i have not been this happy |
* Listening to: Fujiya & Miyagi, Moby, The Seea and Cake * Reading: Fight Club, Campbell Biology, NYT Science * Eating: sometimes * Drinking: often
since the time i puked bile all over that nurse and, no, i'm not being sarcastic that was a happy day as is this one because i am free and awesome and $20 up and my ear is bleeding only a little
we have plans for a dastardly deed, yes indeed twill b epic, i'll be cryptic: ******** the police
i had the epiphany recently that i was smoking crack when i said my life was boring sometimes i wish it was a little more normal but, lately, it's making a 180 turn and i'm glad it's cool again rather than creepy and depressing and what the ******** i really need to write a book i wouldn't even have to lie that much it's jim carrol minus the heroin (and substituted with other drama)
i mean, what does it say about me that i can't even elaborate here hell, when have i ever been able to tell the truth to authority figures/friends? because the weirdness
...the things i've done by 16 don't happen to most people for a while i'm not really bragging, i just wish i could be me without being paranoid i'll have to wait till i'm 25 to brag about what a bad kid i was/still am
you know, i used to be all pompous and superior about people who talked about themselves too much or reminisced all the damn time about "life is beautiful" and "blah blah blah me me me it's all about me" like "can't you produce anything original" but i think my actions are my greatest masterpiece & mostly i don't give a s**t anymore
BOTTOM LINE: i've aged more in the past 12 months than the entire rest of my life, you viddy?
and if you think this is incoherent or juvenile then just blame it on the insomnia, it works for me
Boy Nancy · Mon Jul 02, 2007 @ 08:53am · 0 Comments |
the sad story of pancakes for 1 |
* Listening to: i'm so lazy * Reading: that when the light burnt out in my room * Watching: i brought in a lamp * Playing: and when the lamp died * Eating: i moved next door * Drinking: and haven't looked back since
the moral: move next door or sleep in a closet or something all the cool kids are doing itttt
(i had to sleep in a closet when we first moved here; it was the best of sleep it was the worst of sleep and it changes your perspective and dreaming 4ever)
i have some kind of cold that is specific to your ears and it feels like i just got off a plane and my eardrums are like POOFPOOF and it is incredibly hard to walk a straight line
i r bored and antsy i wanna go for a walk, even though i can't, but hey that just makes it all the more interesting and makes my neighborhood watch me out their curtainless privacy-less windows even more and go "is that hoodlem homeless?" i love it when they do that it makes me think of people turning their noses up with monocles and all the time saying "preposterous!!!" harharharr
i think i'm going to put some pants on nd go hairdye hunting i miss purple hair and hey i haven't gone 2 underground for a while, either AND OMGOMGOMG I 4GOT ABOUT FRED i need to find him and call some ppl (namely MT and IV) and share my awe-inspiring NEWS but first thing's first, what is a better accent color: fishbowl or pixie pink (in terms of ultraviolent purple and unihawks)
PS: yes again w/ the poetic chatspeak PSS: omg i think this is the first online journal-y thing I'll post on facebook, too! PSSS: too all those reading this on facebook and going wtf? this is how i write all my journals usalmente
Boy Nancy · Sat Dec 23, 2006 @ 04:05am · 0 Comments |
acronym addicts anonymous |
yet another moment of candor!
and it appears that poetic chatspeak is back and better than evr
but checkitout so it went down like this: life happens sometimes
and i get boreddddd and then i do something stupidddd and somehow i'm speaking in a british accent for an entire week? and running from who i percieve 2b be the cops but is actually just some dude and ohno now i lost my droogie and our s**t don't work no more but ib workin on that part
anyhow yeah life is boring l8tely, xcept thypweth came ovr fry-dizzle 2work on our project nd like there was much merrymaking xcept not relly just typing and the talking of scripts in2 microphones
but i went 4a walk and ran in2 my writer friend @ starbucks nd he was all like "talktalktalk" nd i get this feeling that he is a world-renowned writer of erotica and i'll see one of his books one day and i'll b like "wtf fred?" and his fans will b like "wtf u no fred?" nd i'll b like "i knew it!!!"
so i had a dream: a big yellow-painted brick castle that was being attacked by ghosts i lived in it and i was sometimes a little 8-year-old nephew and sometimes a 30 year old batty aunt that every1 hated and was sometimes possessed and i would half wake up from it and i'd be sitting up in my bed in my room except it was yellow and with thousand foot high ceilings and being bseiged by ghosts and there were bloodrips shivering on the walls and the nephew was narrating "i don't like it when there is spaghetti on the walls but my aunt likes it it makes her feel special"
Boy Nancy · Fri Dec 15, 2006 @ 04:51am · 0 Comments |
* Listening to: I wish people were more like horses * Reading: So that when we're too far gone, * Watching: Someone can just say "put 'er down" * Playing: And put an end to this tedious bullshit * Eating: Without my having to ask * Drinking: Because I don't want to know when I'm about to go
In the event of my horiffic death, doctors, please use this account to diagnose the pestilence I have inadvertently unleashed upon mankind:
All of the week prior to Thanksgiving: I have this irritating, painful lump in my mouth that the dentist calls pericornitis that won't go away, and a persistent cold. I'm coughing, dizzy, headaching, and sleeping all day.
Friday: I'm sitting around with my droogie QM at 4 in the morning, when I realize that I have a GIANT SORE inside my mouth exactly like my old pericornitis but on the opposite side.
Saturday: I walk out of the shower to discover that I'm BLEEDING OUT OF MY EAR. The same ear I ruptured two years ago and, four q tips that look more like tampons later, the krovvy will not stop.
So I went to the ER and they're like "I have no idea go home." The next morning my eyelids swell up to science fiction porportions, and it takes hours of cucumber slices and frozen tea bags to get them down to looking like I had a really rough night. Even then I wore sunglasses all day just so people wouldn't think I'm on heroin.
And then I'm late to school Monday morning because I've spent a majority of my morning leaning over the sink, spitting blood.
And now, my neck and jawline are covered in hives, and I'm limping everywhere because my leg hurts like I've had a massively muscle-ripping football injury.
Oh and my thighs are bruised.
(I apologize if I will be the typhoid mary of some new zombie outbreak. To all those I bite: bear in mind it was my lifelong dream)
Boy Nancy · Wed Nov 29, 2006 @ 11:37pm · 0 Comments |
* Listening to: Ow
Guess where I'm going.
The emergency room.
I'm bleeding out my ears again. Jealous?
Boy Nancy · Wed Nov 29, 2006 @ 11:35pm · 0 Comments |
twitch if you need medical attention |
* Listening to: This one time * Reading: I dreamt that * Watching: I was dead * Playing: And you probably were too * Eating: And I floated all over our decapit8ion * Drinking: In the not-afterlife
4 open sores on one hand + 1 day left + 6 miles + infinite freedom of insanity =
i predict an interesting turkey day
multiplied by twenty bucks
i intend to dissappear
if u slooshy what yo digo u comprendo what i be expressificatin yeah
i got i got i got i gotta get outttt
i had a weekend twas the best of times twas the not best of times twas the wierd most ever
check czech chuk ckeck it u best check yoself yolk eggs noggs noggin snoggin
Boy Nancy · Wed Nov 29, 2006 @ 11:35pm · 0 Comments |
* Listening to: The clicking clicking clicking * Reading: The buzzing buzzing buzzing * Watching: The bubbling bubbling bubbling * Playing: The gears a-turning turning turning * Eating: Of my newly working frothing burping * Drinking: Brain
I sleep again! I sleep again! O, golly gee! O, giddy me! I sleep again! I dream and drift and see again!
It's wierd how my insomnia gets moody like that. On again off again on again, like PMS except much fatal-er. And it actually happens to me.
I wish I could send daylight savings a thankyou card. I think this is my first moment of clarity in maybe three months.
Dream (that I had while sleeping!): -I had this epic dream that I was going to Dolphinschool and everything was half-flooded and for one period of the day you had to teleport to Alaska to go to Dolphinclass which was conducted by this teensy tiny cute little 1/2 black 1/2 chinese lady who spoke in Dolphin signlanguage and taught us how to do "razzzberries" which is this style of walking/swimming/kung-fu that makes you stronger and burn more calories and it makes the dolphins more confortable around you when you infiltrate their culture to steal their technology. Because that's the point of dolphin school: to live among them.
I hate dolphins.
-My house was that kraziness infinite castle thing except also my house and somtimes filled with jelly that was full of infinite houseguests who were all Walters and Warrens. I was running running all day long in videogame perspective and sometimes wiggling all around like when you play with the joystick, on autorun or numlock or what have you, picking up all these styrofoam plates and cigarette butts and dirtpapers and things. The catch: there is no trash can, so to clean up I have to eat all the garbage. The cigarette butts were something like stale white cheese doodles that dissolved in your mouth like ricepaper, I started to like it after my first few handfuls.
O thank goodness god I sleep again!
Boy Nancy · Tue Oct 31, 2006 @ 03:02am · 0 Comments |
* Listening to: Your breath at night * Reading: Your thoughts * Watching: You undress * Playing: With your heart * Eating: Your soul * Drinking: Blood
Now in semi-chronological order!
So it turns out Mr. Moore wears his stunna glasses @ nite. He told Smelleanor and I on Tuesday that he'd been standing behind us the entire time we was @ The Hold Steady show.
A Why wouldn't you say hello? B Who wears sunglasses inside a bar @ 2 AM? C And a baseball hat? D I didn't know teachers could be cool
I mean, maybe pigs can fly, but I didn't expect to see it in my lifetime.
Ivy and I went dumpster diving and so on but I couldn''t find the matching Doc Marten. PS I still have your pants.
I developed devious plans for miscief night. Expect mischief making. That involves bologna and a certain ex-neighbor's car.
And a certain Catholic school that I've always wanted to tag.
Problem is I'm not sure how I can sneak out of a security system'd house. The upstairs isn't as monitored, but the windows are hard to open and there's nothing good to jump onto anyway. I'm just going to have to depend on my parents being unobservant.
And also I feel like I have to have a sophisticated tag before I take on major turf. I haven't really developed my skills yet, but I'm working on it.
Then I snorted cheesepowder and graham crackers. Cy: You'd better put that video on youtube.
I'm thinking of having and unofficial photoshoot with whoever I can find to come with me this weekend. I dont' need models or anything, there's just a cetain part of town I want to photo that I won't walk through alone.
And next weekend: dredlock party?
Something new needs to happen with my hair.
It's pregnancy season.
Hahaha I'm dying of insomnia.
Boy Nancy · Thu Oct 19, 2006 @ 02:58am · 0 Comments |
hay dudes
yeah i have no life nd i can't seem 2 get 1 ne body want 2 share? b cause the moral of the past month seems to have been if at first you don't succeed, fail, fail again
nd i'm down with failure for a while but it's srsly not funny nemor
so, ATTN: god cut it out pls
haha i'mma big queer but i can't even get laid by gay guys whats up with that?
i'm a hypocrite, tho bein all lonely when boy wonder is doing all he can to stalk me 2 all those reading: i will accept negative attention from every1 i will accept positive attention from ne1 except the nerdly little fledglings i always take under my wings to teach how to flyyyy into the world of social skills
stop falling for me, grasshoppas, im here to help you, not steal your virginity
nd that's my incoherent story for this week or something
PS i'm going 2 a show in like 1.5 hrs who wants 2 come?
PSS i'll probably b able 2 submist something over the 4 day weekend i have a lot i've been working on
Boy Nancy · Sat Oct 07, 2006 @ 01:44am · 0 Comments |