same here
Natalie ...: later
Hamim Sultana: bye
Natalie ... has signed out. (5/28/2007 3:55 PM)

What I posted on CCR's Anime is Real-life RPG:

*is afraid to speak. but in this case, type*

You guys hate me don't you? sad I've been very busy and I almost forgot about this RPG. And well...I'm sure everyone form the other RPGs I joined hates me too. I feel so terrible. I feel like a traitor. Will you guys forgive me? And do you want me to come back or leave? I can understand if you want me to leave because I haven't been active for like 5 months now? o.O I feel terrible. I'm very very very sorry. I feel so embarrassed. I had to force myself to post...

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