Thoughts on Life--My Journal |
Hey there. I'm ShortSunnyDays. I like books, movies, music, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings. I just use this journal to keep my thoughts in order. |
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Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 @ 02:10am
some serious thinking...
I've been thinking about college today. I'm going to VA Tech in the fall, but I was just realizing today that I've really wanted to be at VCU more than at VA Tech. I was automatically accepted into VCU's school of engineering, but I'm stuck with University Studies at VA Tech, not engineering. So, I'm mad at VA Tech for that. So today, during dinner, I was thinking to myself (as I always do) that I'll just transfer to VCU after the fall semester and go there. So what if I'm one of the few (if not only) to leave VA Tech for VCU, a school that's not as prestigious (there goes me using a big word, haha) as VA Tech? Even though both VCU and VA Tech were both my first choices, I realized that VCU was more of a first choice than VA Tech was. I was all disappointed that I didn't get into VA Tech's engineering school right away. Plus, if I go to VCU, I'll be close to home, my friends and family. Even if at least some of my friends go off somewhere else after their graduation, maybe I'll be happy at VCU. I'll still know people at home in Richmond, and I know some people who have decided to go to VCU for college....hmmm...
Community Member
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 @ 03:02pm
Just when I was feeling better this morning, I remembered, after I got to the help desk to work there, that I had forgottan that I had to do NHS tutoring. eek I don't know what time I got to the library, but I didn't know what to do when I realized that I had forgottan about NHS tutoring. I've tutored the other times I was supposed to tutor, and even though they said it was ok if we missed one session, we're supposed to tutor for a certain amount of hours for NHS. I didn't get anyone to substitute for me, so that'll be a problem. I don't know what I'll do if I'm confronted by one of the NHS sponsors. If I tell them that I forgot, then they'll probably be mad, or maybe upset. sweatdrop I mean I've gone to all the other times I was supposed to tutor, so I guess it'll be ok. I could lie and make up and excuse, but it might backfire, and plus, I'll feel bad about lying. sad I had to take my sister to school this morning, and I was stuck in traffic, so I could use that as my excuse, biggrin but then I didn't get to school very late, so I dunno how that as an excuse will work out. confused If I am confronted, I can just be honest and say that I forgot about it. I have had a lot on my mind, with college applications, and homework, and everything I have to worry about. My mom's out of town until next Sunday, so I have to take my sister to school almost every morning, and I stay up late doing homework, among other things. I have things after school to do. stressed Good grief, I've had too much on my mind. cry
I have to stay after school for a spanish club meeting. stare
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 @ 05:39pm
today things are....going. I've been in a kinda-depressy mood since yesterday, 'cause as of right now, I have a C, and that'll go on my interim, and my parents will know, and they'll have a fit, since I had an A on my last interim. But I probably bring up that C to a B at least by the end of the semester. But that's pretty much it.
I've felt a little better since yesterday, but I'm still all depressy-like. I can cleary explain to my dad (my mom's out of town) when I get my interim on Monday that I can bring up my grade, 'cause I can, and I will. But I don't know how I can handle my dad's reaction and questioning when he sees that C. I have mostly A's...I think I have a B, but I'm not sure...
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Community Member
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 @ 08:03pm
*grumble grumble grumble*
ok, so I'm in a bad mood. I mean, I've been able to make myself feel better. I was working at the Help Desk today during AE, and this girl I'm friends with and I were laughing pretty hard blaugh . We were bored, and she was writing "kick me" and "I love you" on post-its. We were cracking up over it. I felt better from that, since I was really, truly laughing. Laughter really is the best medicine. It made me feel a little better. But now I'm back to being kinda depressed.
The reason behind this is that I've currently got a C in spanish. My teacher hasn't put in grades for all my assignments yet, so my C (it's an 80 right now, so it's ok) hopefully will get better. my semester grade is currently a B, so that's not bad. For the semester, I have a pretty good B, so I'm not incredibly worried. We had a quiz today in spanish class. I think I did good for not having studied the night before since I didn't know about it until the nite before. I managed to finish my homework and turn it in before the bell rung, so hopefully I won't get points taken off for it being late. There was another page that my spanish teacher gave us that I think we were supposed to do, but not for homework. The only thing we had to do was this other sheet that had questions on it about the poem we just did. I really hope I got at least a high C (like a 84 at least) on that quiz. Maybe it'll help my grade some. I think I'll be ok.
Now my english grade has dropped to a D, but that's because my english teacher hasn't put in all of my grades in yet. I'm going to see her today after school and ask her about it.
Wow, I feel better after ranting here, but not significantly better. I always feel better after ranting and writing in at least one of my journals, though. My parents will probably be upset about my C in spanish, but I can reassure them that I can get my grade up (which I can do at least with my make-up project that I have to do over christmas break). Well, that's all for now. biggrin
Community Member
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 @ 02:39pm
what a great day....
My day could not get any better...well, actually, it could. But don't spoil my moment right now.
First of all, my friend Sofiat tells me that us two are off the hook about our summer projects. See, we had done our Immersion summer projects together, and ours were exactly the same. (We weren't the only ones in our immersion class who had worked on the summer with other people, but ours were apparently exactly the same.) Now, see, before we explained our case to our immersion teacher and Mr. Mey (our grade-level assistant principal), it looked like we had cheated, which we didn't. We had worked on it together. Luckily, our immersion teacher didn't take it to Mr. Mey. Sofiat told me that our immersion teacher, Ms. Stephens, had said that we would get new projects to make-up for our summer projects. I'll find out everything when I see Ms. Stephens later for Study Hall. But I am so glad, so relieved that this situation didn't go any farther than just between Ms. Stephens, Sofiat, me, and Mr. Rankin, the guy in charge of immersion.
The other thing that has made my day (so far) is Ms. Stephens let us have a free day in spanish class today. She asked us if any of us feels overwhelmed and stressed out. We all said so, so she let us have a free day today in spanish class. Yes! No spanish literature for today! Everyone's doing homework...except me. I haven't felt like working...yet. I'm going to work on my history project after this.